Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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71 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 201847 olor iport be lA'k wme pretext foe 1 ouvenij eryeo that it i in the bands iword Our armies pres on 1 are 000 $60X 60000 1 die oo i so 20 V9 No 4i r7t do Hr do do do 1 2 CaJ 61372 60004 ekch da ari rish id RiJ loaen apr'itd bhxrini X1V1 I Store Tbiaart icMis qm 9U cen rd it crmiMta onvey 4 ctualityj dcr ted pl1 detail efor CETS ftrri nentl tvri ordiJ ripti mi ell a eotn who I CO kw eoartl er the Slit do do do do Hous army yet stub eale of three ot her of the war i de war ententes and 4and American citi novina fist thrt latul ii rv rtot submit to the dis 'ttfrt defend it with her "'SM in the head there raiaed again "ail or none ranks But which will be adhered to nd manri ON It of I If uae fl KEXCiej i The subjoined pair of pictures of the land pro mised by our Administration to its admirers as the 10 with the surrender of Pjjuiiv vj mu st tul ilian rtofa kind fcerj on wi reltaJ dprirtly pjr A 7 cage il1 1 prize of itai 40 40 100 2 prizes of $1500 I' 2 i i 2 do i 2 i 2 do OO 0O: OO 00 00 00 OO 30 SO 00 100 The official vote for Governor of Tennessee as declared by the Legislature of the Sate now in session is as follows Neil Brown (Whig) Aaron Brown (Dem) 1368 The vote of entress county is not included i were ruhinz toi tne aoove vaw in but as vouched for by the members 1 1 1 1 ri 1 Initpr zHir const! Hur intercourse with $40000100000 20000 10000 8000 6000 5000 33000 $2078 1000 500 300 200 yiymr ji rairtmin ujjuu mbv whifietMoal the punishiWNWffi?" upon al upon the guilty fhAl $rs are tl zvw' i bit) the plague I can see for the nation until re A al wr ri lora' flf from office Yes 'bus the people may ace under this Ad nl rcamtiona of hoe 3f territory 5 you may rted by the sword or 'Are lasting honorable fi my spoke rf'ff and which had gOEW onril 11 jw ed jt i a nation to I frtxB i measure inrolving the trf I On reviewing xius cate Jnw tremble Had it not betl for reralerice of the rumor ad rrQd to ln KnrriAtl tntn IE eit Onartere $3 rf 26 Whole ticket $170 1 prize of uu do do do do 1750 200 do lowest three number prize 500 Tirket 10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 60 Certificate of 25 whole SUre iu All orders for tickets or parts or 1 PlTV CO Managers Baltimore 11 Knight An aswmbly of Washington Eneampment No I wn IlZll on Tenth strest wet th evemg at ShTpTrf their flsg but whee it is charged that ffie Whigs gire aid and comfort to the enemy I point to that roic band of Whigs who breasted th? storm of death in the bloody ravine of Buena Vuta to Clay to Hardin who lost their lives by the hand of that man whom our Executive placed at the head of the Mexican army Talk of aid and comfort The only aidMexico has receiv 1 PrJV fnrnifihcd Santa Anna on to thid cannot whip our army they have outwitted our President In conclusion I wish to call your attention to the present aspect of the war The late negotiations show that our xe eutive is carrying on the war for two objects rvx a Tavaa 18U 1 secure uui UUV 2d compel a sale of New Mexico and the Californio Now as to the first object we all know it is already ob tamed The State of Texas is as surely ours as the State ol one hundred year of war will not make it more £eure Then the sole question is do we want New Mex co and California so much that we are willing the first to expend $100000000 in the coming yearwhich wri the sum already expended in the war make UO000000 and then as the Executive proposes pay The f'O 000000 would be a iu order to secure the title I lhe hard bargain for the premise without the war ulthis i a mere business view of the matter Tbe wav nw precious things than dollars and cents The life blood rfX is lost in it Already have 20000 of our cm Of weuaiwu mark the road on each zens been acnneru non lld fm mpn will find their grave ra wxkw Ths battle field exhibits but small part of the evils ofwar lei'rtf' ThirWa'mil08 orphans Ki make the dark Wth in mta ua ment maV purclume by $20000000 the volcanic mountain and the sterile valleys of California A nominee ol the vvnig jwv of that he knew him four yean in Congress i active and Lis duty and on all occasions he was 7 tained the devoted friend of lhe Slate he Wright Ge principles of the Whig party Who is Wrn Wrht ask hundreds not only here but scattered a historv who have fell the benefits of hi bounty Keal history here at home He is the fair honorable repree working interests of the North Mr concluded that the duty of Whigs Christian men according to the constitution and law give their votea against the party that induced the war We were about to elect a Governor We had presented our candidate and let no man think he is chosen for hrs own sa alone each represents a principle and is a and when once chosen it is the duty of all good Whigs to sustain him or all the duties to be pci formed Mr was quite as competent ss his opponent 5 he did not present him as a great man but a plain practical man Who could judge rightly vou vote against him look at the consequences it was a con 7 a Ia1 nrwn trt and prUJCJpio cuiHvj give the Locofocos Palo Alto now and give them Churubusco next year Mr concluded with great applause and after a resolu tion of thank to the officers of the meeting and three cheer respectively for Hxvzt Clax and William Wriokt the assembly adjourned UMBER lAJMBERi H'mg Jr1 rc" i ar xfr CoMbinI bn the cor eently occupied 1 by Mr George that of Mr ner of Sixth ttreet and a Large topply of all William Gunnell aud having laid i 04 and 4 i zAKft: WEBB 26 quarter co 'Y do 26eighths do 21 25 Ticket $10 Halves js Quartor $250 tar U'a ptt djwiftd kl air till Bfi I inorvs uvy frAin ihn Administration orffatu 4lhe more Tftev fouirht the jVture The former wm a victuryr Ad a a ministration tue letter wm a victory lor une country fl a Jam I a If ft VW 1 0 Ill I tk a A lyi aa rva Il1 All alAflo quenuy uxppcu iui wuai wee niicuutu der turna out be a coaipliuxant Now I admit that there re Mf rifan Whiffii in MEXICO 1 fifffatinil Whlgt I i 11V i I Scott ts a Mexican nig I lav lor is a Mexican Hing more iuau half the armv are now 44 Mexican Whitts end as won jerif NEW 'YORK CORRESPONDENCE XI Ifiw York October 16 1847 PsorxEson This eminent naturalist delivered last evening the first lecture of a course on Natural History at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in thia city The reader of the Intelligencer I believe have already been made acquainted with this high reputation which in Europe gives him a distinguished rank' among lhe poet learned naturalists and philosopher of the present day The field of his labors and researches is' now transferred from Eu npe to America from the hills and valleys of Switzeriand to the hills and valleys of New England he having accepted a professorship in the new school founded by the princely mu nificence of Abbott Lawbzsc in Harvard University for teaching the practical sciences The announcement ot the lecture last evening drew toge ther a large and highly intelligent audience who appeared to enjoy the intellectual treat with decided relish The is a good looking man of medium stature modest bearing agreeable expression of countenance dark hair and eyes arid wide but rather retreating forehead His language has a strong foreign accent but still he is readily understood and though his want of facility in the English tongue sometime produces a little hesitation or embarrassment his delivery by no means unpleasant The peculiarity of the diction is directly thrown into the background by the absorbing interest of the subject professor in commencing his lecture to the audience for his of language but added that happily the sublet of natural history had an interert independent of the forms of language and the mind could trace and study and enjiy the wondsrful phenomena of nature without the aid of language at all" He had large ri on tLfl wll of lecture 1 oom rcprc seating skeletons and specimens of the four classes of tbo animal kingdom lhe radiata the nulusca the articulata and lhe verkbrata i and presented a general view of thor saveral characteristics their connexions and their distinctions Professor Agassiz has a "high' standard for the infoUfcctual progress of man He believes that the human intellect being an emanation of the Divine intelligence is capablq of going on and by the proper exercise of its powers acquiring light and knowledge till it shall be able to understand the work created by that Divine intelligence and the objects and reason of their creation that the mind of 'man may eventually net merely in a poetical but 1 Look through Nature up This couise of lecture will bp twelve in number to be de livered on Tuesday and riday evenings This ha been a great week for the AmzbiCas Ixtitvte The air has been thronged day and evening Un Thursday i evening the Broadway Tabernacle wa filled by some three thousand people to hear the anmverwy auures ty liti aza WiBSTik Esq which was received with a goed deal of applause and will be published by the Institute I went out yesterday to Harlem to witness the ploughing end spading matches There were not quite so many people was there quite so much enthusiasm as I ex pected to see There was riot such excitement as i sometimes produced on a race couroe 5 but still there wa sufficient to give consi deiable interest to the scene Half a dozen plough engaged1 the turf each drawn by two horses the p'ougbiog was beautifully dons and so mueh alike that com mon olwerver would have been puzzled to tell which was best Tire judge however detected' differences sufficient to award premium Half a dozen individuals also with brawny and pnctiscd arms contended for the prize with the spade Two of them were a father and son the bld gentleman on a for trbr occasion lhad taken lhe premium at a spading match but 114 time the was the victor Some of lhe spectators de that the father held back liule in order to give the ron a chance 1 i 1 AR lhe of Hn" itSn Church are now holding a air at Odd keiloat for tire benefit of the Church and respectfully solicit a visit fr i'ie citizens generally Unuvual exertion have been made to please the tancy of voung and old and it i hoped thath'Mtmdanco cadi day will a' c11 111 a of Monc will be in attendance every evening 4 dmittanee to the Saloon 12J cents The city paper win Just receiv I fiards Nos 8 2 10 nJARNHAM reeland Penn avenue JVL 1 SPEEND1D ANNUAJbfyfor Leaflet of Memory Chri4n Bloats Garland nena Ofleriug Gift of riendpin A jnu I proropt attention Address to to with splendid engravings fid also nrice 1 1 trated Books Ju received Tbd tor re av at the BooUtore oL 4 Union continuation of the war: Extract tif a letter recently received in I orth ingtonMassdchuaettsyfrom ofteof the ed emi to Calijorniai 1 The land here is very poor not a vegetable is 1 faised All it is fit for is grass and that all dries up in summer and blotfs away There is no rain from May to September Not a tree grdws with in twenty miles of this A few scrub bushes are seen and they hardly furnish wood enough to cook with All I can say about the land here I mean within a circuit of twenty miles is 1 that it is orie large eand bank where vegetation rican Wh gs and WSig vo i zgziust the auUwr of 4 gtarts up jn the spring then dries up and blows thi war awav If there are any with you that wish to But who aie the men who make this Charge There I them RO to any other place iri the I a Na won Mint Md mftm a a wm 1 1 a 1 wvw a res ir iuk i4n 1 1 1 iu cXt of any thing having th name of Mexican They AVOrlU man Lauiorn a are the afoV rf Aonte Lrreniiros They hang about the White SO Dau as 11 sevumu Igobations with di ng for contract and for spoils 1 jlrey stand out of lunleers We expected to find it almost a paradise for 810 ftin? way and talk of wrekirig citie robbing churches auj j)Cre we are poor dogs living on sea biscuit covet an adjointnu 1 ran ini! ron hiw minvwinnremilfsl 11 Anomv tn tome nretext foe ICC hv ana 7 1 rcara in vi rxicu aavstv iiiuvu i ii wn ri nnir rrinnu iim nun HBWW 4M vt 'aV? 1 il xatc JuP Ifhtrn 10 g0intrz9 oy an'iDg uu wv pntvuv a jairwtthur thr reeling tivc who now incumber the foil are the men who I prospect indeed vww 1 zw 'Rmvw ni iitinsf iBtf rgtmrt n'ty nmffr in rnc 11 zzi Attain the Preaidenl tumaett in a grave message wm uj Congress ha charged all who thought it their duly to oppoee nia regiment of volunteers dated at amp hi unconetilutlonsl course iu bringing' on the war a being I Buena Vista September 4 1847 SXm by 1 to Surely such a country can never be made the nniied the eham I fit ofirwln nf tlin Anwlo Saxon race The eternal 111 organ mo urnvw to the Whig party in Congre and every little organ through I barrenness which curses so large a portion ol it tho country hax groaned it out aineb with variations according arjse8 from ffreat natural causes which are equally wv 1 1 tvrs In Wnlirfl I 4 4 a as a AM rifsrfii mi LiiriA aa vs ug I 1 a nrvi riit 1 nu Whterommerree tire above art auu meir viiiLipriec i 4 I 'riiAvf wi 1 1 nm would utterly reject 11 as iv i a a 1 A WA flMnriit trim an i AAA a ADI I i army mall and so badly provided for as to eneoursge the characteristics of their race are thus fettered down on AM MM MM by Nature 1 prize of $30 XX) 1 do 15U00 1 do 8000 do5000 do I4000 doa 250 do 1000 800 do ow do weaco 'J he steamship Qlleghany CapL Hunter West arrived at the anchorage below Norfolk on the 16lh instant Penssvevania Legislature It is conceded we believe that in this State the Whigs will retai their ascendancy in the State Senate their about three members In tlie House the De mocratic majority will range from fifteen to twenty 1 prize of oo dO a i do An ice fcc Ticket Halvea Quarter $2 50 Certificate of package of 25 whole $130 Do rtiare in mine proportion' susquehanna Canal lottery Class No SO To be drawn in Baltimore November 10 1847 78 number 13 drawn ballot oaivn ICSIMl $40000 5000 are 1000 are 500are 400 are 300 are 250 200 ice I take of the causes which produced it I not tot objects fot which Executive now continues it Wo will sustain it until wecan under the constitution and the laws (thank God the time is not far distant) place at the head of our national affair one who will have lhe wisdom and the nerve to put an end to this inglorious war Let abide our time hn that Ume comes therew11 be an awful account to be taken between the people and the author of thi war Otfonce ill come and because of them men and nations must suffer but wo to that man by whom the offence cometh In 11 that I hae said I wish to be understood as drawing a distinction between the war and its author We support the one because iti connected with the honor of the country but we denounce tho other because it ba brought dishonor upon th nation We are not to be told that we oppose our country in time of war because we disapprove of Mr Polk a conduct in bringing that war upon the country Our oppe ncnte 'aeem to think that lhe whofo duty of a citiien in time zit tn bv much speaking it author to defend Mexican war tbe tjjenl jg the amount of their heroism While the poor Whig Col The Weston (Missouri) He 01 difficulty has arien between Cols Wharton and Gili ix which resulted in placing the tatter under arret Col on arriving at the fort waited on Col for the purpose of ascertaining his orders and of making arrangement prcliminaiy to arouming the command of hi battalion A difference of opinion occurred regarding the object of the expedition Both became excited Co stated that the battalion wa to be tationed on the Santa route for the purpose of protecting the trains nd was not to depart therefrom Col replied By sir I wrfl pursue the Indians even to the mountains but that I writ over take Col after informing him that he was the commanding officer of that post and could not afiow roch language to be ured told him that hemoM retract or he would put him under arrest This Gilpin refused to do and ac hingly he is now under reL Coi has forwarded his charges to Washington PxwHfivAXiA Ca xxls The Pittsburg after careful inquiry among lhe beM informed of the canal trans porter feel authorized to tale that far a through tran £rtton i concerned the main line canal may be regarded £cLed for th East of Holbdaysburg the damage is extensive as to forbid the slightest hope of the depth of winter West of th mountarn the damage to4h canal alight that it can readily be restored inside 1 of ten days pr two weeks SR WASHINGTON Liberty and Lirton now and foreyer one and have th benefit of 1 sirr4 a brother of Me I ieardHt man connected I Wfiilo there he visited joveriA not the murderer 1 wa1 I but hi biother alive and 1 beL 8 pui unon lhe mystery flh 5 B1 I He Hed to his brother tf)t he had come involved nd I rSocJblreding be mereqjbe bloodpon the lettertook i woe tnttnHAnr nil 11 wru blade with blood ent from hi Head tlactiei to the bld upon toe hatchet fleeted bkod to I rubbed it upon thq door jam jfent to thskriver go I flnated down under tfiiAiruarita cSthe boat szArerct tho I A Innocent man would I Hence or me rumor doubtless have been tiurncu into eternity been through th haste of jh unwaGfsntable proceeding i The Montrose lynchers should Jjethnnklrl thatin this in an I WMiriiar they t)een pared ttie uj wmmv A San A Gove' were driving near the fjew and road on Tuesday when justH th tottaoUve was pn the lion sprang acron the trftk and A struck th car ge With uch force to throw itrectly if th air and land it wore three rods off the track ftTh caisge was broken into a thousand pieces but the hoi wm laoC iWjtarc! The tieman and lady were both the lady it was feared fatally They had been married about three i Mid that the Hedgehog proof 1inrt poisons Mr altas state that it will eat a yndred rftbande without re ceiving any injury More rewlly a German physiaar who wished to dissect one gave it pSC it had no effect ho then tried srwnic opium qorrrfJe sublimate with lire same results BOSTON TRUK ed several ton of th'kb and 11 cct 20 Corner pflli 75 13 drawn ballots SCRZMZ i $30000 7000 3228'2000 1500 Certificate Do Do Do SUSQUEHANNA CANAL LOTTERY Class No 51 To be drawn in Baltimore' November 17 1847 gvLSxnin CHM $30000 80005000 40C0 3427 2500 POLITICS WDAY WP Le nitv Ot Dew held to eonsi State of the UulorTf the'r duty in theSelection in lha StoVg tX exceflent spirit afeited The Hbngfy Milibr one Dators of the UnitlWfctates from that of present aiq1 for an expres Stt7fo7iews of thei pri crisis in public a Speech have pleasure before our readers jpws I 'the rwaledon had twefi rejj MILLER i'rg Btd for PPeart nJv blighting effcctl jlAroloco tpisrale free IC i m'av aftCreR 'Rllv I the tut ui 49 Av re Mto iort now fill 1 mutt war begun Wb at are oflrin Mexico fighting the war for the bake of lhe country am nv nt kuna aud defend the war for the nake of its au nJ which had gcn on rpy wfuloty beroH tinJ of warfare honor and ewrre Drought fght desperately in the late ot Baltiipore anti KE1 lYCOIVau lIOlO IDO AUUUUlcuaUUIl orgn LUC lliutnig Ulin? peace into ate story than wa given by that paper to old Rough nd Ready conaideiauora for the trtory ot uurna i mbiiik at a ww re nirrbt ih Mexicans oi aii AATnrn hm fbowj i ci Uit ath eer make wr th(JOnaka peace a bpponeuta call us in deruion Mexican AVbg i'uillo the dogs ofWar A Jto rail emo nnen that what was intended as a nialir O' tud the blood of theA War once Wg in ft i fficw tA stay it course or to rm national hyt or I Liiiffld i bmoraciug 7 nn Scott is a Mexican Whig 'l aylor 1 a Mexican 1 5Um1 forest reg I gold Hardin and Clay died Whig in Mexico jonra riL i nau tne army are now aiexican 1 1 jLsure ot one or the ttair of 9Mmtending partre i 13 War to an end wifi return A me i refLv re JC jn vft y3 rr rd I OX ofposce or war more or lets in I fta lav11 Rtreutwe 01 a nounx tta Etcculive is entrusted ur intrrcourM wiui Mexican about thera open his wisdom an depend the set ofanT haTit 11 international quiationSre pracbe will tenpepj rtioa nd forbearance If ho be ii fex an IIJIUIU rvwi vM re fj3l sod readily find Axne vyvt 3 rnyi re VSC4MK talx tf i we rtirt eo npel them to mrtv in ft war wwca uiej is rar present pouuftn a Moxjran wr and a ftiHtion Whit i our dirty itSiffflXju to it Srtforting which spring frjD heart of every good the derire to put so unnecessary war es i insistent with lhe ni honor of the But bow to accomplish the great question ffiy that Congress shotfd dcri aU ap ronmlMn 104 UM) 2 Ltaxot this opinion and wquldwj re that by starring out the wgr Aw vhra we recollect that the qtfption fj MM tanJ the control ofConzraM I if the Executive in the of of Htj red who flow carries it 00 wrth vie and aH 1 is evident that the withholding ot't Mf omen aB tan not Mep die war It mightu I dabonor pn our fiig btrt 1 it re plmeM mjntartoon reriore peace to fhe eopr jft comjde'B may be raid of ahe fof $4 Ir of'H kiw nd fed that state of and Silfl and tnd whether ji LJ AlinlW VTsmlsK'Sllwl'yy natioo 9 act of mt ewo Executive Wat war for all that If circled the pele of country ertU prot Executive chair who conducts our foreignjf to entangle us in in Moecemary war tney musi re bite hits of their own ft Hr i ll for the support of the wr fk st 1 flkwA aMVwkn BA TMfrt 1T res I VfkrtW in IIIMI 11 IIBI11 IMK A JK 'VV were turenccM calamity upon the cotUr7fqbat such is the re ir amrel ink ef rattan) th punishratgr i upon the innocentthrouM el upon the guilty fhe1 re the first to cue tan it dinger while the inW? encounter 11 hazard isianz bit) the plague I can see xtorf for the nation until Gain his mexy enlighten the (JeMl of our rulers or PSR ra 'tar tq the people to LwoffTCM mav Witbnokl oi IB jwraforprae butyoi will he You may navc rmi Yoa mar have kMceu ci tSH hie tmtiea of eternal fncadabu) A Kfl gold but you Will i 1 MT 1 inw ttra drain peace two men mufl Jrirrt removed from ot Bfl ta the one is in Mexiec and lhe dto 4 71 the United vard I Wu Anita and Jame Pqlk 17 are the twin fatherto $5 Bl fte they are twin promotes'' Xxs each (C to ahi own Way seeking to Ip alrengthcn own 5 to praitfon ahd strange to jkeh deriving his own 1 I aiontj to carrv on the war froflV ft people of the United JrX il iWes Mr Piilk directly and SaiUgpia indirectly through All herd of our Executive Vie pO1 i both' "Wj I I'ader thia strange fraternal un(bX jt efriends al war how per veB dltar country make honorableOf Executive of li 18 ek Inch tai put himself in a Santa Anna yield7J cB the requirements of our Executjvf ruo people will ray he Bl hretan bribedtoy Mr Polk If dtf olk reeedra in hi de linc KI be people will ray he has fooled by Santa An ax' Thui like two for vo juryto fhey can never agree mttaut exposing each other to tge'Tt inaignauon pertin concerned Thus entangjMjfCh is evident that Mr Wk on neither cany on the war wit fttigoir nor make peace sift honor The history of the war abows tHJtTjfr suceesa of our army bn been fa pite of the imbed lity toLe Executive in apitef hi inirigita with Santa Anpa pi tda of his attack upon General Taylor in spite of hi LidiH General and not wtatanditig Mt Secretary to a piie of The truth islMM? policy has been form the beginning to make thi anatic war It cora aeaced upon a point of diplohic '(d has been goingon upon' system of chaffering arijl bfpjp ver rince The army has been wed a instiuinririf a good bargain with Mexica Each victory hl bQi flowed up by propo ion 10 boy or jrade for more tCtifp' order to carry Kt this scheme the army is hejd bfcfijytor each battle for fearu gallant troop might which Mr Polkrire the honor of buying Ie iev9! wishes to fl Mexi up to the bargafoing point andr fear lhe subject may te before the time Mr Trist XcccKnOijie the army as a di I foma'ic nurse to be present iii extrfrih so that when Gen fext nrike the mortal blow he nfaf the timely adminis I ration of the golden stimulant kejjpe long enough in the I patient to sign the deed Likq a Xn(wishing to take a live I yet afraid encounter Jfll strength thinks it I aft to wound him a little befoirei cjrtJlsi too dose but finds I dfer 12 that blood only makes more ferocious I ud that the safest way to tike a lf is to kill him fireL I The wr under such management tjf Yecome eo complica I that I do not believe thee AdiajNfalion now have th? I pwer if they had tire inclination tjHLtng it to any honor a I bte tpmtnoGnra Zi I They have gone on ruder a system of I spying and bargaining of brUiing' nCTtoaxing first for one I iljett and then for another ntiLf have arrived al the I point when afraid to go fotWanK vet ashemed to go wk they stand bewildered theta p'j devious successes I Itexico vanquished in everybstfteYil her seaports in our wo ner capnaLpeid Dy ounvvj I rfi 1 rAA LM Wuraw IU RlgU 11W I P0lfibM TTl kre Mtara mu mas JI I md Mr p0k discovers IbC Gter expending one Mftutu ln(1 mijilons ot pollan 1 UfTheiniv hra II fwmnt I be cannot cnnnnor a saleva fon it is worth The wptf I Sl110111 her tail 0 long as 41 I the hunters must knock' theJh I fjre they can make the jiartfcip I thi perplexity the old Oregon I 'he wsr cry at 1 I nV ravraww rvnvlw wbrallMn rtAVTf (HP I ij ra ruLraiw ty I Of tkft rail Arai vre lra rtJJ ihr (Ra I 7 Administration fa judging fst ijTbe result of the Ore question mighty uncertain: it flh depends upon theof Mr nerve at te tnpR Xtbey may Rmng by the great war gods frgrra What aays i Oder thi state of thingsT ceH) no courfe for the to purane but to sustain 7 mder the calamt in which it baa been by our Executive "Ntoswait the time when they war out of the I ktnds of tnen who have proved ttl incompetent to I relieve it jf wf diBguta I and prosecute it openly tnt sllimfully a becometh jChnatfan nation racking no ad fib but that which is of 11 just theaicta of national honor I tl of permanent 'A I the high moral anl poHWiibhgatioiw now the Whig party It is tuty to stand by the I bis hour of her deepeAP to watch with an 1 over her free institutions Jbfend them from the I r'hments of Executive bowewjtfi yustam them amidst I 7 of war to guard inst the rapacity of 'on 8 our ark k3Jtrty in it dark jour this wilderness ot am uibAiich it has been drag by unholy hands to fight for iytjo die for it if need we can bring it back In aaf'rfJiita native temple Tjte way to restore peace ie not ffyhkelding neceesary wjthSJipg our votes from its not by withdrawing tiur ttAtefeTrom Mexico but by I drwing Mr Polk from the Eft chair We will ruuin foe war for the sake thdj and not for the containing a uvre 3 00 cinqueM of Mexico nd ew npi 5 I i nih by John Ingraham Lockhart A 2 vol petaA Irendon uxh a eet 56 I A CUU RBSvasrav I '7ft reram'ninffimit I 5 mre of Mr Herr at hl oe tore on the I of the proprietor at the Washington Lity Savings Ban I Jce Cpe for high and low neck IWISJOHN importation and well Worthy the attenton rf th i Sates from tlie Railroad Ditpot and Capitol rere IY A GREEN Auctioneer in PAINfi CO? Conlradors and Managers of Utleries BaUinwre Md a vn SCHE3IES irOK NOVEMBER I A at the dioining Major (RAND S(MJI1 tbe Rock ereek Church road Mhington a SUSQUEHANNA PANAL LOTTERY I and Mr farm about Clara No 49 good lot of the named To be drawn in Baltimore' November 3 1817 tSKSU SU 4 bead good Horae nog 1 two horoe Wagon Gelir $1250 I 1 Cart Mid Gear vrih ('lher nOt 150 The gentleman being about to move Wet aU wm raia i to the lughest bidder $20 OT $20 ix for note' ratufuctonty en dorsed bearing intercaL GREENi Auctioneer oct 7 ji V'MK turttoneer reravr'iEENT HOUSEHOLD urniture Ttorte at On Wedneaday next the 20th hall e'l at the residence ol tlis Hon A itegby raC street between 3d and 41 street tait Jliourabold nd Kiteheo urniture among which i Jlnirtatcat Chairs and lioeksrs Dun A very handsome Piano borte made by ham of New York of uperwr tone and touvu uno Stool Marble tbp Centre and Pier Table 3 large Gilt rame Mirror Gi MbSgany Sideboard Dining nd other Crockery and Glassware ttec lf Rug Paraage? Stair and Mahogany Hat Rck i articles and $30 eah over a Terfn of ixtv and ninety day for approved endorsed $30 a aredrt of aa 7 ROBERT DYER Union Auctioneer ON SATURDAY Octa 23 3 ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY vlaw no 60 draws SPLTMBIB SCHBMS 1 prixeoi 20 do doit do dOe HAL A MONTH LATER ROM EUROP i Th? steamer Cambria arrived at Boston yester day morning with dates from Liverpool of the 5th instant Western flour was sellin? at 26 a 28s Rich mond and Baltimore 25 a 26s Ohio 22 a 24s Indian meal 14 a 15s corn 30 a J5 woeat mixed and red 7 a 8s per 70 pounds The above quotations of flour exhibit a decline of 2s since the departure of the last steamer It is said however that at the latest dates breadsjufls were in good demand Cotton has declined Orleans fair 68 upland 6i Georgia GJ Provisions firm The money market was greatly depressed md an" immense number of failures had occurred: among them co*ckrill Co for six hundred thou sand dollars By this arrival we have intelligence the death of the lion Alexander Everett our Com missioner to China The New York market yesterday was about the same as the preceding day Sales of flour at $650 a $062 red wheat 140 corn 65 a 68 cotton dull The Baltimore and Philadelphia markets were with out change hut unsettled 1 The rench steamer Missouri has arnvevt a1 New York tint her news is not so late as that by the Cambria 6hlic HILI! of valuable real estate ou the otoiuao River lb pursuance of decree of Montgomery County Court Utting court of equilT in the case cf rench orrest and others vs Moreawwjd iberthc subrariber as trustee wiH offer at pubhc vendoe on XV ed newtoy lire 29U1 day rf Severn ber next at the ile Ihng ly occupied by Westley Magruder near Rushville 1 Jhre land lying in Montgomery county of which the late Joseph orrest seised nd pUesseff the time ol In draA eitlrer in Iii own right or in the right of hi re tands confist of several tract or part of tract and constitute two forms the ate King on the Potomac nvtrand Chesapeake and Ohio Canal about eighteen mile from Georgetown pos sessing all the advantage of a direct water carriage to the District commanding a noble prospect and being well woort cd There is also a water poef ou the estate near the ca nal well calculated for a factory or mill The low ground are' rich upland highly improved and lhe '''7?" 1 'Till tract contain about 565 aerea more or less be improvement consist of a dwelling house and other out The" other lying or near the Cron Road in the vicinity of the Great all of Potomae being part ot a tract of land called the Resurvey on containing 301 rare conveved by Zacbarih Gatton nd other to Joraph borrefc Sdrtofa tract rf Hnd railed conveyed by IJenjamin Dulany and wife to Elizabeth oneL Tend of sale Oue fourth of the purelia re money in hand the residue in three equal instalments ot twelve eighteenan twenty four moutli from the day of ale prewlrote inreret from the day of rale aud the jreymeut thereof to be I secured by the bom! of the purclarer or I surety or iuretiea approved by the trustee be ran flra lion rf the sale and payment of the whole purchase root ey 1 i Iwl ire tire trustee will convey to the purchaser or aud not bet ire the trustee 'vam MiZ clear Vairo ot the partie to Urncure and STUe aoove sale la portpoued uutll Saturday the 23d instant at the same place WASHINGTON rnilE PROPRIETORS of thi Hotel have secured the aid of Mr Gkoanr YkLtarr a die general agent and hereafter conducting tire establishment 1 if auloZTd to aetHn matter relating thereto in kimr all and every eooirret or engagement neerasury conducting the business a fully the tTlhe mrelve could do and aU the tranmeuon of the house A refornihed ill be opened on the i 15ih seem ed the ran ice ot Mr caterer (formerly of they tru to render York Cjq SSSTrXS North American Whig Richmond will tire JaWe every other time for to months and rend the bill to the HmeL 2 UAI GOOD AU I 1 izxrmblrt nO1S Ol ltl 1 jyintai TtercttanZ Tutors I Thrae wanting a go artide at a moder pn TEG leave to submit to their patron and the public gene fui and elegant garment will be suited tWr of dl and inter Good of the before Piete for gentlemen eon rating in part of W''NBUTbree or fourteoat bands wanted None but the best I Suspenders new tyle Cravat and Stoc 14th and 15th streets I lAwen Umbrella he fortockft have just been received oct 20eoM which hajenraiected with rarji trom roe 1 ottc ct rssr 11e Memoirs of the I ket vl iu hnnecable Brocade Silk Vsvaa bins svpscvcavx rwnmn Satina do tl'd nd Mriped uiace oa do li ht Silk for evening dresses do ligl't oolorevl and white bstiu do pink and blue ratio triped and watered Silk SG i uch bhek Ottoman Sal in do dreogeable Armure bilk 4 4 4 and5 4 blck boiled Silk for neb rench RESULT THEJICTIOIN OHttk I EDITOR? COItnSPOKilENCE CoCMnZ Or TdlER 15 1847 I have the extreme uratiifbation informing you returns teceived this ening render certain a Whig Legislature in both IJancheo All the doubt ful districts are in but Trumbull have enough without it but shall protably hfl it too Our i mrinritv in lhe Senate vj'ill certain and polls ol tne war yiui ouncnuci which has been demanded from that Government probably four In the HndsE wqia ve a mrjof the condition of the Peace which it has been the also of twi certain and obublshall have six declared object of the war to conquer are ex We fail in one SenatorialstncIIhland tc) fremely worthy of attentive contemplation by all by only 35 votes and losortaand one or two those who really think that the acquisition of Men I other counties for ReppJntativdhby a very few can territory of itself a sufficient object for a 1 votes ft i 1 Thfa is a irreat It IMves the Whtgs for thofirst time for yearqf an opportunity to district the State for mejribers the Legislature ftirly airly improved jjiis opportunity willr se cure the State for years The majority in the a rfhjoriiy of Whigs holding secures tharf branch and renders quite sure the election of a jiVhig jjnator netyear i the place of Mr Allen? Suh such a triumpn it glorious and you niuii excti4 us if we exult a little li I Honor honor to the ad faVs Whigs of the steadfast Whig State of truly Ac THINGS LVMEXICQ The following remarks jlar tbiinpress of just observation 'and deduction of them is any thing but gratifying orvoral: roM tu xxw ontzAS yriosrsitr octobzw 11 Tin: Present View ofiie AI rxican Nation While we are waiting wij4 intefje nay painful interest to hear from our Wny uer Gen Scott it 'may not be unprofitable thoti urfjrarant tak to take a sujrerfidal glance tfl the eightiillioM people struggling to oppose our arms When tho War begn MexicoM reaHweok HerDxecu tive officer wm ralhct the cretmp of revolutionary than con stitutional power Santa Ann ss bawu trom me coun try Parede who was in faijr of a with the United States succeeded the Npoll of tn turn i i ii rftr neaee Piiident Szoed over the dis reject it as it is They wm not bv hortilitics make their homes where these great rar urarmit uitk'wi K' ft ft where tlteir aspirations for social im vriffiout a head 11 law and oi uw anarcujr a fc as rammed to be crumbling irrcvocOy to then the great came bound up the franehts empire raised nr mense armies reetqred eonfidetft and Uik the field' Srce that time the career of Santa AtTa has the most remark able on record he has fought fte pitchJ battles upon tuq result of each it seemed if tb(41wtiny his nation depend ed in each he was defeated 5 undated he has strug gled on fall of energy arid influence When General Scott was Pueblajie heard much of are Herrera although deed stiljad way his counsels were sympathized in greatUmber of the mrf itfluenlfal citizen Even the iet pge of peace and we then daily hoped the olive bran' wbuldjke the place of th haseonw over the Spirit of the Micsn naO influence suddenly operate to make peaepprentKbopclera thus in volving the future in the darkest emails of Herrera has declared for war thrown all the foservatire influence ho posresrovVover bi party Mjhe stanA ride by fide with the most tanaticJ of those whdechre gey will be extermt naled rather thn yield Stiff pother afr appears if to unite influences for wr Wm Chough under pein cf deatli ifffie returned from doee face of the law of banishment in face Ol me epM ed pickets unquestioned and upon) foe people to etand by him in behalf of his count He is Nrtqundcd by a few but trusty follower vf "0 Here then we have every jsrty in jhxwo nmtod on the subject of war Santa Anna yad the jpular party Her 1 Hv Paredes mouarC jical party and all are united to oppose our ahnsJit the raeice bo what it may rMchfffus tak4 in connexion with A DC IlliUUia 444 yr 9 the strengthened moral attitudof the Nziran people nee this war begin justifies an anf to from Gen Scott painful in ite character for everlt that hts force wm indenuate for th work he had perform nf force of Gen Scott fie peoplO'r Wl bnld tne aouh 1 CONQUEST he Memoir i pieeesverr i Ji iftftonnt: he Z4that we Ibok with Conquistador Bernal I i del 10 nlb nS armv we ralp with high relft containingtm the 'ri MXieiJ IW I confidence upon the skill of thHcommanttg General and bra ft a ft ral WWA fiorVPlM I I brave officers and men Uenjpcou ihj 'hope for the best whip the enffay again td again a Tay lor and thmMtevefoe Adminration frA iMting disgrace 1 I Jones Wm The compliment was I paid this gentleman on rify by lheTenne ee tnre of electing him to Me post rf Judge of tue 4th Judicial Chcuitj in face of Ilin A CxacTnEM reriened Judge CMfazttit Swill recollected by our reader at a distance) wm thealiant of the Irt Ten nessee regiment which so did igufahoj ftelf in foe storming of Monterey He has abo Rented Smt dl tict several times in ConesW Banner A WXIM To LrxcHr A msefby tho name of Mc Night eome time since dire Apcared Montrl Vwft men were airestj as hii teorJerere The citi MM of the town of Montroenfuriatet (hem determined ler3 Ol lue ihmr hemtr nuns imh nr them at once inconvenience 1 ne closing ot utv jr mor got out thaOIcKniglwM seer noaung a 1 fnr rrnn rs and DOW again during rumor nStamreneAUd theacfnof the mob which I I11UMSU vi ftftJ I lO'n inu Liy a th hAfWlht nl the month of October and pernaps oi a guuu nted that me of November is no small loss to me legaI OTeRI8 dU and pea! A I A MfV i lime alter me repairs ui mo closing of navigation for the bringing down of all lhe produce and the activity of the trade after it com mences may compensate for its present loss SV Av TheTelegraphic wires ft rere 1 i XT ihmiitTn tn MOO were conneciea irom new treat on Saturday evening anti a uirecttuuimuv tion opened to the latter city a distance of over one tl ft re ZT rewl 1 IHUUdUHl word is at a distance of over one thousand nxjlesjjmd an answer returned Herald wmm roc in oftjer Now I ask where and when have tne wdhji ty adopt it if I coi ta aiJ and C1)mfarl Mexico Did Whigs commence thovesture peace uut Mtion or lh wmy were pppared for the con ce is now in a great Tt lor tha Rfa Granfe with an I ft i army wu am wno maae mo wur tftt him with a superior force Diu tne I Whig give comfort to the enemy after their defeat atMonte 1 ement can fin(5 no 'scope where the church rcy by endeavoring nx a ream upre um Schoolhouse can never be brought in close General nd a herore army who accomplished tliat defeat nn annexation is an Did the AYhigs give comfort to Uie enemy oy aiwmpuug puAuiv disorganize army by superseding all its veteran officer by impossibility an absurdity Mexico IS only SUlt Cmgrerionl Lieutenant General? Did the Whig give 4 e(j t0 the kind of people who now inhabit aid IO the enemy by withholding for a time the sen Ums of the gort of primitive pastoral semi barbarous race Commander in chief of our army beeura Mr Mrcy dis lvcrge tQ cianging old habits and perfectly COn rti de rf hi trixro and fee ve him there until Santa Ann could be thousand years ago whatever they may ha mu into Mexico and raise an rmy of twenty thousand men to been ft 1 1 1 1 iftlftftkJ irt rerasmcv I rat Qies wouiu oniy wei out lhe army andmot under this Ad ir i of this war we all taur exLt between us jt is now Mtrue by the reckleea is the Executive chair Of rnn run I sneak here of the masses not 1 put into meiicu i ek ft the calamity Ute him Haa whig interfered in rawing money 4 of (he e(ucated few who rule them ft fti 1 ra in ilraWB the I no part in enue ofe Government by reduction of duties Did wo trike a blow the credit nd ndMiy win cuuuj time of war by sacrificing a permanent home market ton temporary foreign market DmI we the Admmistra 1 tion in it means for transmitting money for the support of the army in Mexico by the passage of that contemptible humbug the Subtaeareiry No the Whigs have done none of thera thing They have all been done or attempted in spite of our reautance 4 I iA ari romfrrt to Mexico since the I XU UrM MAS I war commenced? Who has tampered with the While the Whig in Congrew were voting men and money for the war while thousands ot our citizen were rum mvi A Brown a the frontier to recue our exposed little army lhe eye and hand representing that county It gave A HRO of our Executive were not directed toward tbe scene i I majority of 353nd would reduce the hig ma eSS Uo in 3U 1015 'J I ternWp Ournavv wa used on "the occraion he predated the com fronl Pittsburg via New Orleans and last fromKey pliments of Mr Polk to Com Conner and along witn tncma box of the very brat Havana cigar whereupon his mort surerfcr excellency Don Antonio Lopez de Banta Anna wm bowed into Mexico the great pacificator of contending na tion That wm a deed my country men ng to be rclIm bered by a grateful people There wm aid and comfort of the real and practical kind No sooner had our hero roved with the rnoute of a in JV I CX ICO UJ3II VVU evwra ft I rrratefal neopte and in a few abort month th! friend of oui me iPs srmw with twentT thousand mtn at bi heels That that liule neglected anqy did not fall sacrifice KCIvna The Governor of Maine lias to his power thank to the unconquerable pint of lytor and the 25lh day of November as a day of to the battlefield for I public thanksgiving This makes eix Slates in 1 would not carry party dretincuon the a i celebrated on the same thera gallant men know ot no range MnssarhusettSCon 03 necticut New York and Missouri In no other of the States has a thanksgiving been appointed THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO CANAL It is estimated by the Engineer of die Chesa ncakehnd Ohio Canal that the cost of repairs of the damage done by" the late freshet will not exceed twenty thousand dollars arc actively pro gressing widi their work and have some hundred I ftft 1 tiara konuU bIaOR VallQDOUt hands now empioyeu a 3 fifteen miles above Georgetown near the alls at which a considerable breach was made by the flood The business men of Georgetown are of course quite impatient for rapid progress as the stoppage of die canal during the present month and with the present prices of produce which would no doubt draw large quantities to marsei i a 7 i inconvenience The closing of die canal during the 1 fnr rmir nnil now ajam aurinj I prcp 1 LA 1 Prize of 20 prize ot SO do 20 do 20 do 20 do 20 do' 165 do bcc Tickets.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.