Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (2024)

Imagine a world where every wall tells a story, every corner whispers an idea – that’s the power of cool poster designs.

They’re not just pieces of paper; they’re canvases of creativity, bursting with color, life, and messages that stick with you. Whether it’s for a gig, a protest, or just a splash of art in your living room, posters have the power to captivate and communicate.

In this dive into the vibrant world of poster art, we’re unraveling the secrets behind creating impactful designs.

From the psychology of color and the finesse of typography to the bold statements of graphic illustrations, we’re covering it all.

You’ll learn about blending retro charm with modern trends, the art of minimalism, and how to make your posters not just seen but felt.

Table of contents

  • Diverse Poster Design Styles
    • Retro and Vintage Poster Designs
    • Minimalist and Geometric Designs
    • Modern Poster Art
    • Creative Poster Ideas
    • Trendy Wall Art
    • Innovative Poster Layouts
    • Stylish Print Designs
    • Unique Graphic Posters
    • Contemporary Poster Styles
    • Artistic Poster Concepts
  • Principles of Effective Poster Design
  • Innovative Techniques in Poster Design
  • Color and Visual Impact in Posters

Diverse Poster Design Styles

Retro and Vintage Poster Designs

Characteristics of Retro and Vintage Styles

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Step into the time machine, and let’s roll back. Retro and vintage poster designs are like your cool grandma’s attic finds – they’ve got stories, character, and a timeless charm.

We’re talking about those classic fonts, faded colors, and maybe a touch of that old-school film grain texture. It’s nostalgia packaged neatly in a poster.

For a taste of this timeless style, check out these vintage film posters. They’re a window to the past with a modern twist.

Incorporating Modern Elements into Classic Designs

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Now, mixing the old with the new – that’s where the magic happens in cool poster designs. Imagine taking a vintage style and splashing it with modern flair.

Think bold, contemporary colors meeting retro layouts, or digital art techniques giving a fresh breath to old-school designs. It’s like a cross-generational handshake.

Minimalist and Geometric Designs

The ‘Less is More’ Philosophy in Design

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Minimalism isn’t just a design style; it’s a statement. It says a lot by showing very little.

Clean lines, uncluttered spaces, and a focus on the essentials make minimalist designs stand out. Every element has a purpose, and there’s a deliberate effort to eliminate the unnecessary.

Digging minimalist vibes? Dive into these minimalist posters for some sleek inspiration.

Use of Geometric Shapes and Clean Lines

Geometric shapes are the building blocks of some seriously cool poster designs.

Circles, squares, triangles – you name it, they bring a sense of order and balance. Combine them with clean, straight lines, and you’ve got a recipe for a visually compelling poster that catches the eye and keeps it there.

Modern Poster Art

Fusion of Contemporary Aesthetics with Traditional Motifs

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Welcome to the melting pot of modern poster art. Here, contemporary aesthetics mingle with traditional motifs.

It’s a vibrant playground where digital art meets classic themes. This fusion creates a unique visual language that’s both fresh and familiar.

Emphasis on Digital and Mixed Media Techniques

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Digital and mixed media techniques are the game changers in today’s poster design.

They allow for endless creativity – mixing photographs with digital illustrations, playing with textures, and experimenting with layering.

The result?

Posters that are not just cool but also deeply expressive.

Creative Poster Ideas

Unconventional Concepts and Themes

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Creative poster ideas come from thinking outside the box. It’s about bending rules, challenging norms, and embracing the unconventional.

Abstract, surreal, or just plain quirky – these posters are conversation starters.

Experimentation with Abstract and Surreal Elements

Abstract and surreal elements in posters take you on a visual journey.

They evoke emotions, create moods, and often leave the interpretation up to the viewer. It’s art that doesn’t just hang on the wall; it lives and breathes.

Trendy Wall Art

Posters as a Form of Interior Decoration

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Posters are not just promotional tools; they’re a form of trendy wall art. They add personality to a space, reflect individual styles, and can completely transform the vibe of a room.

From minimalist designs to bold graphic prints, posters are an accessible way to bring art into everyday spaces.

Check out these music posters for some trendy wall art ideas that can add a rhythmic touch to your space.

Influence of Current Fashion and Lifestyle Trends

Fashion and lifestyle trends have a significant influence on poster designs.

They capture the spirit of the times – be it the bold and vibrant colors of the ’80s or the sleek minimalism of modern design. Posters reflect what’s in vogue, making them a mirror of the times.

Innovative Poster Layouts

Breaking Traditional Layout Rules

Innovative poster layouts are all about breaking the mold. Who says text has to be horizontal?

Why not play with diagonal lines or overlapping elements? Breaking traditional layout rules is a way to create something unexpected and eye-catching.

Integration of Interactive and Dynamic Elements

Interactive and dynamic elements in posters? Yes, please! Imagine a poster that changes as you move, or one that invites you to interact with it.

These aren’t just cool poster designs; they’re experiences.

Stylish Print Designs

The Resurgence of Print in the Digital Age

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Even in the digital age, print isn’t going anywhere. Stylish print designs have a tactile quality that digital can’t replicate.

There’s something about holding a beautifully printed poster – the texture of the paper, the vibrancy of the ink. It’s a sensory experience.

Wrapping a poster in a protective layer can further elevate this tactile experience, safeguarding the vivid colors and fine details that make print designs so appealing.

Another way to preserve the poster is to mount it on a foam board.

Nevertheless, for a blend of the old and the new in print, these vintage advertising posters are a must-see.

Blending Print with Other Media for a Unique Effect

Blending print with other media opens up a world of possibilities.

Imagine a poster with a QR code that leads to an augmented reality experience, or one that incorporates 3D elements. It’s print, but not as you know it.

Unique Graphic Posters

Bold Graphic Elements and Visual Storytelling

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Unique graphic posters are all about boldness. They use strong graphic elements – striking images, vivid colors, impactful fonts – to tell a story, convey a message, or evoke an emotion.

Use of Custom Illustrations and Iconography

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Custom illustrations and iconography give posters a personal touch. They’re like a visual signature, making each design distinct and memorable.

It’s about creating icons that capture the essence of the message in a simple, yet powerful way.

Contemporary Poster Styles

Current Trends in Poster Design

Contemporary poster styles are constantly evolving. They reflect current trends in design, culture, and technology.

From minimalist layouts to intricate digital art, these styles are a snapshot of what’s hot right now.

Adapting to Evolving Aesthetic Preferences

Adapting to evolving aesthetic preferences is key in contemporary design. What’s trendy today might be outdated tomorrow.

Staying on top of design trends and understanding the shifting preferences of the audience is crucial.

Artistic Poster Concepts

Posters as a Medium for Artistic Expression

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Posters are not just promotional tools; they’re a medium for artistic expression.

They’re a canvas for creativity, a place where art and function meet. From fine art techniques to bold graphic designs, posters are a way for artists to express themselves.

For a glimpse into fine art in poster design, explore these fine art posters.

Incorporating Fine Art Techniques into Poster Design

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Incorporating fine art techniques into poster design elevates them to a whole new level.

It’s about blending traditional art forms like painting or sketching with modern design elements. This fusion creates posters that are not just cool but also deeply artistic.

Principles of Effective Poster Design

Design Principles and Techniques

Importance of Color, Layout, and Typography

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Alright, let’s dive into the heart of cool poster designs. Imagine a poster – the colors pop, the layout is just perfect, and the typography? It speaks to you.

That’s the magic trio in poster design. Color isn’t just a visual element; it’s an emotion. You pick a palette, and you’re picking a mood. Think about it, would a horror movie poster scream ‘scary’ in pastels?

Nope! It’s all about the vibe.

And layouts, oh boy, they’re the map of your design journey. A well-structured layout guides the viewer’s eye exactly where you want it. Now, typography – it’s not just about picking a pretty font. It’s about making words dance, creating a rhythm that complements your design.

For a deep dive into how typography can make or break your design, check out these typography posters. They’re like a masterclass in font awesomeness.

Balancing Visual Elements for Maximum Impact

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Balancing your elements is extremely important. Too much, and you’ve got visual chaos. Too little, and it’s a snooze fest.

The key?

Contrast, my friends. Play light against dark, big against small. It’s all about creating a visual hierarchy. As per this post from Attrock, use visual cues for social media poster designs to spark curiosity. These cues provide just enough details on what to expect without revealing the full details.

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This is where your minimalist and geometric designs shine. They are the epitome of ‘less is more’.

Creative Strategies in Poster Design

Incorporating Minimalism and Negative Space

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Minimalism is the cool kid on the design block. It’s sleek, it’s sophisticated, and it’s all about making the most out of the least.

Negative space isn’t just emptiness; it’s potential. It lets your design breathe and gives your message the spotlight. Think of it like the quiet before the storm – it sets the stage for impact.

For some minimalistic inspiration, feast your eyes on these minimalist movie posters. They’re a testament to how powerful simplicity can be.

Utilizing Typography as a Central Design Element

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Now, let’s talk about making typography the star of the show. You can create a whole narrative with just type.

Play with font sizes, styles, and arrangement. Make your words flow like a visual poem. Typography-focused designs are a playground for creativity. You’re not just designing; you’re crafting a message.

Need some typographic inspiration? These typography posters to buy are a treasure trove of ideas.

Innovative Techniques in Poster Design

Typography-Focused Designs

Creative Use of Fonts and Text

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Let’s talk about typography, shall we? It’s like the secret sauce in cool poster designs. You see, fonts and text aren’t just about reading; they’re about feeling.

Playing with typography is like being a chef in a kitchen full of exotic spices.

Mix and match different fonts, sizes, and colors. Make your text jump off the page, whisper, shout, and dance. It’s not just a poster; it’s a typographic adventure.

Ever seen posters where text is the hero? These typography posters are a class apart. They show how letters and words can create a whole vibe.

Typography to Convey Messages and Themes

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (20)

Typography isn’t just about looking pretty. It’s a storytelling tool. The right font choice can set the tone of your poster.

A sleek, modern font screams cutting-edge, while a handwritten style might feel more personal and intimate.

It’s all about matching the font with the message. Typography-focused designs aren’t just read; they’re experienced.

Graphic and Illustrative Posters

Role of Graphics and Illustrations

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Graphics and illustrations? They’re the heart and soul of many cool poster designs. They turn a plain poster into a visual story.

Whether it’s a bold, iconic image or a delicate, detailed drawing, illustrations catch the eye and convey messages in a way words alone can’t.

For a splash of creativity and color, check out these animated film posters. They perfectly showcase how illustrations can bring a poster to life.

Blending Graphics with Minimal Text

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The beauty of graphic and illustrative posters lies in the blend.

A powerful image with just the right amount of text is like a good conversation.

The image draws you in, and the text gives you the details.

It’s about finding that sweet spot where the graphics and text complement each other, creating a balanced and impactful design.

Color and Visual Impact in Posters

The Power of Color in Poster Design

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Oh boy, color in posters? That’s where the real fun begins! Color isn’t just about making things look pretty; it’s a whole language.

It speaks to emotions, sets moods, and grabs attention. When you’re whipping up some cool poster designs, think of color as your secret weapon.

A bright red can shout ‘Look at me!’, while a soft blue might whisper ‘Hey, relax.’ It’s all about what you want to say and how you want to say it.

Ever seen those horror movie posters? They use color to create a sense of dread and suspense. Dark shadows, blood reds – it’s all about setting that eerie vibe.

Color Psychology and Brand Messaging

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Color psychology? Yep, it’s a real thing. Colors have meanings and associations that can play a huge role in brand messaging.

Choosing the right color palette can make your poster not just visually stunning but also emotionally resonant. It’s about aligning the colors with the message you want to convey.

Choosing Color Schemes for Different Purposes

Picking the right color scheme for different purposes is like choosing the right outfit for an occasion.

You wouldn’t wear pajamas to a job interview, right? Similarly, a poster for a rock concert might need bold, vibrant colors, while a yoga workshop poster might go for serene, calming tones.

It’s all about the context.

Photo-centric and Collage Posters

Using Photography to Create Realism

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Now let’s chat about photo-centric posters. They’re all about realism, about bringing a slice of the real world into your design.

A well-chosen photo can tell a story, evoke emotions, or create a sense of place. It’s like a window that viewers can look through.

Fancy a look at some stunning photography in action? These nature posters are a real treat. They show how photography can transport you to different worlds.

Collage Techniques for a Unique Visual Appeal

Collages? They’re the wild child of cool poster designs. Mixing photos, textures, illustrations, and text – it’s like a visual party.

Collages create a layered, complex look that can be super engaging. It’s about building a narrative, piece by piece, element by element.

More Cool Posters to Inspire You

Minimalist Posters Illustrating Art Movements

It is interesting when a poster designer got creative because we see various graphic design inspiration posters that we wouldn’t have thought of.

An example of this is represented by the collection of minimalist amazing posters created by Amahou Outmane, illustrating art movements.

This is a nice experiment that besides showcasing ideas specific to those movements also makes them a little bit intriguing for the eyes of the new generations that don’t really bother reading about these otherwise.

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Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (27)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (28)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (29)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (30)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (31)

Abstract expressionism
Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (32)

Abstract art
Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (33)

Kinetic art
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Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (35)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (36)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (37)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (38)

Pop art
Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (39)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (40)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (41)

Minimalist Two-Color Tone Posters Depicting Superheroes

From time to time, some designers consider doing a project that is innovative in its essence and which will get them more exposure than just making one or two pieces of it.

A project like this that I’m talking about is this two-color tone poster designs series which features minimalist superheroes.

Minimalism isn’t for everyone. A lot of people try to create wonderful minimalist art but fail miserably or make just a dull somehow minimalist creation. However, some people succeed in making something interesting and the results are staggering, like the examples in this article.

The interesting thing about these is that they can be bought as posters or T-shirts through his society6 account. I’m ordering one with Batman of the Future as I’m writing this article.

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Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (43)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (44)

Green Archer
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Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (46)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (47)

Batman of the future
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Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (49)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (50)

Bat Woman
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Captain America
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Iron Man
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Wonder woman
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The Punisher
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Green Lantern
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Captain Atom
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Minimalist Posters Showcasing Philosophical Doctrines

I was surprised a few weeks ago when I discovered the minimalist poster designs featuring art movements, created by Amahou Outmane.

I mentioned back then that promoting such a subject would also mean that he is promoting the art movements themselves by drawing attention to them and making the viewers start searching for info regarding them if they aren’t already familiar with them.

Today, I’m presenting you something similar, but with slight differences.

Firstly, the subject in cause is represented by philosophical movements; secondly, in these posters, there are actual descriptions which makes it easier for the lazy to learn about them, and not just gaze at the minimalist symbolical shapes that are in the posters’ center of attention.

The beautiful poster designs below were created by Genis Carreras and they can be purchased individually on his society6 page if you would want them in your room or office.

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Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (64)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (65)

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Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (67)

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Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (69)

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Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (71)

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Free will
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Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (79)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (80)

Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (81)

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FAQ on Poster Designs

What Makes a Poster Design ‘Cool’?

Cool poster designs are all about striking the right chord with your audience. It’s a mix of trendy aesthetics, compelling messaging, and eye-catching visuals.

Whether it’s through innovative layouts, vibrant colors, or engaging typography, a ‘cool’ poster stands out and speaks directly to its viewers, often leaving a lasting impression.

How Do I Choose the Right Color Scheme?

Picking colors for your poster is like setting the stage for your story. Consider the emotion or message you want to convey.

Vibrant colors can energize, while muted tones might soothe or intrigue. Use color psychology as your guide. Remember, the right palette can make your message pop.

What’s the Importance of Typography in Posters?

Typography in posters is huge. It’s not just about readability; it’s about personality. The right font can elevate your message, set the tone, and make your poster memorable.

It’s about using type creatively – think about size, arrangement, and color to add depth and character to your message.

Can Minimalism Work in Poster Design?

Absolutely! Minimalism in poster design is powerful. It’s all about saying more with less. Clean lines, uncluttered layouts, and focused messaging can create impactful designs that capture attention. Minimalism isn’t about being bland; it’s about being bold in simplicity.

What Are Some Innovative Layout Ideas for Posters?

Innovative layouts? Think outside the box. Break the grid, play with asymmetry, or use dynamic shapes. Interactive elements like QR codes can add a modern twist. Be bold and experiment with unconventional arrangements that can turn a simple poster into a captivating visual experience.

How Can I Incorporate Photography in My Poster?

Photography can bring realism and emotion to your poster. Choose images that complement your message and evoke the desired response.

High-quality, relevant photos can create a focal point and add depth to your design. Remember, a picture can speak a thousand words.

For inspiration on incorporating photography, these photography posters showcase how images can transform a design.

What’s the Role of Negative Space in Poster Design?

Negative space is your secret weapon. It’s not just empty space; it’s a crucial part of your design. It brings balance, helps focus attention, and can even form hidden images or messages. Use it wisely to enhance the overall composition and effectiveness of your poster.

How Can I Make My Poster Stand Out in a Digital World?

To stand out digitally, focus on visuals that pop on screens. Use high-contrast colors, crisp typography, and dynamic compositions.

Consider how your design will look on various devices and in different sizes. Animated or interactive elements can also make a digital poster more engaging.

What Are Some Current Trends in Poster Design?

Current trends? Think bold typography, vibrant gradients, and mixed media. Sustainability and minimalism are also big.

Retro and vintage styles are making a comeback, often with a modern twist. It’s all about creating designs that resonate with today’s audience while staying true to your message.

For a glimpse into current trends, these music festival posters offer a vibrant mix of styles and ideas.

How Do I Balance Creativity and Clarity in My Poster?

Balancing creativity and clarity is key. You want your poster to be eye-catching but also easy to understand. Start with a clear message, then add creative elements around it. Make sure your creative choices enhance the message rather than overshadow it. It’s a dance between being visually striking and communicatively clear.

Conclusion on These Cool Posters

From the sleek lines of minimalism to the nostalgic charm of retro and vintage, posters are a canvas where art meets message. They’re not just about looking good; they’re about making a statement, telling a story, or even sparking a conversation.

Remember, whether you’re into graphic design, typography, or photography, there’s a style that resonates with your message. The key is to keep experimenting. Try out different color schemes, play with layouts, and don’t be afraid to step outside the box. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where creativity meets clarity.

In the end, every poster is a reflection of its creator’s vision. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and let your posters do the talking.

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Bogdan Sandu

Bogdan Sandu, a seasoned designer with 15 years of diverse experience, has been designing websites since 2008.

Renowned for his expertise in logo design and visual branding, Bogdan has developed a multitude of logos for various clients.

His skills extend to creating posters, vector illustrations, business cards, and brochures. Additionally, Bogdan's UI kits were featured on marketplaces like Visual Hierarchy and UI8.

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Cool Poster Designs: Examples and Ideas To Try (2024)


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.