ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (2024)

topic 2.1:Individuals, populations, communities, and ecosystems

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (1)

Subtopic 2.1 introduces the fundamental concepts of ecology, focusing on the interconnectedness of individuals, populations, communities, and ecosystems. This comprehensive overview includes discussions on ecological niches, which describe the specific roles or functions that organisms play within their ecosystems, including how they utilize resources and interact with other species. It also covers key aspects of population biology, such as population dynamics, structure, and interactions within ecosystems, which are crucial for understanding how species populations evolve and sustain over time.

Additionally, the topic delves into the concept of carrying capacity—the maximum number of individuals of a particular species that an environment can support indefinitely, given the availability of essential resources like food, water, and habitat. Keystone species, which are critical to the stability and health of their ecosystems, are also explored; their presence or absence can have significant cascading effects on other species and the ecosystem's overall functionality. Furthermore, this section addresses the broader ecological frameworks of biosphere integrity and planetary boundaries, which help in understanding the limits within which human activities and natural processes can coexist sustainably. These frameworks are vital for recognizing the ecological thresholds that should not be crossed to maintain a stable planet. This foundational knowledge in ecology is pivotal for students as it lays the groundwork for more advanced studies in environmental systems and their complex interactions.


This unit will take a minimum of 6 hours.

Guided Questions

  • How can natural systems be modelled, and can these models be used to predict the effects of human disturbance?​
  • How do population dynamics such as birth rates and death rates influence the stability of an ecosystem?


ecosystems foundation

​2.1.1 The biosphere is an ecological system composed of individuals, populations, communities, ecosystems.

  • Define 'biosphere'
  • Draw a simple diagram of the biosphere illustrating its components: individuals, populations, communities, and ecosystems.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (2)

The biosphere is the global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships, including their interactions with the elements of the lithosphere (earth), hydrosphere (water), and atmosphere (air). This concept underscores the interconnected nature of life on Earth, highlighting the biosphere as the sum of all ecosystems.

Key Elements of the Biosphere:

  • Ecosystems:Ecosystems comprise communities and their non-living environments functioning as a single unit. The health of ecosystems is often gauged by their biodiversity, productivity, and the cyclic movements of energy and nutrients.
  • Communities: A community is a group of populations of different species that live in the same area and interact with each other. These interactions can include various forms of symbiosis, competition, and predation.
  • Populations:A population is a group of individuals of the same species living in a specific area, capable of interbreeding. Population dynamics, such as growth rates and migration, play a crucial role in the health and evolution of ecosystems.
  • Individuals:The smallest unit in the ecological hierarchy, an individual is a single organism capable of independent survival.

The Significance of the Biosphere:

  • The biosphere is critical because it encapsulates the life-supporting zones of the Earth, from the deepest layers of the oceans to the highest atmospheric layers where life can exist. It supports all life forms by providing the necessary air, water, and soil and facilitates the interactions and energy flows essential for sustaining life. Understanding the biosphere's structure—from individuals to ecosystems—is vital for environmental conservation efforts as it aids in comprehending the complex interactions that sustain life on Earth. This understanding also informs strategies aimed at protecting endangered species, managing natural resources, and mitigating the impacts of climate change, ensuring that life can thrive across our planet.

2.1.2 An individual organism is a member of a species.

  • Define species with reference to a named example
  • Outline the problems associated with the species model

​That definition of a species might seem cut and dried, but it is not — in nature, there are lots of places where it is difficult to apply this definition. For example, many bacteria reproduce mainly asexually. The bacterium shown at right is reproducing asexually, by binary fission.

A species is a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. A species is often defined as a group of individuals that actually or potentially interbreed in nature. In this sense, a species is the biggest gene pool possible under natural conditions.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (3)

Example: Bengal Tiger

  • Name: Raja
  • Species: Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)

​Raja is an individual Bengal Tiger living in the Sundarbans mangrove forest in India. As a member of the species Panthera tigris tigris, Raja shares several characteristics with other Bengal Tigers, including physical traits, behaviors, and genetic makeup.

Problems with the Species Model

The species model, often used in environmental studies and conservation, involves focusing on individual species for protection and management. While this approach has its merits, it also has several problems and limitations:

Narrow Focus:

  • Biodiversity Overlooked: The species model can result in a narrow focus on a few charismatic or economically important species, leading to neglect of other species and broader biodiversity.
  • Ecosystem Interactions Ignored: It often ignores the complex interactions within ecosystems, including the roles of non-charismatic species, which may be crucial for ecosystem functioning.

Resource Allocation:

  • Funding and Effort Imbalance: Conservation efforts and funding may be disproportionately directed towards high-profile species, leaving less charismatic or lesser-known species without necessary resources.
  • Inefficiency: This can lead to inefficient use of limited conservation resources, as protecting habitats and ecosystems often benefits multiple species simultaneously.

Ecological Complexity:

  • Interdependence: Species do not exist in isolation but are part of intricate food webs and ecological networks. Focusing on a single species may not address the underlying causes of its decline, which could be related to broader environmental issues.
  • Keystone Species Misidentification: The model may mistakenly prioritize species that are not actually keystone species, missing opportunities to protect those that have a disproportionate impact on their ecosystems.

Climate Change Adaptation:

  • Lack of Flexibility: The species model often does not account for the dynamic nature of ecosystems, especially under climate change. Species ranges are shifting, and focusing on static conservation targets can be counterproductive.
  • Adaptation Needs: It may not adequately address the need for species to adapt to changing conditions, such as migration corridors or habitat connectivity.

Ethical Considerations:

  • Intrinsic vs. Instrumental Value: The model can reinforce an anthropocentric view that values species based on their usefulness to humans (instrumental value) rather than their intrinsic value, which is the inherent worth of all living beings.
  • Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Prioritizing certain species can sometimes lead to conflicts with local communities, particularly if those species pose threats to livelihoods or safety.

Policy and Legislation:

  • Legal Constraints: Conservation laws and policies often target specific species, which can limit the ability to implement more holistic, ecosystem-based management strategies.
  • Fragmented Approaches: Species-specific conservation measures may result in fragmented and piecemeal management efforts rather than integrated approaches that address broader ecological and environmental issues.

Long-term Viability:

  • Short-term Focus: The species model may prioritize immediate conservation actions over long-term ecological health, potentially ignoring factors like genetic diversity and ecosystem resilience.
  • Sustainability: Ensuring the sustainability of species populations often requires addressing broader environmental issues such as habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change, which the species model may not fully encompass

2.1.3 Classification of organisms allows for efficient identification and prediction of characteristics.

  • Define taxonomy
  • Explain why it is important to italicize or underline the genus and species names in scientific nomenclature

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (4)

The classification of organisms, also known as taxonomy, is a critical scientific system used to organize and categorize the vast diversity of life forms on Earth. The system of biological nomenclature (naming) developed by Charles Linnaeus is a very useful system.This systematic approach allows scientists and researchers to efficiently identify organisms and predict their characteristics, which is essential for studying biological relationships, evolutionary histories, and ecological interactions.

The scientific name of a species is called the binomial name and has two parts. The first word identifies its genus, or a group of species with similar characteristics. The second word is the species name. Scientific names originated from Latin and they are always written either in italics or underlined

Knowing the organisms that live in your region can help you to learn about their function within the ecosystem and why it is important to protect them

Key Elements of Classification:

  • Hierarchical Structure: Organisms are classified into a hierarchy that includes several levels such as kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. This structure helps in understanding the evolutionary relationships among different organisms.
  • Binomial Nomenclature: Each species is given a unique two-part name. This system, developed by Carl Linnaeus, uses the genus name and the species name to form the full scientific name of an organism. For example, the house cat is officially named Felis catus.

Organizing organisms into a taxonomic system presents challenges. Nature doesn't always conform to the categories we define; many species exhibit characteristics that span multiple groups. Moreover, ongoing discoveries in microscopic details and genetic traits frequently compel revisions to established taxonomic classifications, underscoring the complexity and fluidity of categorizing biological diversity

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (5)

​2.1.4 Taxonomists use a variety of tools to identify an organism.

  • Explain how to identify organisms using keys, technology and scientific expertise​

A range of tools exist to allow taxonomists to distinguish one species from another.These include dichotomous keys and specimens samples preserved in museum or laboratory collections. Most identification is now undertaken using DNA from genomes of known specie.

Dichotomous Keys

A dichotomous key is a practical tool used in the field of biology to identify organisms based on their physical characteristics. Structured like a flowchart, it consists of a series of questions or statements that gradually narrow down the possible categories of organisms until the specific organism can be identified.

How Dichotomous Keys Work:

  • Series of Choices: Each step in a dichotomous key presents the user with two choices, typically about the presence or absence of a specific physical feature. These features might include leaf shape, flower color, body size, or the type of appendages.
  • Sequential Process: Users begin at the first question or statement and select the option that corresponds to the observed characteristic of the unknown organism. This choice directs them to the next pair of statements or another question, progressively narrowing the field of possibilities.
  • Final Identification: This process continues until the user is guided to the final identification of the organism. Each path through the key leads to a conclusion, effectively naming the organism based on its observed characteristics.

Application and Importance:

  • Dichotomous keys are invaluable in educational settings, field research, and anywhere biological inventories are essential. They enable students, researchers, and even amateur naturalists to make precise identifications of organisms in a structured, straightforward manner. By requiring users to observe and distinguish between different characteristics, dichotomous keys also promote critical thinking and attention to detail—skills that are crucial in the scientific study of biodiversity.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (6)

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (7)

Salamander Dichotomous Key Activity.docx

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Population and Community Dynamics

2.1.5 A population is a group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time, and which are capable of interbreeding.

  • Define population with reference to a named example
  • State the factors that affect a population

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (9)image from

A population encompasses all the individuals of a single species living in a specific area at the same time who are capable of interbreeding. This concept is fundamental in ecology as it helps define the scope of community interactions and evolutionary processes within a habitat.

Key Characteristics of Populations:

  • Interbreeding Capability: Populations are defined not just by geographic proximity but by the potential for its members to reproduce and mix genetically. This genetic exchange is crucial for the adaptation and survival of the species.
  • Spatial and Temporal Boundaries: While a population is confined to a specific area, these boundaries are not fixed and can change due to environmental pressures, migration, and human influence. The temporal aspect refers to the population at a specific snapshot in time, acknowledging that populations are dynamic and fluctuate.
  • Multiple Populations for One Species: A single species can be divided into numerous populations based on geographical separations, environmental barriers, or behavioral traits that limit interaction and interbreeding. These separate populations can exhibit different evolutionary trajectories.

Population as an Ecological Unit:

  • Populations serve as a fundamental unit for studying ecological phenomena such as competition, predation, and symbiosis. The health and growth dynamics of a population can indicate the health of the ecosystem at large.
  • Understanding population dynamics involves studying rates of birth, death, immigration, and emigration, which help predict changes in population size and structure over time.

Implications of Population Studies:

  • Conservation Efforts: Effective conservation strategies often focus on populations, particularly managing those that are endangered or invasive. Preserving genetic diversity within and between populations is crucial for maintaining ecological resilience.
  • Resource Management: Populations are key considerations in resource management, as overutilization of natural resources can lead to population declines and imbalances in the ecosystem.

APPLICATION OF SKILLS:​Investigate a local ecosystem.

  • Investigate the populations of a common urban bird species, such as pigeons or sparrows, within a city park.
  • Examine a population of a specific tree species within a local forest or woodland area.
  • Analyze the population dynamics of a fish species in a local stream or river ecosystem.
  • Study the population of a particular insect species within an agricultural setting, such as bees in an orchard.
  • Investigate populations of a marine species like mussels or barnacles along a coastal rocky shore.

2.1.6 Factors that determine the distribution of a population can be abiotic or biotic.

  • Define biotic and abiotic

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (10)

In ecology, the distribution of populations within an ecosystem is influenced by a complex interplay of both biotic and abiotic factors. Understanding these factors is essential for comprehending how populations adapt, survive, and interact within their environments

  • Biotic: All the plants, animals, algae, fungi and microbes in an ecosystem.
  • Abiotic: The chemical and physical factors in an ecosystem (non living) for example: temperature, moisture, salinity, soil type, light, air

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (11)

Biotic Factors:

  • Competition: Organisms compete for limited resources like food, water, and space. For example, two tree species may compete for sunlight, influencing their growth and spatial distribution within a forest.
  • Predation: Predator-prey relationships significantly influence the distribution of species. Areas with high predator concentrations may see lower populations of certain prey species.
  • Symbiosis: Interactions like mutualism, where two species benefit from their relationship, can enhance the ability of populations to expand into new areas or thrive in existing ones. An example is the relationship between bees and flowering plants, where bees pollinate flowers while feeding on their nectar.
  • Disease: Pathogens can control the population size and distribution by reducing the number of susceptible individuals in a population.

Biotic factors can be grouped by their general role in an ecosystem:

  • producers: plants that produce their own food
  • consumers: animals that eat plants and other animals
  • decomposers: organisms that break down the waste of other organisms

Abiotic Factors

Abiotic factors vary in the environment and determining the types and numbers of organisms that exist in that environment. These factors are critical as they often set hard limits on where organisms can survive. Key abiotic factors include:

  • Temperature: The range of temperature in a region can determine which organisms are capable of surviving there based on their physiological thermal limits.
  • Water: Moisture availability affects where organisms can live, particularly plants and aquatic organisms. Different species require different amounts of water, influencing their geographical distribution.
  • Soil Type: The composition and characteristics of soil, including its texture, pH, and nutrient content, influence the types of plants that can grow, which in turn affects the distribution of various animal populations dependent on those plants.
  • Light: The amount and intensity of light can influence where plant species grow, as photosynthesis is light-dependent. This, in turn, affects the distribution of animal species that rely on those plants for food or habitat.
  • Altitude and Geography: Higher altitudes may have cooler temperatures and less oxygen, which can limit which species are able to thrive. Geographic barriers like mountains or rivers can also restrict the movement of species, influencing their distribution patterns.

2.1.7 Temperature, sunlight, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen and soil texture are examples of many abiotic factors that affect species distributions in ecosystems.

  • Define limiting factor
  • Explain how salinity and temperature variations can affect the distribution of marine species.
  • Describe the role of soil texture in determining the types of vegetation that can thrive in a terrestrial ecosystem

Factors which determine the types and numbers of organisms of a species in an ecosystem are calledlimiting factors. Many limiting factors restrict the growth of populations in nature. An example of this would include low annual average temperature average common to the Arctic restricts the growth of trees, as the subsoil is permanently frozen.

Understanding these abiotic factors, helps us appreciate the complex interactions within ecosystems and the adaptive strategies employed by organisms to cope with environmental stresses

  • Temperature
    • Impact:Temperature significantly affects the metabolic rates of organisms. It influences growth rates, reproduction, and survival rates, shaping the geographic distribution of species.
    • Example: Tropical ecosystems are characterized by high biodiversity partly due to warm temperatures, which accelerate metabolic processes and lead to higher productivity and faster decomposition.
  • Light
    • Impact:Light is crucial for photosynthesis in plants and influences the behavior and reproductive cycles of various organisms. Light availability can affect plant growth and, by extension, the animals that depend on those plants for food and habitat.
    • Example:In forest ecosystems, canopy layers significantly affect light penetration, creating distinct microenvironments. Understory plants have adapted to low light conditions, often growing larger leaves to capture more sunlight.
  • Water
    • Impact:Water availability is a critical determinant of species distribution and ecosystem productivity. It affects plant water stress and the water balance of all organisms in an ecosystem.
    • Example:Desert plants such as cacti have adaptations like thick cuticles and reduced leaf surfaces to minimize water loss, allowing them to thrive in arid environments with limited water availability.
  • Wind
    • Impact:Wind can influence the temperature and moisture level of environments. It affects the rate of transpiration in plants, seed and pollen dispersal, and can physically shape the structure of plants and the landscape.
    • Example:In coastal ecosystems, strong winds can lead to the development of salt-tolerant plant species with structural adaptations like thick stems and waxy leaves to reduce water loss.
  • Soil
    • Impact:Soil properties, including texture, composition, pH, and nutrient content, are vital for plant growth. These properties determine not only which plants can thrive in an area but also the types of animals that can be supported.
    • Example:In tropical rainforests, rapid decomposition and nutrient uptake result in nutrient-poor soils. The lush vegetation primarily relies on the rapid recycling of nutrients from decomposing organic material.
  • pH
    • Impact:The pH level of soil and water can influence nutrient availability and toxicity, thereby affecting plant health and the types of microbial communities that can exist in an environment.
    • Example:In freshwater ecosystems, a lower pH (more acidic water) can result from industrial pollution (acid rain), affecting aquatic life by altering ion balance and increasing metal solubility, which can be toxic.
  • Soil Texture
    • Impact:Soil texture, determined by the size of soil particles, affects water retention and air circulation within the soil. This influences root growth and nutrient uptake by plants.
    • Example: Sandy soils, with large particle sizes, drain quickly and do not hold nutrients well, affecting the types of vegetation that can thrive. Plants in these soils often have deep root systems to access lower moisture reserves.
  • Dissolved Oxygen
    • Impact: Dissolved oxygen in water is crucial for aquatic life. It affects respiration in aquatic organisms and plays a role in determining water quality.
    • Example:Low levels of dissolved oxygen in water bodies can lead to hypoxic conditions, making it difficult for fish and other aquatic species to survive. This often occurs due to excessive nutrient pollution from agricultural runoff, leading to algal blooms that deplete oxygen.

APPLICATION OF SKILLS:Use methods for measuring at least three abiotic factors in an aquatic or terrestrial ecosystem, including the use of data logging.

  • Analyze temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen levels in a freshwater pond.
  • Measure salinity and temperature gradients in a coastal salt marsh ecosystem.
  • Investigate sunlight exposure and soil texture in a forest ecosystem.
  • Examine temperature, sunlight, and soil pH in a mountainous terrain.
  • Measure temperature, light, and soil texture in various sections of an urban park.
  • Investigate temperature, sunlight, and soil texture in a desert ecosystem.
  • Monitor UV radiation, temperature, and oxygen levels in a high-altitude ecosystem.
  • Analyze temperature and light pollution in different urban and suburban areas.

2.1.8 A niche describes the particular set of abiotic and biotic conditions and resources upon which an organism or a population depends.

  • Define nichewith reference to a named example
  • Distinguish between biotic and abiotic (physical) components of an ecosystem​

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (12)image from

An ecological niche encompasses the range of biotic and abiotic conditions that a species needs to survive, grow, and reproduce. More than just a habitat, a niche includes the role the species plays in its ecosystem, its interactions with other organisms, and its response to environmental factors. Each species occupies a distinct niche, shaped by both the physical environment and the species' interactions with other organisms.

Key Aspects of a Niche:

  • Resource Use: The specific resources a species requires, such as food, water, and shelter, determine its niche. For example, different plant species in a rainforest may require varying amounts of light, nutrients, and water, influencing their growth and reproductive strategies.
  • Functional Role: The role a species plays in its ecosystem, such as predator, decomposer, or pollinator, is a critical aspect of its niche. This role affects how it interacts with other species and contributes to energy flow and nutrient cycling.
  • Environmental Tolerances: A species' tolerance to environmental variables like temperature, humidity, pH levels, and salinity also defines its niche. These tolerances dictate where a species can live and thrive.

Niche Differentiation:

  • Example of Squirrels and Rabbits: In a forest ecosystem, squirrels and rabbits coexist without direct competition despite sharing a common habitat. This is because they utilize different food sources—rabbits primarily consume grass, while squirrels feed on acorns. This differentiation in their dietary preferences illustrates how niche partitioning allows multiple species to inhabit the same area without competing for the same resources.

Niche Overlap and Competition:

  • When niches overlap significantly, such as two species relying on the same food source, competition occurs. This competition can influence the population dynamics of the species involved, potentially leading to the exclusion of one species or necessitating further niche differentiation.

Implications of Niche Concepts:

  • Understanding niches is vital for conservation efforts, as it helps in managing habitats and ensuring species survival. It also aids in predicting how species might respond to environmental changes, including habitat destruction and climate change.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (13)

The North American Beaver (Castor canadensis) and Its Ecological Niche

The North American beaver is a keystone species in aquatic and riparian ecosystems, illustrating a complex ecological niche.

Habitat Modification:

  • Beavers are well-known for their ability to drastically alter landscapes through the construction of dams and lodges using tree trunks, branches, and mud. These activities create wetlands, which are crucial for biodiversity, providing habitat for many species including fish, birds, and amphibians.

Water Regulation:

  • By building dams, beavers help to maintain water levels within watercourses, which can reduce the severity of droughts and mitigate flood damage downstream. The ponds created by beaver dams increase sediment retention, which enhances the aquifer recharge in dry periods.

Temperature and Water Quality Control:

  • The wetlands and ponds created and maintained by beavers can help to regulate water temperature by providing shaded areas and reducing water velocity. These factors are critical for sustaining fish populations, particularly salmon and trout, which require specific temperature ranges. Additionally, these water bodies help in filtering out pollutants, improving overall water quality.

Habitat for Other Species:

  • Beaver ponds increase the structural diversity of habitats in their vicinity. These areas often support a higher diversity of bird species and provide critical breeding habitat for amphibians such as frogs and newts. Migratory bird species frequently utilize beaver wetlands as resting and feeding sites.

Nutrient Cycling:

  • Beavers contribute to nutrient cycling within their ecosystems. The material they use to build dams and the organic matter that accumulates in beaver ponds decomposes, releasing nutrients back into the ecosystem and enhancing soil fertility around the water bodies.

Biodiversity Enhancement:

  • The diverse habitats created by beavers support a wide array of species. The changes in landscape and hydrology driven by beaver activity can lead to increased biodiversity within the ecosystem, showcasing the broad ecological impact beavers have beyond just their immediate surroundings.

Moisture Retention

  • Beaver ponds increase the moisture content of the surrounding area through water seepage and increased humidity from the standing water. This added moisture can make the surrounding vegetation less susceptible to ignition during dry conditions. Wetlands created by beavers act as natural firebreaks, slowing the spread of fires.

2.1.9 Populations interact in ecosystems by herbivory, predation, parasitism, mutualism, disease and competition, with ecological, behavioural and evolutionary consequences.

  • Define population dynamics
  • Distinguish between intraspecific competition and interspecific competition
  • Describe competitive exclusion
  • Define predation, herbivory, parasitism, mutualism, disease and competition with reference to named examples
  • Distinguisha predator from a parasite
  • ​Explain why competition for a resource has negative effects

The word symbiosis literally means 'living together,' but when we use the word symbiosis in biology, what we're really talking about is a close, long-term interaction between two different species. There are many different types of symbiotic relationships that occur in nature.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (14)

Competitionis where organisms compete for a resource that is in limited supply (water, food, territory, mates, habitat, etc.). There are two different classifications of competition

  • Intraspecific competition: competition between members of the same species. For exampletwo oak trees growing too close together fighting for sunlight and nutrients or two male deer competing for mates.
  • Interspecific competition: .Individuals of the different species, competing for the same resources.Competition is where organisms compete for a resource that is in limited supply (water, food, territory, mates, habitat, etc.).
  • The other outcome is that one species may totally out compete the other, this is the principle ofCompetitive exclusion.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (15)

parasitism -The host provides a habitat and food for the bacteria, but in return, the bacteria cause disease in the host. This is an example of parasitism or an association between two different species where the symbiont benefits and the host is harmed. Not all parasites have to cause disease.
Parasites of animals are highly specialized, and reproduce at a faster rate than their hosts. Classic examples include interactions between vertebrate hosts and tapeworms, flukes, the malaria-causingPlasmodiumspecies, and fleas.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (16)

mutualism -benefit both interacting species. Examples include pollinators that feed on nectar while helping plants reproduce, and mycorrhizal fungi that enhance nutrient absorption for plants in exchange for carbohydrates. These interactions often lead to highly specialized adaptations and interdependencies.

Certain species of Acacia trees have evolved a mutualistic relationship with ant colonies, particularly in Africa and Central America. These trees are often referred to as "ant-acacias."

  • Ant Benefits: The Acacia provides the ants with food and shelter. The trees produce specialized structures called nectaries that secrete a sugary solution, which the ants consume. Additionally, the Acacia trees have swollen thorns that the ants use as protective nesting sites.
  • Acacia Benefits: In return, the ants protect the tree from herbivores and invasive plant species. The ants aggressively defend the tree against browsing animals by swarming and biting them. They also prune away other plants that might compete with the Acacia for sunlight and nutrients, effectively clearing the area around the tree.

The presence of ants reduces damage to the Acacia from herbivores and competing plants, allowing the tree to grow more vigorously and reproduce more successfully.

This mutualism not only benefits the ants and the Acacia but also influences the broader ecological community. For example, the area cleared by ants around the tree can become a microhabitat for other species, and the well-maintained Acacia can provide food and habitat for various insects and birds.

This mutualistic relationship illustrates coevolution, where two species evolve in response to each other's influence. The Acacia's adaptations to produce nectaries and housing structures are likely responses to the protective services of the ants, while the ants have adapted to rely on these specific trees for food and shelter.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (17)

disease -pathogens can drastically alter the structure of populations and communities. Diseases can quickly reduce population size, affect genetic diversity, and trigger behavioral changes in affected species. The presence of disease can also influence the competitive dynamics among species in an ecosystem.

Canine and feline distemper are caused by two different viruses that affect wild and domestic carnivores.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (18)

herbivory - this interaction occurs when herbivores consume plant material. It affects plant population dynamics and can lead to evolutionary adaptations in plants such as the development of thorns, toxic chemicals, or other defensive mechanisms. Herbivory also influences the spatial distribution and reproductive strategies of plant populations.

When deer populations are high, their intense browsing pressure can prevent the regeneration of certain tree species by eating the saplings before they mature. This selective feeding can lead to changes in forest composition, favoring species that are less palatable to deer.

Persistent herbivory pressure can lead to evolutionary changes in plants. Some species may develop traits that reduce their palatability to deer, such as tougher leaves, increased production of defensive chemicals, or changes in growth patterns that make them less accessible.

Plants may exhibit a range of responses to reduce the impact of deer herbivory, including altering their reproductive timing or growing in locations that are less accessible to deer.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (19)

predation -one organism (the predator) feeds on another organism (the prey). This interaction is a critical driving force for natural selection, promoting adaptations like camouflage in prey and enhanced sensory abilities in predators. Predation regulates population sizes, maintains species diversity, and can shape community structure.

The praying mantis is a carnivorous insect known for its predatory skills, which make it a formidable hunter within its ecosystem. Mantises are widely recognized by their distinctive posture of folded forearms, which gives the appearance of prayer. Praying mantises have developed excellent camouflage that mimics leaves, sticks, or flowers, enhancing their ability to ambush prey. Their slow, deliberate movements help them go unnoticed until they strike.
They can also turn their heads 180 degrees to scan their surroundings for prey and predators, a unique ability among insects

Praying mantises help control the populations of the insects they consume, which can include a wide range of species from flies to moths, and even other mantises. This predatory activity helps balance insect populations, preventing any single species from becoming overly dominant, which could lead to detrimental effects on the ecosystem.

Ecological, Behavioral, and Evolutionary Consequences:

  • Ecological: These interactions determine the distribution and abundance of species, structure food webs, and drive the dynamics of energy and nutrient cycles within ecosystems.
  • Behavioral: Interactions like predation and parasitism can lead to the evolution of complex behaviors such as group living, which may provide safety in numbers, or nocturnality in prey species to avoid diurnal predators.
  • Evolutionary: Over time, interactions among populations can lead to coevolution, where two or more species reciprocally influence each other’s evolution. An example is the evolution of flowering plants and their specific pollinators, which have developed matching morphologies to ensure successful pollination.

Application of Skills:Use models that demonstrate feeding relationships, such as predator–prey.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (20)

For the application of ecological concepts involving models that demonstrate feeding relationships, particularly predator-prey dynamics, here are several hands-on and engaging activities that can be used in educational settings to enhance understanding and apply ecological skills:

Predator/Prey Game.pdf

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Predator/Prey Case Study Activity

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (22)

2.1.10 Carrying capacity is the maximum size of a population determined by competition for limited resources.

  • Define carrying capacity
  • Outline the role of predation in regulating the carrying capacity of a deer population in a forest ecosystem.
  • List three abiotic factors that can influence the carrying capacity of a marine ecosystem.
  • Describe how climate change could potentially alter the carrying capacity of the Arctic tundra for polar bears.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (23)image from

Carrying capacity is a fundamental concept in ecology that describes the maximum population size of a species that an environment can sustain indefinitely, given the food, habitat, water, and other necessities available in the environment. This capacity is not static; it varies over time as environmental conditions change, and as the availability of resources shifts due to various factors.

Key Aspects of Carrying Capacity:

  • Resource Limitation: The concept of carrying capacity is closely tied to the availability of resources. When resources are abundant, populations can grow. However, as populations reach higher densities, competition for these limited resources intensifies, leading to a stabilization or decrease in population size.
  • Dynamic Nature: Carrying capacity is dynamic and influenced by a variety of interacting factors. Changes in environmental conditions, such as climate fluctuations, can alter the carrying capacity by affecting the resources available to the population.

Resources Affecting Carrying Capacity:

  • Food Availability: the availability of food directly influences the number of individuals an ecosystem can support. For example, a decline in seed production due to a drought could decrease the carrying capacity for certain bird species.
  • Water Resources: Water is crucial for all life forms. In arid environments, the carrying capacity is often limited by water availability. For instance, the populations of desert animals and plants are directly controlled by the amount and timing of rainfall. Inaquatic ecosystems, the amount of freshwater or saltwater can determine the number of organisms an environment can support.
  • Habitat Space: The physical space available for organisms to live and reproduce can limit population sizes. In forested areas, the amount of available nesting sites can limit bird populations.
  • Predation and Disease: These are biotic factors that can also affect carrying capacity. A rise in predator populations can reduce the carrying capacity for certain prey species. Similarly, an outbreak of disease can temporarily reduce a population's size below its normal carrying capacity.
  • Climate: Climate directly influences carrying capacity through its effect on water availability, plant growth, and seasonal food supplies. Extreme climate conditions such as prolonged droughts or cold spells can reduce an ecosystem’s carrying capacity by limiting the availability of water and food resources. In the Arctic tundra, the carrying capacity for caribou is largely determined by winter temperatures and snow depth, as these factors affect the availability of lichen, their primary winter food source.
  • Human Impact: Activities such as deforestation, urban development, pollution, and overfishing can drastically alter the carrying capacity of an ecosystem. Overfishing, for example, reduces fish populations to levels below what the ocean's productivity could naturally sustain.

Environmental and Human Factors:

  • Changes in abiotic factors like temperature and soil nutrients due to human actions or natural events can alter the carrying capacity. Pollution might contaminate water sources, reducing the carrying capacity for aquatic life.
  • Deforestation not only removes habitat but also affects local climate and soil conditions, thereby reducing the area’s overall carrying capacity.

Implications for Conservation:

  • Understanding carrying capacity is essential for wildlife management and conservation efforts. It helps in setting sustainable limits for resource use, designing protected areas, and managing endangered species populations. Conservation strategies often aim to maintain or increase the carrying capacity by restoring habitats and mitigating human impacts.

2.1.11 Population size is regulated by density-dependent factors and negative feedback mechanisms.

  • Define 'density-dependent factors' and 'density-independent factors'
  • Describe how a density-independent event like a wildfire could affect the population size of a forest ecosystem.
  • Compare and contrast the effects of a severe storm (a density-independent factor) and an outbreak of disease (a density-dependent factor) on a bird population

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (24)

Population size in ecosystems is not limitless; it is regulated through a series of ecological checks and balances influenced by the density of the population. This regulation is crucial for maintaining ecosystem stability and preventing the overexploitation of resources.

Density-Dependent Factors:

  • Density-dependent factors increase in effect as the population density increases, serving as a natural mechanism to modulate population growth when numbers become too high.
  • Competition for Resources: As populations grow, the intensified competition for limited resources such as food, water, and space leads to a natural reduction in growth rates. Individuals may face malnutrition, lower reproductive success, and higher mortality rates, which collectively act to stabilize the population size.
  • Increased Predation Risk: Higher population densities make species more visible and vulnerable to predators. This heightened predation risk helps keep prey populations in check, aligning their numbers more closely with the ecosystem's carrying capacity.
  • Disease Transmission: High density facilitates the rapid spread of pathogens among individuals. This can result in disease outbreaks that can significantly decrease population size, particularly when individuals are weakened by competition-induced stress and poor nutrition.

Density-Independent Factors:

  • While density-dependent factors regulate population size around the carrying capacity, density-independent factors affect populations regardless of their density. These typically abiotic factors include:
  • Natural Disasters: Events like wildfires, floods, or severe storms impact populations indiscriminately, potentially reducing population sizes dramatically regardless of their initial density.
  • Climatic Changes: Extreme weather conditions such as droughts or cold snaps can affect all individuals in an area, lowering survival rates across the board.

Integrating Density-Dependent and Independent Factors:

  • The interplay between density-dependent and independent factors provides a complex framework through which ecosystems regulate population sizes. While independent factors can cause sudden and dramatic changes to population sizes, it is the density-dependent factors that continuously guide population dynamics towards equilibrium, ensuring long-term stability and sustainability of ecosystems.

Negative Feedback Mechanisms:

  • These mechanisms operate to return a population to its equilibrium state when it deviates from the carrying capacity.
  • Feedback Loops in Predator-Prey Dynamics: An increase in prey population may lead to an increase in predator numbers. However, as the predator population grows, the prey population may begin to decline due to higher predation rates, which eventually causes the predator population to decrease as well. This is a classic example of a negative feedback loop maintaining the balance of population sizes within ecological limits.

​2.1.12 Population growth can either be exponential or limited by carrying capacity.

  • Define 'exponential growth' and 'logistic growth' in the context of population dynamics.
  • Describe and explain S and J population curves.
  • Explain the factors that cause a population to shift from exponential to logistic growth.
  • Describe how carrying capacity can influence the shape of a logistic growth curve in a population.

​Population growth patterns are fundamental concepts in ecology, reflecting how populations expand under various environmental conditions and constraints. These growth patterns can be described primarily through two models: exponential growth and logistic growth, which consider the presence or absence of limiting factors.

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Exponential Growth (J-Curve)

  • Description:Exponential growth occurs when a population experiences unrestricted growth, increasing continuously at a rate proportional to the number of individuals present. This pattern results in a J-shaped curve when population size is plotted over time.
  • Characteristics:This type of growth assumes unlimited resources, no competition, and no other environmental constraints. Under these ideal conditions, every individual has the same chance of surviving and reproducing, leading to rapid population increases.
  • Example: Certain species of algae and insects like locusts show exponential growth during specific seasons, followed by a sudden decrease in population at the end of the season

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Logistic Growth (S-Curve)

  • Description:Logistic growth occurs when the growth rate decreases as the population reaches carrying capacity, which is the maximum number of individuals that the environment can sustain indefinitely. This model results in an S-shaped curve, representing a more realistic scenario where resources become scarce as the population grows.
  • Characteristics: As the population approaches its carrying capacity, density-dependent factors such as competition for food, predation pressure, and disease prevalence increase, slowing down the growth rate and stabilizing the population size.

  • Example:Many wildlife populations, such as deer in a regulated forest environment, follow logistic growth. Initially, the population grows rapidly but slows as space and food become limited, eventually stabilizing near the carrying capacity.

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Boom and Bust Cycles

  • Description: Some populations exhibit "boom and bust" patterns, characterized by rapid increases in population size followed by sudden declines, often well below the initial starting point. These cycles can occur when a population overshoots its carrying capacity, leading to resource depletion.
  • Characteristics: After the bust, if the resources recover, the population might grow rapidly again, repeating the cycle. These fluctuations are more dramatic than those seen in typical logistic growth.
  • Example: The reindeer population on St. Matthew Island is a classic example of a boom and bust cycle. Introduced to the island in 1944 with no natural predators and abundant food, the reindeer population boomed. However, by the 1960s, the population crashed due to severe overgrazing and subsequent starvation.

Graphical Representation

  • Population Graphs: Understanding population growth through graphical representations helps in visualizing how populations respond to environmental conditions and resource limitations.
  • Exponential Growth: Shown as a continuously rising curve.
  • Logistic Growth: Starts similar to exponential but levels off as it approaches carrying capacity.
  • Boom and Bust: Features sharp peaks and drastic falls, reflecting rapid growth followed by a collapse.

Reindeer of St. Matthew Island Case Study

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (28)

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  • In 1944, during World War II, the U.S. Coast Guard introduced 29 reindeer to St. Matthew Island as a part of a project to provide an emergency food source for stationed troops. Initially, the island seemed an ideal environment for the reindeer. It was isolated, had no natural predators, and was covered with abundant lichen—a favorite food of reindeer.

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Population Growth

  • Initial Boom: With plentiful food and no predators, the reindeer population experienced exponential growth. By 1963, the population had soared to an estimated 6,000 individuals.
  • Resource Depletion: The rapid increase in population led to severe overgrazing. The reindeer consumed the lichen faster than it could regenerate, leading to a critical depletion of their primary food source.

Population Crash

  • The Bust: The consequences of overpopulation became apparent in the harsh winter of 1963-1964. With their food sources drastically reduced, the reindeer were unable to sustain their large numbers. The population crashed to around 42 reindeer by 1966, and further declined to just a few by the early 1980s.
  • Ecological Impact: The crash not only decimated the reindeer population but also left long-term ecological impacts on the island’s vegetation. The overgrazed lichen beds did not fully recover for decades, altering the island’s vegetation structure and impacting other species dependent on the same habitat.

Lessons Learned

  • Carrying Capacity: This case vividly illustrates the concept of carrying capacity—the maximum population size that an environment can sustain indefinitely. Once the carrying capacity is exceeded, population decline is often rapid and severe.
  • Sustainability: It serves as a cautionary tale about sustainable resource use and the dangers of introducing non-native species to isolated ecosystems without adequate consideration of ecological constraints and future consequences.
  • Conservation and Management: For ecologists and conservationists, the story of St. Matthew Island is a critical case study in population dynamics and resource management. It emphasizes the need for careful planning and management when altering environments and introducing species to new habitats.

Reindeer of St.Matthew Data Activity.docx

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​2.1.13 Limiting factors on the growth of human populations have increasingly been eliminated, resulting in consequences for sustainability of ecosystems.

  • Define ecological footprint
  • ​Explain how technological advancements in agriculture have influenced human population growth and ecosystem sustainability.
  • Describe the environmental consequences of reducing natural predation on human population dynamics.
  • Discuss the potential risks and consequences of human populations exceeding the Earth’s carrying capacity.

Human population growth has accelerated dramatically due to the reduction or elimination of many natural limiting factors, thanks to technological, medical, and agricultural advancements. This growth has profound implications for the sustainability of ecosystems worldwide.

Technological Advances:

  • Advancements in Public Health and Medicine: Developments such as vaccines, antibiotics, and enhanced sanitation practices have drastically reduced mortality rates and increased life expectancy, facilitating rapid population growth.
  • Agricultural Innovations: The Green Revolution and subsequent agricultural advancements, including the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and high-yield crop varieties, have significantly increased food production capacity. This has supported larger human populations but has also led to intensive land use and environmental stress.

Reduction of Natural Predation:

  • Safety and Security Enhancements: Historical threats from natural predators were mitigated through the development of weapons and changes to human settlements that secured safer living environments. The elimination of these threats allowed human populations to expand more freely, without the natural checks that predators provided in other animal populations.

Environmental Degradation:

  • Resource Depletion: The increased demand for natural resources—such as minerals, water, and energy—due to growing human populations has led to significant environmental degradation. Overexploitation of these resources is stripping the Earth of its natural assets faster than they can be replenished.
  • Habitat Destruction: Expansion of urban areas, industrialization, and the conversion of land for agriculture have led to widespread habitat destruction. This expansion not only displaces wildlife but also reduces biodiversity, altering ecosystems irreversibly.
  • Pollution: Industrial and agricultural activities have introduced pollutants into the air, water, and soil at rates that overwhelm the natural regenerative capacities of these ecosystems. This pollution poses severe risks to wildlife and human health alike.

Consequences for Global Sustainability:

  • Ecosystem Imbalance: The rapid human population growth and the associated environmental pressures are creating imbalances that threaten the stability of ecosystems globally. These imbalances jeopardize the services ecosystems provide, from climate regulation to water filtration and pollination.
  • Carrying Capacity Concerns: While humans have historically adapted to bypass ecological limits, the current scale of population growth and resource consumption raises questions about the Earth's carrying capacity. The continued stress on resources and ecosystems suggests that human activity may be pushing beyond sustainable limits, risking significant ecological and societal repercussions.

Reflecting on the Future:

  • Sustainability Challenges: The challenge moving forward is to manage human populations and their resource needs in ways that are compatible with the Earth’s ecological limits. This requires a reevaluation of consumption patterns, more efficient resource use, and innovations that minimize environmental impact.
  • Policy and Planning: Effective policy and planning are essential to balance human development with environmental sustainability. Strategies might include promoting renewable energy, enhancing recycling and waste management, and protecting natural areas to preserve biodiversity.

2.1.14 Carrying capacity cannot be easily assessed for human populations.

  • Explain why'carrying capacity' why caring capacity is a challenge to calculate
  • Explain how technological advancements can alter the perceived carrying capacity of a region

Determining the carrying capacity for human populations presents unique challenges, largely due to the complex and dynamic nature of human ecological interactions and the unprecedented expansion of human activities.

Dynamics of Human Ecological Niche

  • Expansive and Evolving Niche: Unlike other species whose niches are relatively stable, the human ecological niche is extraordinarily broad and constantly evolving. Technological advancements, from agricultural innovations to digital revolutions, continually reshape our interactions with the environment.
  • Resource Mobility: Humans have the unique ability to transport resources across vast distances. This global mobility of resources, facilitated by trade networks and technological advancements, allows human populations to temporarily overcome local resource limitations, complicating the calculation of carrying capacity.

Technological Impact on Carrying Capacity

  • Technological Expansion: The development and adoption of new technologies have historically expanded the human niche by improving the efficiency of resource use and by accessing new resources. For example, advancements in desalination technology have made previously unusable ocean water a vital resource in arid regions.
  • Consumption Patterns: Human consumption has also evolved with economic and cultural changes, affecting the demand for various resources. Increased consumption rates, especially in developed countries, strain global resources and significantly impact ecological systems.

Fluctuating Human Habitats

  • Changing Environments: The habitats in which humans live are rapidly changing due to urbanization, deforestation, and climate change, among other factors. These changes continuously alter the environmental conditions that could be used to estimate carrying capacities.
  • Contested Estimates: The estimates of human carrying capacity are highly disputed due to the variability in resource distribution, consumption patterns, and the impacts of technological interventions. These estimates are often only valid for the present moment, as the parameters used in their calculation can quickly become outdated.

Equilibrium within Ecosystems

  • Ecosystem Equilibrium: In natural settings, populations typically achieve an equilibrium with their environment, where the population size stabilizes at or near the carrying capacity. For non-human species, this equilibrium is maintained by natural checks such as predation, disease, and competition.
  • Human Exceptionalism: However, humans frequently bypass these natural checks through medical advancements, agricultural productivity, and ecological modifications, which prevent human populations from achieving a similar equilibrium. This ability to alter carrying capacities and avoid population decline from resource depletion or environmental constraints is unique to humans.


  • Sustainability Concerns: The difficulty in accurately determining human carrying capacity has profound implications for sustainability. Without clear limits, planning for sustainable development becomes challenging, potentially leading to overexploitation of resources and irreversible ecological damage.
  • Future Outlook: Addressing these challenges requires a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating ecological science, economics, sociology, and technology. It also calls for international cooperation to manage the Earth's resources sustainably and equitably.

​Calculating the carrying capacity for human populations continues to be a topic of debate. One method employed to address this issue is through the use of the ecological footprint concept:

  • Ecological Footprint:The ecological footprint quantifies the amount of biologically productive land and water area an individual, population, or activity requires to produce all the resources it consumes and to absorb the waste it generates. This metric considers various factors such as plant-based food and fiber products, livestock and fish products, timber and other forest products, space for urban infrastructure, and the absorption of carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Carrying Capacity:The reciprocal of the ecological footprint (1 / ecological footprint) offers a theoretical estimate of carrying capacity. It suggests how many people a particular biologically productive area can sustain based on current consumption and waste production rates. This reciprocal approach provides a tangible measure to gauge the sustainability of human consumption patterns and the sufficiency of natural resource availability.

This video discusses the idea of r and K strategy organisms. This is an HL topic. However the rest of this video does great job in discussing key point human carrying capacity.

measuring populations

​2.1.15 Population abundance can be estimated using random sampling, systematic sampling or
transect sampling.

  • Define random sampling, systematic sampling', and transect sampling
  • Explain how transect sampling can be used to assess biodiversity along an environmental gradient.
  • Describe the process of random sampling
  • Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of using belt transects over line transects in a forest ecosystem study.

​Estimating the abundance of a population within an ecosystem is essential for ecological research, conservation efforts, and resource management. Various sampling methods are employed to estimate population size and density, each with its own advantages and specific applications. Here, we explore three primary sampling techniques: random sampling, systematic sampling, and transect sampling.

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Random Sampling

  • Description:Random sampling involves selecting random points or areas in a habitat to collect data on the species of interest. This method is used to avoid bias in the selection process and to ensure that every individual in the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample.​
  • Application:It is particularly useful in hom*ogeneous environments where the distribution of the population is uniform. Researchers might use random number tables or computer-generated random coordinates to determine sampling locations.

To view a random numbers table,

click here.

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Systematic Sampling

  • Description:Systematic sampling involves selecting samples from a fixed interval along a grid or predetermined path within the study area. This method is more structured compared to random sampling and ensures that the sampled area is evenly covered.
  • Application:Commonly used in environments where species are evenly distributed across a landscape or in agricultural studies where crops are planted in uniform rows.

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Transect Sampling

  • Description: The distribution of organisms in a habitat may be affected by physical factors, such as temperature and light. Transects and quadrats are used to collect quantitative data. Transect sampling involves placing a line (transect) across the habitat and sampling along this line. Researchers collect data on the organisms that intersect the transect.An environmental gradient is the gradual change in the biotic factors through space. An environmental gradient is present as you move up a mountain, away from a stream or a road. These changes in the abiotic factors will cause changes in the biotic factors and these can all be measured.
  • Types: There are different types of transects, including line transects, where observations are made along a line, and belt transects, where observations are made in a strip of a certain width along the line.A belt transect is used for bigger samples
  • Application: This method is especially effective in studying gradients within ecosystems, such as changes in species composition from the shore to the deeper parts of a lake or from the forest edge into the forest interior.
  • Advantages: Allows for the analysis of spatial patterns and distribution along the gradient.
  • Limitations: Depending on the transect placement, it might not be representative of the entire habitat if the habitat is heterogeneous.

​Integrating Sampling Techniques: In practice, ecologists often combine these sampling methods to compensate for their individual limitations and to enhance the reliability of their population estimates. For instance, systematic transects might be randomly placed within a larger study area to gather comprehensive data across diverse environmental conditions.

​2.1.16 Random quadrat sampling can be used to estimate population size for non-mobile

  • Explain the use of quadrats for estimating the abundance of non-motile organisms through making actual counts, measuring population density, percentage cover and percentage frequency

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (36)

It's usually not possible to look at every single individual of a species within a given area. It's also pretty rare that you'll be able to look at every single square meter within that area too. For that reason, field ecologists try and obtain something called a representative sample. This is when you look at a smaller area that represents patterns that are happening on a bigger scale.
Quadrat sampling is a classic tool for the study of ecology, especially biodiversity. In general, a series of squares (quadrats) of a set size are placed in a habitat of interest and the species within those quadrats are identified and recorded.

​A quadrat is usually a square made of wire. It may contain further wires to mark off smaller areas inside, such as 5 × 5 squares or 10 × 10 squares. The organisms underneath, usually plants, can be identified and counted. Quadrats may also be used for slow-moving animals, eg slugs and snails.

Quadrat Sampling

  • Counts
    • Number of species in an individual area
  • Population Density
    • The number of individuals per unit area
    • Once you know the number of individuals it is a simple calculation to establish the population density
    • D=ni/A (D = density; n = number of individuals in species, A = sampling area)
  • ​Percent Coverage
    • The proportion of ground that is occupied or area covered by the plant/species
    • Easily assessed if the quadrat is subdivided into 100 smaller squaresCi=ai/A​
  • Percent Frequency
    • The number of times a given event occurs
    • How often a particular species appears in an area.
    • Best done with a gridded quadrat

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Application of skills: Use quadrat sampling estimates for abundance, population density, percentage cover and percentage frequency for non-mobile organisms and measures change along a transect.

Severals examples of applying quadrat sampling techniques in urban and peri-urban environments around Atlanta, Georgia. These activities can provide valuable insights into urban ecology, land use impacts, and conservation efforts within the city and its surrounding areas:

Example 1: Urban Tree Canopy Assessment:Select several neighborhoods with varying levels of urbanization and green space. Use quadrats in designated parks and street green belts to measure tree abundance and canopy cover.
Analyze data to identify areas with lower tree density and propose urban planning solutions to enhance green coverage.

Example 2: Invasive Plant Species Monitoring in Piedmont Park:Lay out a transect line that covers various parts of the park, including wooded areas and open fields. Use quadrats to estimate the percentage cover and frequency of invasive species. Document the spread and develop management strategies to control or eradicate invasive species, promoting native biodiversity.

Example 3: Pollinator Habitat Evaluation in Community Gardens:Identify community gardens that use different types of vegetation. Place quadrats randomly within these gardens to assess the percentage cover of flowering plants and the presence of pollinators. Evaluate which types of gardens and plant species are most beneficial for pollinators, providing guidelines for garden planning and maintenance.

Example 4: Surface Water Quality Assessment Along Chattahoochee River:Use systematic sampling along different points of the river within the city limits. Assess abiotic factors such as water pH, dissolved oxygen, and salinity using portable testing kits. Correlate the presence of urban pollutants with changes in water quality indicators to assess the health of the river and the effectiveness of current pollution control measures.

Example 5: Green Roof Biodiversity Study in Downtown Atlanta:Select several buildings with green roofs and establish transects across each roof. Use quadrats to record the types and abundance of both plants and visiting insects. Determine the ecological value of green roofs and suggest improvements for increasing urban biodiversity and ecological connectivity.

​2.1.17 Capture–mark–release–recapture and the Lincoln index can be used to estimate population
size for mobile organisms.

  • Identify the types of direct and indirect methods
  • Apply the use of the Lincoln index

​It is impossible for you to study every organism in an ecosystem. The number of organisms can be overwhelming. Limitations must be put on how many plants and animals you study. In order to study the animals there are trapping methods which help obtain more samples, like:

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (39)

small mammal trap

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (40)

collecting nets

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Tullgren funnel

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Aerial photography or satellite

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  • pitfall traps
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Light trap

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Kck sampling

It must be remembered that any method used to capture the animal must be as harmless as possible. Completely harmless capture is unlikely but there are some techniques that are less harmful. There are numerous humane techniques to catch animals for study then release them.

Lincoln Index

The Lincoln Index is an indirect method by which the size of an animal population can be estimated. It is also called the capture/mark/release/recapture method

  • Capture: In your area of study, capture as many of the study animals as possible in a fixed time period. Record the number that you have caught.
  • Mark: Mark the captured organisms in a way that does not harm them or make them more or less prone to predation.
  • Release: Release the animals back into their environment and give them sufficient time to reintegrate into the population. Fast moving animals like mice will reintegrate more quickly than slow-moving animals like snails.
  • Recapture: Capture a second sample of the population using the same fixed time period used for the first capture. Record the total number of animals that you have caught in the second sample. Include the number of marked animals. You can now estimate the size of the population.

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​– n1 is the number caught in the first sample
– n2 is the number caught in the second sample
– nm is the number caught in the second sample that were marked

Assumptions of Lincoln Index:

  • The proportion of marked animals in the second sample is the same as the proportion of marked animals to unmarked animals in the whole population.
  • Enough time has elapsed to allow full mixing of marked and unmarked animals.
  • All animals are just as easily caught – that is unlikely as some animals may be more easily caught in both samples giving a biased sample.
  • The population is closed and that there is no immigration or emigration

Issues Associated with Lincoln Index

  • Capturing the animals may injure them or alter behavior
  • The mark may be toxic to some animals but not others – you may not know until it is tested on the organism under study.
  • Marks may rub off between release and recapture.
  • Marks may make the animal more or less attractive to predators.
  • Some animals become trap happy (causing an overestimation of numbers) whilst others become trap shy (causing an under-estimation).

Application of skills: Students should use the Lincoln index to estimate population size.
Students should understand the assumptions made when using this method.

Example 1: Estimating Fish Populations in a Local Pond

  • Students can capture fish using nets, mark them with non-toxic, visible tags, and release them. After a set period, another round of capture is conducted to count how many marked fish are recaptured.

Example 2: Urban Wildlife Monitoring

  • Capture a number of squirrels, mark them with harmless dye or collars, and release them. After some days, perform another capture session to see how many marked squirrels are found.

Example 3: Virtual Insect Population Study

  • Students can use ecological software or an online simulation tool to model an insect population, applying the Lincoln Index method to estimate population size. Parameters can be adjusted to see how changes affect the reliability of the estimate.

Example 4: Classroom Small Mammal Population Study

  • Trap a number of mice, mark them using non-toxic paint on their fur, and then release them. After a period, re-trap to determine how many marked mice are captured.

Example 5: School Campus Bird Population

  • Using hypothetical data or a digital simulation, students can mark, release, and recapture virtual birds, analyzing how different capture rates and marking visibility affect population estimates.

Example 5: Marking Bean Simulation
This simulation involves using beans as a stand-in for a population of animals.

communities and ecosystems

2.1.18 A community is a collection of interacting populations within the ecosystem.

  • ​Define community with reference to a named example

A community in ecological terms refers to the assembly of various populations of different species living and interacting within a defined area at a specific time. The interactions within these communities can range from competition for resources to predator-prey dynamics and mutualistic relationships that facilitate nutrient cycling and population control. The structure and stability of these communities are profoundly influenced by their biodiversity.

Community Stability and Diversity

  • High Diversity Communities: These communities are characterized by a wide variety of species, leading to complex and highly interconnected food webs. The interconnectivity provides resilience against environmental disturbances. For example, if one species is removed, others that fulfill similar ecological roles can potentially replace it, minimizing disruption to the community.
  • Low Diversity Communities: In contrast, communities with fewer species tend to have simpler food webs. These systems are generally less resilient because the removal of a single species can have more pronounced effects. With fewer alternative food sources or species to fulfill essential ecological roles, such ecosystems are more vulnerable to changes.

Local Community:Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia, USA

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (48)

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (49)

The Okefenokee Swamp is one of the largest intact freshwater wetlands in North America, located in southeastern Georgia, USA. This vast peat-filled wetland hosts a rich mosaic of boggy islands, lakes, and forests.

Community Interactions: The swamp supports a diverse community of plants and animals, including over 400 species of vertebrates like alligators, sandhill cranes, and a variety of fish and amphibian species. This biodiversity is crucial for the swamp’s ecological stability.

Ecological Roles and Interactions:

  • Alligators act as a keystone species, modifying the aquatic habitat to create alligator holes that provide critical water pools during dry spells, benefiting a variety of aquatic organisms.
  • Carnivorous plants like pitcher plants and sundews thrive in the nutrient-poor soils, capturing insects to supplement their nutritional intake, which demonstrates a unique adaptation within the community.
  • Tree diversity, including cypress and pine, supports varied bird populations by offering nesting sites and food sources.

Resilience to Disturbance:
The Okefenokee’s complex food web and multiple habitat types make it resilient to disturbances. For instance, water level fluctuations, which might devastate a less diverse wetland, are buffered by the swamp’s varied community structure, allowing species to find refuge and resources even during extreme conditions.

Resilience to Disturbance:
Understanding the dynamics of ecological communities like those in the Okefenokee Swamp is crucial for effective conservation efforts. Protecting areas of high ecological diversity is vital not only for the preservation of species but also for maintaining the ecological services that these communities provide. Conservation strategies should focus on preserving and restoring habitat diversity to ensure the stability and resilience of local ecosystems.

2.1.19 Habitat is the location in which a community, species, population or organism lives.

  • ​Define habitat

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (50)image from

A habitat represents the specific environment in which a community, species, population, or individual organism resides. It encompasses both the geographical area and the ecological conditions that provide the necessities for survival and reproduction, including food, water, shelter, and mate availability. Each species has particular habitat requirements that reflect its ecological niche and determine its distribution within the broader ecosystem.

Components of Habitat

  • Geographical Location: This defines the broader physical area where the species is found, such as a specific forest, river, mountain range, or coastal area.
  • Physical Conditions: These include the climatic and environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, soil type, water depth, and light availability, which are critical for the survival of different organisms.
  • Ecosystem Type: The specific type of ecosystem—whether it be a desert, wetland, forest, grassland, or coral reef—provides the structural framework of the habitat. Each ecosystem type supports a unique set of species adapted to its particular conditions.

​Be aware that for some organisms, habitats can change over time as a result of migration.

Habitat in a Local Ecosystem: Blue Ridge Mountains, Georgia

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (51)

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The Blue Ridge Mountains in Georgia are part of the Appalachian Mountain range, characterized by their vast deciduous forests, high biodiversity, and the range of altitudes offering varied climatic conditions.

  • Flora and Fauna: This region provides habitats for a diverse array of species. For instance, the American black bear (Ursus americanus) inhabits these mountains, utilizing the dense forests for shelter and the abundant berry bushes and other food sources for nutrition.
  • Habitat Specifics:
    • Forests: Provide cover and nesting sites for numerous bird species, small mammals, and insects.
    • Streams and Rivers: Serve as habitats for aquatic species like the native brook trout, which require cold, clear, oxygen-rich water and specific breeding conditions.
    • Meadows and Clearings: Support wildflowers that attract pollinators, including bees and butterflies, and serve as feeding grounds for herbivores like deer.
  • Conservation Considerations: The conservation of habitats in the Blue Ridge Mountains focuses on maintaining forest health, controlling invasive species, protecting water quality, and ensuring connectivity between habitats to support wildlife corridors for species migration and genetic exchange.

Habitat description and Its Importance in understanding and describing a habitat in detail is essential for conservation efforts. It helps in:

  • Species Conservation: Specific habitat needs must be met to conserve endangered species. For example, protecting nesting sites for birds or denning areas for bears.
  • Ecosystem Management: Effective management practices ensure that various habitat requirements for different species are maintained, enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem stability.

​2.1.20 Ecosystems are open systems in which both energy and matter can enter and exit.

  • Explain how energy flows and matter cycles contribute to the sustainability of an ecosystem​
  • Describe the role of biodiversity in maintaining the sustainability of ecosystems.

Ecosystems function as open systems where both energy and matter continuously flow in and out, sustaining life and enabling ecological processes. An ecosystem comprises both the biotic community—consisting of all living organisms—and the abiotic, or physical, environment which includes air, water, and soil.

Dynamics of Energy and Matter in Ecosystems

  • Energy Flow: Energy enters an ecosystem primarily through sunlight, which is harnessed by producers (autotrophs) via photosynthesis. This energy is then transferred through various trophic levels—from producers to consumers (herbivores, carnivores) and decomposers—in the form of food. Energy exits the system mainly through heat loss during metabolic processes.
  • Matter Cycling: Matter, in the form of nutrients, cycles within the ecosystem. Elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus are absorbed from the environment by producers, incorporated into biological tissues, and then passed along the food chain. Decomposers play a critical role in recycling these nutrients back into the environment upon the death of organisms, making them available for reuse by producers.

​Local Ecosystem: Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area

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The Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, flowing through the Atlanta metropolitan area, serves as a vital ecosystem comprising riverine and terrestrial habitats.

Energy Inputs and Outputs:

  • Solar Energy: Sunlight penetrates the water and is used by aquatic plants and algae to produce energy-rich organic compounds.
  • Heat Energy: Energy is lost from the ecosystem as heat during respiration by plants, animals, and microbes.

Matter Dynamics:

  • Water Flow: The river transports nutrients and organic matter along its course, influencing the distribution and productivity of aquatic and riparian communities.
  • Sediment Transport: Sediments carried by the river contain organic and inorganic matter, shaping the physical landscape and providing nutrients downstream.

Biological Interactions:

  • Aquatic Plants: Utilize dissolved nutrients and light for growth, serving as the primary producers.
  • Fish Populations: Serve as consumers, feeding on insects, smaller fish, and plant matter. They are integral to transferring energy to higher trophic levels, including birds and mammals.
  • Decomposers: Bacteria and fungi break down organic waste and dead materials, releasing nutrients back into the water and soil, completing the nutrient cycle.

Conservation and Management:
Understanding the open system nature of ecosystems like the Chattahoochee River is crucial for effective conservation and management:

  • Pollution Control: Efforts must ensure that contaminants do not enter the ecosystem through water or air, disrupting the delicate balance of energy and matter cycling.
  • Habitat Conservation: Protecting the riparian zones and aquatic habitats helps maintain natural matter and energy flows, supporting diverse wildlife and plant communities.
  • Sustainable Practices: Activities such as regulated fishing, controlled water use, and habitat restoration are essential to preserve the ecological integrity and ensure the continued provision of ecosystem services.

2.1.21 Sustainability is a natural property of ecosystems.

  • Define sustainability
  • Explain how energy flows and matter cycles contribute to the sustainability of an ecosystem.
  • Describe the role of biodiversity in maintaining the sustainability of ecosystems.

Sustainability is an inherent attribute of ecosystems, characterized by a delicate balance between the inputs and outputs that maintain their steady states. This equilibrium allows ecosystems to endure over extensive periods, with some, like tropical rainforests, existing for millions of years. These systems exemplify sustainability through their ability to maintain stability despite external disturbances.

Ecosystem Balance and Flow

  • Inputs: Key inputs to an ecosystem include sunlight, which provides the primary energy source, and nutrients, which are absorbed from the soil or water. Other inputs can consist of water through precipitation and organic material from both internal and external sources.
  • Processes: Within the ecosystem, these inputs are transformed through processes such as photosynthesis, where plants convert solar energy into chemical energy. This energy then flows through the food chain, supporting various trophic levels from primary consumers to apex predators. Nutrient cycling is another crucial process, involving the decomposition of organic matter back into usable mineral forms.
  • Outputs: Outputs from ecosystems include respiratory heat loss from living organisms, the decomposition of organic materials, and the transpiration of water. These processes help regulate the internal environment of the ecosystem and contribute to its overall energy balance.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (55)

Example: Tropical Rainforests

​Tropical rainforests are among the oldest and most stable ecosystems on Earth. They are incredibly resilient due to their high biodiversity and complex trophic interactions.

  • Flow Diagram Components:
    • Inputs:High levels of rainfall, abundant sunlight, and a rich supply of decomposed organic material.
    • Processes:Intense photosynthetic activity, rapid nutrient cycling due to warm temperatures and moist conditions, and diverse food web interactions.
    • Outputs:High levels of oxygen production, heat energy from dense vegetation, and continuous leaf litter contributing to soil nutrient content.

Resilience and Disturbances:

While ecosystems like tropical rainforests have shown great longevity, they are not immune to disturbances. Factors such as deforestation, climate change, and pollution can disrupt the balance of these systems. The resilience of an ecosystem, its capacity to recover from disturbances, is largely dependent on its biodiversity and the robustness of its nutrient cycles and energy flows.

  • Biodiversity:Acts as a buffer by providing multiple species that can perform similar ecological roles. If one species is affected by a disturbance, others can adapt to fill the gap, maintaining the ecosystem's functionality.
  • Storage Capacity:Large biomass and extensive nutrient storages can shield an ecosystem during input disruptions, allowing for sustained ecological processes.

Sustainable Management

  • To ensure the sustainability of ecosystems like tropical rainforests, it is crucial to adopt management practices that minimize human-induced disturbances and support natural processes. Conservation efforts, sustainable resource extraction, and pollution control are essential strategies to maintain the delicate balance of these ecosystems.

​2.1.22 Human activity can lead to tipping points in ecosystem stability.

  • Define 'tipping point'
  • Explain how human activities can push ecosystems towards tipping points
  • Describe the consequences of reaching a tipping point in a major ecosystem like the Amazon rainforest.

Human activities significantly influence ecosystems, often pushing them towards critical thresholds or tipping points that lead to irreversible changes and the establishment of new ecological equilibriums. This transformation often results in the loss of the original ecosystem's stability and functionality.

The Concept of Tipping Points

  • Definition:Tipping points in an ecosystem refer to the critical thresholds at which a small change or disturbance can cause a disproportionate and irreversible shift in the system, leading to a different state of equilibrium.
  • Mechanism:These shifts often involve feedback loops that amplify the effects of the disturbance, potentially leading to the collapse of ecosystems as they are currently known.

Biosphere Integrity and Human Disturbances

  • Biosphere Integrity:This concept includes the preservation of species diversity, genetic diversity, and ecosystem functions. It is essential for maintaining the Earth's resilience to environmental changes.
  • Planetary Boundaries:Human-induced pressures such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change are testing the limits of Earth's biosphere integrity. Crossing these boundaries could destabilize regional and global ecosystems, leading to conditions that may no longer support the same human activities or biodiversity.

Implications for Conservation

  • Monitoring and Management:Understanding and monitoring tipping points is critical for global conservation efforts. It involves recognizing the signs of approaching thresholds and implementing strategies to mitigate impacts before critical points are reached.
  • Sustainable Practices:Adopting sustainable land use and forest management practices can help maintain the ecological balance and prevent the crossing of tipping points. This includes enforcing stricter deforestation laws, promoting reforestation, and supporting sustainable agriculture practices that reduce environmental pressures.

Direct Human Impacts on Biodiversity

  • Overharvesting: Excessive harvesting of biological resources, such as fish and timber, has severe impacts on biodiversity. For example, the overfishing of certain fish species disrupts aquatic food chains and decreases marine biodiversity, impacting the overall health of marine ecosystems.
  • Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade: Illegal activities such as poaching and the wildlife trade threaten the survival of key species. The poaching of elephants for ivory and tigers for their body parts, along with capturing wild animals for the exotic pet trade, are stark examples of how direct human actions can decimate wildlife populations and disrupt ecological balance.

Indirect Human Impacts on Biodiversity

  • Habitat Loss Due to Land Use Changes: The conversion of natural landscapes into agricultural lands, urban areas, or industrial sites leads to significant habitat loss. This alteration reduces the available living space for native species, often resulting in decreased biodiversity and disrupted ecological functions.
  • Climate Change: Rising global CO2 emissions contribute to climate warming and altering abiotic environmental conditions. These changes threaten the delicate balance of habitats and can shift the geographic ranges of many species, sometimes leading to local extinctions.
  • Pollution: Industrial and agricultural pollutants contaminate the air, water, and soils, leading to the degradation of ecosystems. Pollutants like pesticides, plastics, and heavy metals harm wildlife and can lead to declines in species populations.
  • Invasive Species: Human-mediated introduction of non-native species to new environments can lead to invasive outbreaks. These species often lack natural predators in their new habitats, allowing them to proliferate unchecked, outcompete native species, and ultimately destabilize ecosystems

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Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest

  • Process of Change: The Amazon rainforest, often described as the Earth's lungs, plays a crucial role in regulating the global climate. It produces significant amounts of water vapor through transpiration, which contributes to regional and global precipitation patterns.
  • Impact of Human Activity: Large-scale deforestation disrupts this cycle by reducing the forest's capacity for transpiration. This not only diminishes local rainfall but also affects atmospheric conditions and climate patterns far beyond the Amazon. Reduced rainfall can lead to further forest loss, creating a feedback loop that threatens the survival of the forest and its myriad ecological functions.
  • New Equilibrium: The reduction in forest cover can lead to a tipping point where the rainforest may irreversibly transform into a savannah-like ecosystem, drastically different in biodiversity, structure, and function.

​2.1.23 Keystone species have a role in the sustainability of ecosystems.

  • Define 'keystone species'
  • Explain keystone speciesrole in an ecosystem
  • Explain how the removal of a keystone species can lead to ecosystem collapse, using the example of purple sea stars
  • Describe the effects of elephants on savannah ecosystems and how they qualify as a keystone species.

Keystone species play a critical and outsized role in maintaining the structure and health of their ecosystems. Despite often not being the most numerous, these species exert significant influence on the ecological community and its diversity. Their activities help balance population levels, facilitate essential ecological processes, and maintain habitat diversity, which are crucial for ecosystem resilience.

Impact of Keystone Species

  • Population Control: Keystone species such as the gray wolf in North America regulate the numbers of other species. By preying on deer and other herbivores, wolves prevent overgrazing, thereby maintaining the health of vegetation and supporting the broader food web.
  • Habitat Modification: Species like beavers are known for their ability to shape their environment significantly. By building dams, beavers create wetlands, which serve as critical habitats for many other species, including fish, birds, and amphibians, enhancing local biodiversity.

Consequences of Removing Keystone Species

  • Trophic Cascades: The removal of a keystone predator can lead to an increase in prey populations, which may cause overgrazing and subsequent ecological degradation. For example, the absence of wolves can lead to an overabundance of deer, which may severely impact forest undergrowth and biodiversity.
  • Habitat Changes: The disappearance of key herbivores like elephants might allow dense thickets to develop, which can alter fire regimes and reduce grassland areas, thereby affecting the entire savannah ecosystem.
  • Biodiversity Loss: The extinction or reduction of a keystone species often leads to decreased ecosystem diversity. Their pivotal roles in the food web, habitat formation, and population control are vital for supporting a range of other species.

Importance of Conservation Efforts
Protecting keystone species is crucial for the overall health and stability of ecosystems. Conservation efforts focused on these species can have far-reaching benefits, helping to sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services that are essential not only for wildlife but also for human wellbeing. Environmental management strategies should prioritize the preservation of these critical species to maintain the ecological balance and prevent potential ecological collapses.

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Examples of Keystone Species

  1. Purple Sea Stars (Pisaster ochraceus):
    • Role:These sea stars are crucial in maintaining the balance of intertidal ecosystems along the North Pacific coast by preying on mussels.
    • Impact:Without purple sea stars, mussel populations could expand uncontrollably, monopolizing space and resources and thereby reducing the diversity of intertidal zones.

Exploring Purple Sea Stars at HHMI

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African Elephants (Loxodonta africana):

  • Role:Elephants help maintain savannah ecosystems by feeding on trees and shrubs, thus preventing these plants from encroaching on grasslands.
  • Impact:This feeding behavior helps preserve open grassland habitats essential for many other savannah species, including grazing animals like wildebeests and zebras, and their predators.

Human Interactions with Ecosystems

2.1.24 The planetary boundaries model indicates that changes to biosphere integrity have passed a
critical threshold.

  • Describe the consequences of exceeding the planetary boundary for biosphere integrity on global biodiversity
  • Explain how human activities have led to the crossing of the planetary boundary for biosphere integrity

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (59)

The Planetary Boundaries model provides a framework to understand and quantify the limits within which humanity can safely operate without causing irreversible environmental damage. One of the critical components of this model is biosphere integrity, which has been significantly compromised by human activities. This understanding reflects the consequences of surpassing the threshold of biosphere integrity due to widespread ecosystem disturbances.

Overview of Biosphere Integrity

  • Definition: Biosphere integrity encompasses the health and stability of species populations, the genetic diversity they contain, and the ecosystems' ability to function effectively. It is vital for sustaining life-supporting systems on Earth.
  • Critical Threshold Passed: Recent studies and environmental assessments indicate that the planetary boundary for biosphere integrity has been crossed. This breach is primarily due to human-induced pressures such as habitat destruction, pollution, overexploitation, and the introduction of invasive species.

Impact on Ecosystems and Species Diversity

  • Loss of Species: Extinction rates are currently many times higher than natural background rates, with significant declines in populations and species across various taxa, from insects to mammals. For instance, data suggests that approximately 70% of vertebrate populations have been lost between 1973 and 2023.
  • Insect Decline: The decline of insect populations at a rate of about 2% per year is particularly alarming, given their critical roles in pollination, nutrient cycling, and as foundational members of food webs.
  • Consequences for Ecosystem Functions: The loss of biodiversity results in weakened ecosystem resilience, making ecosystems more vulnerable to other stressors, including climate change. This reduction in resilience threatens the overall stability and functionality of global ecosystems.

Conservation and Restoration Efforts

  • Monitoring and Mitigation: It is crucial to closely monitor human impacts on ecosystems and implement effective conservation strategies to restore and maintain biosphere integrity. Protecting critical habitats, enforcing wildlife protection laws, and promoting sustainable land and resource use are key to reversing the current trends.
  • Restoration Projects: Efforts to restore ecosystems, such as reforestation, wetlands restoration, and the reintroduction of native species, can help rebuild ecological networks and enhance biodiversity, thereby strengthening ecosystem resilience

Example: Impact on Food Webs

  • Role of Insects:As primary pollinators and a significant food source for higher trophic levels, the decline in insect populations jeopardizes the entire structure of food webs, potentially leading to further losses in biodiversity and ecosystem collapse.

​2.1.25 To avoid critical tipping points, loss of biosphere integrity needs to be reversed.

  • Explain how maintaining ecosystem integrity can help avoid ecological tipping points.
  • Describe the relationship between ecosystem protection and the preservation of species' niche requirements

The ongoing loss of biosphere integrity poses severe risks to global ecosystems, threatening to push them beyond recoverable tipping points. Reversal of this trend is crucial to ensure the long-term sustainability of ecosystems and the species they support.

Importance of Ecosystem Protection

  • Prevention of Tipping Points: Ecosystems are dynamic and can withstand certain levels of stress; however, exceeding critical thresholds can lead to irreversible changes. Preventing the loss of biosphere integrity is vital to avoid reaching these tipping points that could lead to catastrophic ecosystem collapse.
  • Maintaining Niche Requirements: Each species relies on specific conditions within their ecological niche to survive. Protecting ecosystems helps preserve these niche environments, ensuring that species have access to necessary resources such as food, shelter, and mating opportunities.

Strategies for Reversing Ecosystem Damage

  • Habitat Conservation: Proactive measures to conserve habitats are essential. This includes establishing protected areas, restoring degraded habitats, and implementing sustainable land-use practices that minimize environmental impact.
  • Biodiversity Preservation: Efforts to maintain and enhance biodiversity are critical. This involves supporting both species-rich and genetically diverse populations to enhance ecosystem resilience and adaptability.
  • Pollution Control: Reducing pollution inputs into ecosystems is crucial for their health and stability. Effective waste management, reduced use of hazardous substances, and cleaner production techniques are all necessary to lessen the ecological footprint of human activities.
  • Regeneration Strategies: Regeneration efforts actively restore and enhance ecosystem functions in degraded areas, promoting biodiversity and resource storages. Techniques include rewilding landscapes, afforestation, wetland revival, and soil improvement through composting and other methods.

Long-Term Benefits

  • Sustainable Resource Use: By maintaining ecosystem integrity, resources can be utilized in a way that meets current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.
  • Climate Regulation: Ecosystems play a crucial role in sequestering carbon and regulating global temperatures. Preserving forests, wetlands, and oceans is integral to combating climate change.
  • Enhanced Human Well-being: Healthy ecosystems provide essential services, such as clean air and water, which are foundational to human health and economic stability.

Examples of Ecosystem Protection

  • Marine Reserves:Designating areas of the ocean where fishing and other extractive activities are restricted can help replenish fish stocks and protect coral reef ecosystems, which are vital for marine biodiversity.
  • Forest Conservation Programs:Programs that promote sustainable forestry and prevent deforestation can maintain forest cover, which is essential for regulating climate, housing diverse species, and providing livelihoods for local communities.

Case Study: Everglades Restoration Project Overview

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​The Florida Everglades, often called the "River of Grass," covers millions of acres and is a mosaic of freshwater ponds, prairies, and forested uplands. Historical efforts to drain the marshes for agriculture and urban development drastically altered the landscape, leading to significant loss of wildlife habitat, declining water quality, and endangered species.

Comprehensive Everglade Restoration Plan (CERP)

The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan was authorized by Congress in 2000 as a plan to restore, protect, and preserve the water resources of central and southern Florida, including the Everglades. It represents the largest ecological restoration effort in the world.

  • Goals and Strategies: The plan aims to capture fresh water that now flows unused to the ocean and the gulf and redirect it to areas that need it most. The goals are to enhance water storage, improve water quality, and restore natural areas. Projects under this plan include removing invasive species, replanting native vegetation, and constructing barriers to manage water flow.

Impacts and Outcomes

  • Biodiversity: The project has led to some positive outcomes, including the recovery of native plant and animal species. For example, populations of the American crocodile and manatee have shown signs of recovery since the implementation of the restoration efforts.
  • Water Quality: There has been significant improvement in the quality of water in regions that have been the focus of specific restoration projects, reducing the instances of algal blooms and other signs of ecological distress.
  • Challenges: Despite these improvements, the project faces ongoing challenges such as funding shortfalls, political hurdles, and the overarching threat of climate change, which complicates restoration efforts.

HL Only

The HL unit will take a minimum of 3 hours.

2.1.26 There are advantages of using a method of classification that illustrates evolutionary relationships in a clade.

  • Define 'clade' and 'cladogram'
  • Explain how cladistic classification helps in understanding evolutionary relationships among species
  • Describe how DNA sequencing has influenced the reclassification of species within modern taxonomy.

Cladistics is a method of classification that not only maps out the evolutionary lineage of organisms but also enhances our understanding of how species evolve over time. This approach focuses on the relationships within a clade, a group of organisms that includes an ancestor and all its descendants, representing a single branch on the tree of life.

Overview of Cladistics

  • Cladogram Utilization: A cladogram is a diagram that depicts the evolutionary relationships among various biological species based on the similarities and differences in their physical or genetic characteristics. These diagrams help illustrate the paths of evolutionary divergence and are grounded in the concept of common ancestry.
  • Evolutionary Insight: By analyzing the traits shared between organisms and their ancestors, cladistics offers a visual representation of the "tree of life" where each branch and leaf represents a lineage with its unique evolutionary path.

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Benefits of Cladistic Classification

  • Accuracy in Evolutionary Relationships: Traditional classification methods often grouped species based on similar characteristics without considering evolutionary pathways. Cladistics, with its focus on descent from common ancestors, provides a more accurate depiction of biological relationships and evolutionary history.
  • Revealing True Lineages: Technological advances in genetics and biochemistry have enhanced the precision of cladistic analysis, allowing scientists to uncover misclassifications in traditional systems, as evidenced by the reclassification of organisms like the red panda.
  • Insights into Evolutionary Changes: Cladograms illustrate not only the existence of traits but also their evolutionary developments, including trait origins, modifications, and extinctions within a lineage. This information is crucial for understanding the adaptive changes that have occurred over time.

Application in Modern Taxonomy

  • Testing Hypotheses: Cladistics provides a robust framework for testing evolutionary hypotheses, particularly regarding the functionality and adaptability of traits within different environmental contexts.
  • Guiding Conservation Efforts: Understanding evolutionary relationships helps conservationists target efforts to preserve not just individual species but also the ecosystems and larger clades they represent.

​Modern classification systems have significantly enhanced our understanding of the vast diversity within the natural world, thanks largely to advancements in DNA sequencing technologies:

  • Discovery of New Species: Advanced DNA sequencing techniques have led to the discovery of species previously unknown to science. A notable instance occurred in 2016 when researchers, through genetic analysis, identified a previously unknown species of frog in the Amazon rainforest. This discovery underscores the role of molecular biology in uncovering the hidden diversity of life.
  • Reclassification of Species: DNA sequencing has also been pivotal in correcting historical classification errors. For instance, in 2017, a group of fish traditionally classified within the tuna category was found to have a closer evolutionary relationship to mackerel. This reclassification was made possible by detailed genetic analysis, which provided a clearer picture of the phylogenetic relationships among these species.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (63)

Example of a Cladistic Approach

  • Consider the use of a cladogram to study the evolutionary history of canines, which traces back to a common ancestor and branches out to various species like wolves, foxes, and domestic dogs. This cladogram would highlight the shared traits inherited from the ancestor and the unique adaptations that emerged in different environments.

​2.1.27 There are difficulties in classifying organisms into the traditional hierarchy of taxa.

  • Define 'binomial nomenclature'
  • Explain binomial nomenclature'ssignificance in biological classification.
  • Analyze the limitations of using physical characteristics alone for classifying organisms

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (64)

Traditional taxonomic classification, which organizes life into a structured hierarchy of kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species, faces several challenges due to the complex nature of evolutionary patterns. This system, while foundational in the study of biology, sometimes struggles to accurately reflect the genetic and evolutionary relationships among organisms.

Historical Context:

  • The traditional system, developed centuries ago by Carl Linnaeus, primarily based classifications on observable physical traits and assumed linear evolutionary progressions. Linnaeus, often referred to as the father of modern taxonomy, introduced the binomial nomenclature system which is still in use today. This method standardized the naming of species and provided a systematic framework for categorizing organisms based on shared characteristics.

Challenges in Traditional Classification

  • Misalignment with Evolutionary Relationships: As our understanding of evolution and genetics has advanced, it has become apparent that physical similarities between organisms do not always indicate a close evolutionary relationship. Genetic studies often reveal that some organisms thought to be closely related based on morphology are, in fact, distantly related on the evolutionary tree.
  • Example of Misclassification: Recent genetic analyses have led to the reorganization of several taxa. For instance, genetic data has shown that organisms previously grouped based on simple physical traits like body structure or modes of reproduction have significantly different genetic backgrounds, leading to their reclassification into more accurate evolutionary groupings.

Impact of Molecular Biology

  • DNA Sequencing: The advent of molecular biology techniques, especially DNA sequencing, has provided deeper insights into the genetic makeup of organisms. These techniques have uncovered numerous instances where the traditional taxonomic categories do not align with the organisms' evolutionary histories.
  • Phylogenetic Classification: To address these discrepancies, scientists increasingly rely on phylogenetics, which uses genetic information to reconstruct the evolutionary relationships (phylogenies) that more accurately reflect how species diverged from common ancestors.

Moving Beyond Traditional Hierarchies

  • Integrated Approaches: Modern taxonomy often incorporates both traditional morphological classification and molecular data to create a more holistic view of biodiversity. This integrative approach helps in understanding not just the physical similarities but also the genetic and evolutionary nuances that define different species.
  • Dynamic Nature of Taxonomy: The field of taxonomy is dynamic, with classifications regularly updated to reflect new scientific discoveries. This ongoing refinement ensures that our understanding of biological diversity keeps pace with new insights provided by technological advances in genetics and genomics.

2.1.28 The niche of a species can be defined as fundamental or realized.

  • Define 'fundamental niche' and 'realized niche'
  • Explain how interspecific competition affects the realized niche of a species using an example from a known ecological study.
  • Describe how the concepts of fundamental and realized niches could help in understanding the distribution patterns of two competing species in a given ecosystem
  • Analyze the differences between the fundamental and realized niches of the barnacle species studied by Joseph Connell.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (65)

Every organism is adapted to environmental conditions in its habitat. However, it sometimes faces competition with other species that limits the conditions under which it can exist.

The ecological niche concept is crucial for understanding the distribution and behavior of species within their ecosystems. A niche reflects the range of conditions and resources a species can potentially utilize, along with its role in the ecosystem. This concept can be divided into two specific types: the fundamental niche and the realized niche.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (66)

Fundamental Niche:

  • This is the theoretical range of environmental conditions that a species could occupy without the presence of competition or other biotic constraints. It encompasses the full potential living arrangement of the species based on its physiological tolerance limits and resource needs. Essentially, the fundamental niche defines where a speciescouldlive, assuming no interaction with other species that might limit its distribution or survival.

Realized Niche:

  • In contrast, the realized niche is the actual set of conditions under which the species lives and sustains its population. This niche is narrower than the fundamental niche because it is shaped by interactions such as competition, predation, and other relationships that constrain where the species can thrive. The realized niche represents where a speciesactuallylives and how it adjusts to ecological pressures.

Case Study Examples1.Joseph Connell’s Barnacle Study:

  • Background:Joseph Connell's classic study on barnacles demonstrated the distinction between fundamental and realized niches. He observed two barnacle species,Chthamalus stellatusandBalanus balanoides, on a rocky shore.
  • Findings:Chthamalus stellatuscould survive higher on the rocks beyond the reach of the tides—its fundamental niche. However, it primarily resides just aboveBalanus balanoidesbecause of competitive exclusion—its realized niche.

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image from

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Example 2.Brown and Green Anoles:

  • Background:The study of brown anoles (Anolis sagrei) and green anoles (Anolis carolinensis) in Florida illustrates niche partitioning as a response to interspecific competition.
  • Interactions:Initially, both anole species competed for similar resources. Over time, green anoles, primarily arboreal (tree-dwelling), moved higher into the trees, whereas brown anoles, being more ground-dwelling, dominated the lower vegetation and ground areas.
  • Outcome:This adjustment shows the shift from their fundamental niches to realized niches due to competitive pressures, allowing both species to coexist by reducing direct competition.

2.1.29 Life cycles vary between species in reproductive behaviour and lifespan.

  • Define 'r-strategist' and 'K-strategist'
  • Explain how the life cycles of r-strategists and K-strategists are adapted to their respective environments.
  • Discuss how changes in environmental conditions might affect the balance between r-strategists and K-strategists in a given ecosystem.

​Life cycles and reproductive behaviors vary significantly across species, influenced by their environmental contexts and evolutionary adaptations. Two contrasting strategies, known as r-strategists and K-strategists, exemplify how species have adapted their life cycles to thrive under different ecological conditions and successional stages.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (69)

Reproductive Strategies

  • r-strategists:These species are characterized by their ability to reproduce quickly and in large numbers. They tend to exploit less stable or unpredictable environments where the chance of survival is uncertain. r-strategists typically have short lifespans, rapid maturation, and produce many offspring with little to no parental care. Their strategy is to maximize reproductive success in contexts where mortality rates are high and environmental conditions are highly variable.
    • Example:Many insects and annual plants are r-strategists. They can quickly colonize a disturbed area, such as a field left fallow or an area cleared by fire, using the available resources to produce a new generation before conditions change.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (70)

-K-strategists:In contrast, K-strategists are adapted to stable environments where resources are more predictable but competition is higher. They typically produce fewer offspring, but invest significantly in each, increasing the likelihood of each offspring surviving to adulthood. K-strategists have longer lifespans, slower development, and often engage in complex parental care.

  • Example:Elephants and humans are K-strategists, producing few offspring but providing extensive care and teaching, which prepares each for a higher chance of survival in a competitive world.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (71)

Ecological Implications of Reproductive Strategies

  • Adaptation to Environmental Stability: The reproductive strategy of a species is often a reflection of its ecological niche. K-strategists thrive in ecosystems that are at or near carrying capacity, where the ability to compete effectively for limited resources is crucial. r-strategists, however, are often pioneers in newly disturbed or transient ecosystems, where the ability to rapidly reproduce can capitalize on temporary resource abundance.
  • Successional Stages: In ecological succession, r-strategists are typically the first colonizers of a new or disturbed habitat, initiating the succession process. As the ecosystem develops and stabilizes, K-strategists gradually replace them, culminating in a mature ecosystem dominated by long-lived species that are efficient at competing for the limited resources available.
  • Impact on Ecosystem Dynamics: The presence and prevalence of r- or K-strategists can significantly influence the rate of recovery and stabilization of ecosystems following disturbances. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for managing ecosystems, especially in conservation and restoration efforts.

2.1.30 Knowledge of species’ classifications, niche requirements and life cycles help us to understand the extent of human impacts upon them.

  • Define 'phenology'
  • Explain theimportance of phenologyin understanding ecological responses to climate change.
  • Explain how climate change can affect the life cycles of both plant and animal species
  • Discuss the role of human activity in driving changes in the niches and classifications of species.

​Human activities profoundly influence the natural world, affecting species' classifications, niche requirements, and life cycles. A comprehensive understanding of these elements is crucial for assessing the extent and implications of human-induced changes on biodiversity.

Human Impacts on Life Cycles

  • Climate Change and Temperature Shifts:One of the most significant human impacts is through climate change, primarily caused by increased greenhouse gas emissions. Rising temperatures can alter the phenology (timing of life cycle events) of many species. For example, warmer springs can lead to earlier flowering in plants. This change, while subtle, can cascade through the ecosystem, affecting the life cycles of dependent species such as pollinators like bees and butterflies.
    • Example:In some regions, the shift in plant flowering times has not matched the life cycle changes in pollinator species, leading to mismatches that can reduce food availability for these pollinators and affect plant reproduction success.

Disruption of Synchronized Life Cycles:Many species have life cycles that are intricately synchronized with those of other species and the seasonal cycles of their environments. As human-induced climate change shifts temperature patterns and seasonal timings, these synchronizations are disrupted. Animals that rely on specific plant species for food during certain life stages may find that these food sources are no longer available when needed.

  • Example:In aquatic environments, temperature changes affect the breeding cycles of fish. Warmer water can accelerate development stages, leading to earlier spawning seasons. This change may not align with the hatching times of aquatic insects, a crucial food source for juvenile fish, impacting survival rates and population dynamics.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (72)

Impact of Climate Change on Small Mammals
Small mammals, such as rodents and shrews, are particularly sensitive to changes in climate because their survival and reproductive success are closely tied to environmental conditions. Climate change can alter their habitats, food availability, and predator-prey dynamics, significantly affecting their life cycles.

  • Habitat Changes: As temperatures rise, the habitats suitable for small mammals may shift in altitude or latitude. For species that are not highly mobile or are habitat-specific, this can lead to population declines.
  • Food Availability: The timing of food availability is crucial for small mammals, which often rely on seasonal cycles for food resources like seeds and insects. Climate change can disrupt these cycles, leading to food shortages during critical breeding or overwintering periods.
  • Altered Hibernation and Breeding Cycles: Warmer winters and altered seasonal cues can disrupt hibernation patterns. This misalignment can lead to energy deficits and lower survival rates. Similarly, if breeding seasons shift due to temperature changes but do not align with food availability, it can affect the survival of offspring.

Broader Ecological Impacts

  • Changes in Species Classifications and Niches:As environmental conditions change, the niches that species occupy can also shift. This may lead to changes in species distributions, with some species moving to cooler, higher altitudes or latitudes in response to temperature increases. Such shifts can introduce species to new competitors and predators, potentially leading to reclassifications of their ecological status.
    • Example: Salmon and Mayflies
      • ​​Background:Salmon rely on the emergence of aquatic insects like mayflies for feeding their juveniles. Mayflies are sensitive to water temperature changes, which dictate their hatching times.
      • Impact: With rising global temperatures, mayflies in many regions are emerging earlier in the spring. If this shift does not align with the salmon spawning period, juvenile salmon may experience a food shortage at a critical growth stage, impacting their survival and the population's health.
      • Broader Ecological Impact: This misalignment can affect not only salmon but also other species within the food web, including predators of salmon and other aquatic and terrestrial animals dependent on mayflies.
    • Example: Alpine Chipmunks
      • Background: Alpine Chipmunksare adapted to cold mountainous environments. As temperatures rise, these species are forced to move to higher elevations in search of cooler climates.
      • Impact: This upward migration introduces them to new ecological communities. For instance, alpine chipmunks encounter competitors and potential predators that were not present in their original lower-altitude habitats. This can lead to competitive exclusion, reduced genetic diversity, and even hybridization with closely related species.
      • Conservation Implications: The change in altitude range and community dynamics may necessitate a reclassification of their conservation status and prompt targeted conservation strategies to preserve these species.
  • Impact on Biodiversity:The disruption of life cycles and niche shifts can have profound implications for biodiversity. As species adjust or fail to adjust to rapid environmental changes, some may become endangered or extinct, while others may thrive unexpectedly, leading to changes in community composition and ecosystem functions.
    • Example: Coral Reefs
      • ​​Background: Coral reefs are highly sensitive to water temperature changes. Elevated sea temperatures lead to coral bleaching, where corals expel the algae (zooxanthellae) that give them color and nutrients.
      • Impact: Severe bleaching events can lead to widespread coral death, disrupting the reef ecosystem — a biodiversity hotspot. The loss of coral reefs affects a myriad of species, from tiny invertebrates to large fish species, altering community structures and ecosystem functions.
      • Long-term Effects: The decline of coral reefs demonstrates how temperature-induced changes in a keystone species' life cycle can ripple across an ecosystem, leading to potential collapses and significant

Key Terms

​​​Correct use of terminology is a key skill in ESS. It is essential to use key terms correctly when communicating your understanding, particularly in assessments. Use the quizlet flashcards or other tools such as learn, scatter, space race, speller and test to help you master the vocabulary.

transect sampling
fundamental niche (HL only)
​realized niche (HL only)
​r-selected (HLonly)
​​k-selected (HL only)



limiting factors
​tipping points

​​​carrying capacity
ecological footprint
​planetary boundaries
​​keystone species
population dynamics

Classroom Material

Activity 1: Know how to use dichotomous keys, applications and databases for the identification of species using the

Salamander Dichotomous Key Activity

Activity 2: observe and record data on specific plant and animal species
Activity 3: Visit a local nature reserve or park tomeasure at least three abiotic factors in an aquatic or terrestrial ecosystem.
Activity 4: Identify two named examples in an ecosystem for each specific type of interaction between organisms.

Species Interactions Activity

Activity 5:Use models that demonstrate feeding relationships, such as predator–prey
Activity 6:

Reindeer of St Matthew Data Activity

Activity 7:Use quadrat sampling estimates for abundance, population density, percentage cover and percentage frequency for non-mobile organisms and measures change along a transect.
Activity 8: Use the Lincoln index to estimate population size.
Activity 9: Tipping point -
visit the Resilience Alliance database
Activity 10:Research a keystone species that interests you
Activity: 11:Select a regeneration strategy such as rewilding, afforestation, wetland revival, or soil improvement through composting

Activity 12:Research the evolutionary background of their assigned organisms, focusing on key traits and evolutionary milestones.
Activity 13: Produce a graphical summary of an example of niche partitioning
Activity 14:Research and describe the complete life cycle of your chosen species, emphasizing each stage from birth to reproduction.Identify specific human activities that impact the life cycle stages of the species.

Other possible activities

Exploring Species ActivityCarrying Capacity and Limiting Factoractivity
Deer population graphing


Carrying Capacity and Bears in Alaskaactivity
Symbiosis Class Activity

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  • "To what extent do ethical considerations influence scientific practices in the study of ecosystems?"


  • Understanding and preserving the diversity and functionality of ecosystems requires a collaborative global effort that transcends national boundaries and cultural differences. As global citizens, it is our shared duty to respect and protect the natural world, recognizing that the health of our planet relies on the cooperative actions of all communities and cultures. This collective approach not only enriches our understanding of ecological systems but also ensures a sustainable environment for future generations worldwide.

Video Clips

​Remarkable story of how the reintroduction of wolves to the Yellowstone National Park changed the ecology and habitat of the Park. There are many man-managed (or mismanaged) wildlife areas in the world missing predators.

Paul Andersen differentiates between biotic and abiotic factors. He explains how both abiotic and biotic factors can affect organisms at the level of the cell, the population and even the ecosystem. The complexities of biofilms, predator-prey relationships, and food webs are given as illustrative examples.

Species and populations

Paul Andersen explains the niche. He gives three different pronunciations and two different definitions. He then discusses the competitive exclusion principle and the idea that a niche cannot be shared by two species.

Interactions between species are what define ecological communities, and community ecology studies these interactions anywhere they take place. Although interspecies interactions are mostly competitive, competition is pretty dangerous, so a lot of interactions are actually about side-stepping direct competition and instead finding ways to divvy up resources to let species get along. Feel the love?

Exploring Science Looks atSymbiosis, Mutualism, Commensalism, and Parasitism

Different species often depend on one another. David Gonzales describes the remarkable relationship of the Clark's nutcracker and the whitebark pine, to illustrate the interdependency known as symbiosis.

Paul Andersen explains the differences between an r and a K selected species. He starts with a brief description of population growth noting the importance of; r or growth rate, N or number of individuals in the population, and K the carrying capacity. He describes three different survivorship curves found in organisms. He lists the characteristics of r-selected species like bacteria and K-selected species like humans.

ESS Topic 2.1: 2.1 ​ Individuals, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (2024)


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