Chapter Text

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."

Ephesians 6:12

Some see the past as an era in which one was very happy, where everything was perfect and the imperfections that life brings later do not exist, however, that does not always happen.

6 years ago.

It was a summer afternoon, it was noticeable due to the strong orange and yellow tones in the sky, you could see the stars in the sky and the cold was beginning to be felt a little, these signs indicate that the sun was already passing over the sky. moon so that it has control of the sky. You could see that the light lanterns were lit one by one in sequence, including the lanterns in a small park. In this place, most of the children and families who came had already gone home to rest, however, a A couple of little ones had not yet left the park, in fact they were having fun playing in a sandbox.

These children were known as Freddy Fazbear and Miku Hatsune, two people quite different in physique and personality but who still got along quite well. They had met in their favorite place after leaving school so they could spend time together and discuss trivial topics or what happened in their day, it already seemed like a routine at this point.

-Hey Freddy- Kun -little Miku would say with an innocent and sweet tone.

- Hmm? What's up Miku? -Freddy asked, who focused his attention on the person with him.

- Do you know that my mom is pregnant? -Said the little girl with great enthusiasm which was evident by her smile-Finally I will be a big sister-she got up and started jumping with excitement just thinking about it.

- Wow, that's great Miku! -Said the boy, sharing the enthusiasm of his friend. -I would also like to have a little brother, but you know... I got the fool Golden -Said the young man with a tone of pessimism.

- Huh? But what's wrong with Golden? -The girl asked, putting her finger on her chin.

- You don't understand, being the eldest, he overprotects me, he tells me to do my homework, to eat my vegetables, to take a bath and it's like that every day, every day! -The young man said with a bitter expression but his friend could only laugh because of how exaggerated it sounded.

"But he tells you all that because he loves you," the young woman commented with a slight smile.

- Well, I don't see it that way - said the young man, pouting - plus he hardly spends time with me anymore since he goes out with that girl known as Parasoul Renoir or something like that... Although I'm a little grateful for that, since he doesn't pass by behind me. of me all day saying what to do -I finish with a notable tone of annoyance.

- Oh, don't worry, Freddy - Kun - She says with an inevitable laugh at the situation told - Golden - San has every right to fall in love and date whoever he wants, that's how love works.

- Falling in love sucks... Ugh! Never ever do I think about falling in love. Never! -Said the young brown man crossing his arms.

- Oh... Are you serious? -The young woman would say with a low and cold tone, quite different from how tall and friendly she was at the beginning.

- Yeah! "It's my last word," she would say with a strong tone and affirming without a drop of doubt.

-I-I-I understand... -She said discouraged- but maybe there is something that can make you change your mind.

"No," he said firmly.

- Are you sure? Sure? -He said approaching the young man.

- What are you doing? -Said the young man confused and nervous.

"I'm going to make you change your opinion," the young woman said and then gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Do you like me?" -She said, walking away a little and concluded with a smile.

- Why-... Why did you do that?! -The young man would say, red as a tomato.

- It's to show you how much I love you Freddy.

- That? But what are you saying? -The young man would say, already lowering his nervousness a little.

- W-I love you as a very good friend - the nervous young woman would say.

- V-Okay... -The young man would say without much emotion.

- ....Freddy... I want you to promise me something -He approaches the young man- it's something quite serious...

- *I hope it's not another surprise kiss* -The young man thought and then quickly responded to his friend- What do you want Miku to promise you? -The young man said, somewhat afraid of what the young woman might say.

- Freddy promises that when we are older and start our life... that... that we will get married - the girl said, somewhat embarrassed.

- Get married? He... What the hell is that? -The young man asked-

- It's... It's when two people who love each other very much decide to spend the rest of their lives together - said the young woman completely blushing - can you promise me that you will make that promise?

- Hmmmm... I see... I understand... Sure! I love you so much Miku! You are a fantastic friend! -Said the young man with such emotion that he did not think much about his words-

- Wait... D-Friend? -Said the girl, quite unmotivated by the young man's statement.

- Yeah! You are my best friend, and of course I want to make that promise -said the young man with a big smile- I want to spend the rest of my life with you Miku.

- Freddy... -The young woman would say, noticing a slight tremor accompanied by her completely red face- I... I also want to be by your side all my life Freddy.

Both young people, after having made that promise, would go home, both happy for what seemed to be the perfect promise, a promise that seemed to be unbreakable due to the trust and affection that both had for each other...

But promises, like a warm summer afternoon, don't last forever...

Attention ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to an exciting journey to the vibrant metropolis of FunkinCity! Prepare to be transported to an era of awe and wonder as we explore this urban gem located in the beautiful land of the rising sun, Japan!

At the dawn of the 20th century, this land was known as boring and monotonous Hiroshima. But thanks to the brave military of the United States of America and the visionary genius of tomorrow's technology, the legendary Aleksander Peterson!, this city dazzles with technology that leaves any other Japanese city in the dust. Imagine a place where dreams come true and the future is right at your fingertips! From the cloud-kissing skyscrapers to the streets vibrant with the energy of tomorrow, every corner of this metropolis breathes life and promise.

Now before you take to the streets of FunkinCity, let me give a quick warning. As we all know, Hiroshima suffered the devastating consequences of the atomic bomb dropped by our beloved army. While some creatures on the outskirts of the city have been affected by radiation, I assure you this is the least of our worries! Our advanced security systems created by the great company EPSON-enterprises are always vigilant 24 hours a day, with contacts with the largest foundation specialized in these cases, the SCP foundation!

FunkinCity is waiting to help you turn those dreams into reality! So come, join us and discover the splendor of this futuristic city to answer the question: Do you consider yourself special?


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-Monday, April 24, 2030-


-Elder Kettle was walking slowly along the bustling sidewalk of the huge Funkincity. He kept to himself, trying not to bother anyone as he walked around the city. He was seventy-three years old and could only walk with the help of a cane. Still, his mobility was very limited. He eventually arrived at his destination, walking into Starbucks with a smile on his face. After waiting in line, he ordered his drink. Everything was fine for the moment. He grabbed his drink, turned around and started walking towards the door. Unfortunately, his pleasant day was about to take a turn. Busy blowing his drink, he didn't look where he was going. Mr. Teapot collided with a very large man, spilling his iced coffee on the stranger-

Elder Kettle:Oh my god, I'm sorry! -she apologized, stepping back and looking at the man's shirt-

-Jesus Christ, old man! You ruined my shirt! And you could have burned me too! What is your damn problem!? -The big man shouted in retaliation-

Elder Kettle:I-I'm sorry, it was an honest mistake - he trembled a little at the intensity of the man who was yelling at him -

-Do you realize who I am...?- -The (apparently important) man demanded- -My name is Marcus Stewart! I work for Governor Scott Cawthon. This shirt costs over a hundred dollars, and you're going to pay for it, you idiot!

- Elder Kettle was not a rich man. He got by on his monthly Social Security checks, as millions of Japanese retirees do. That's why he didn't have a hundred dollars on hand.

Elder Kettle:I-I'm sorry, sir. But honestly, I don't have that kind of money. -He begged-

Marcus growled, grabbing Mr. Teapot by his ceramic mustache and pulling him closer. This caused the old man to drop his cane, stuttering in panic.

Marcus:You shouldn't go out if you're not prepared for the consequences, man. You ruined my shirt and now you're going to pay one way or another! -He clenched his fist and looked at the poor teapot-

"Hey-" A small, unassuming voice growled behind the two men. It was a strange sound, no doubt. The tone had more venom than a python, and it growled like a lion. But the real voice was like a little flute- -Go down to the kettle, Now-

-Marcus let go of Elder Kettle and turned to his unknown critic. For a moment, he couldn't even see her. she was a green haired Japanese girl in front of her. She was more than a foot shorter than him with shoulder-length hair and clenched fists. She was wearing a green jacket with orange designs and headphones around her neck. She was wearing white thigh-high socks and green flat shoes. Needless to say, she was adorable. Marcus couldn't help but laugh.

Marcus:I'm sorry, were you talking to me, girl? He-he gestured to himself-

-Something about the girl's face was disturbing. The way her nose wrinkled in a snarl was unlike any expression Mr. Teapot had ever seen on a child. She was truly, terribly angry. She spoke with the same growl as she did before-

"Is someone else threatening the teapot?" She questioned, looking at him.

Marcus:sh*t, girl! You are hilarious! Marcus laughed even harder, throwing his head back. He laughed, waving a dismissive hand. “Now get lost, the adults are talking.”

-the green-haired girl did not flinch-How are you going to hit him without a fist? -She questioned-

-Marcus raised an eyebrow, looking skeptically at his hand. A high-pitched, terrified scream filled the cafeteria when he saw his hand. Or rather, when he didn't see his hand. His sleeve seemed to end, his wrist led into the air-

Marcus:What the hell!? Where is my hand!? What did you do!? -She shouted, capturing everyone's attention. People watched, and a couple of them even took out their phones to record-

-The green-haired girl just tilted her head-What did I do? I did not do anything. -She shrugged her shoulders-

-Still, Marcus shook him in blind panic. Soon, he found the meaning of feeling his hand with the other, confirming that he was still there-

Marcus:How did you do this, you little bitch!? I'm going to call the police! -She screamed, foaming at the mouth with pure rage-

-Where is your phone, sir? -The green-haired girl asked innocently, tilting her head once again-

-Marcus's heart skipped a beat and he reached into his pocket. Once again, he couldn't see his phone. He could feel it in his visible hand, but he couldn't see it. He couldn't see the screen and couldn't make a call. He stumbled back, panting and sweating. Everyone watched in fascination as a grown man seemed to have a mental breakdown in the middle of a Starbucks. He pointed at the girl, fear evident in her eyes.

Marcus:S-Stop! Stop! Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop! -The Scream-

-Do you understand what it's like to be afraid of someone bigger than you now? -The green-haired girl asked, taking a step towards him-

Marcus:Get out of me! -She shouted, backing away once more-I'll go! I will go! Just leave me alone! -He begged-

-Silence filled the room...-

-Everyone was strangely involved in the scene before them. Even the adults looked at the Japanese woman with a strange level of respect. The composure he maintained about her throughout the whole thing, the fear Marcus had for her, and the apathetic look on her face only painted the picture of someone you wouldn't want to mess with. Everyone waited with bated breath for her response.

-She shrugged her shoulders, pointing towards the door--Then get out-

-I didn't need to tell Marcus twice. She took off, running as fast as she could down the sidewalk and out of sight. Then the spell was broken and everyone returned to their conversations, gossiping about the events that had just occurred in low voices. After about thirty seconds, a worried woman approached her.

-Honey, are you ok? "That man was yelling at you," the stranger said, resting a hand on her shoulder.

-I'm fine, ma'am. But thank you- -She smiled, looking at Mr. Teapot- -I'm sorry about your coffee. That really sucks. Do you mind if I buy you a new one?

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-The green-haired girl was walking with Mr. Teapot on the sidewalk. She had a carrying container with three drinks and the old teapot held a new coffee-

Elder Kettle:Thank you very much, miss - she smiled, walking next to her new friend -

-She looked at him curiously--Because?-

Elder Kettle:Don't be shy, I'm old enough to know that there are things in this world that I don't understand. What I know for sure is that you stood up for me there and scared the hell out of me, hothead." -he took a sip of his drink-

-She smiled, looking towards the sidewalk--No one should treat the elderly like this. It makes me so angry I can't handle it. At least I didn't hit anyone this time. My mom would kill me-

Elder Kettle: -he laughed-It's rare to see some respect from your generation. Why did you have three drinks?

-He lifted the backpack a little, stabilizing his grip--Well, the tea is for my mom. "The black coffee is for dad and the hot chocolate is for me." She pointed to each cup in turn as she explained.

Elder Kettle:And you walked all the way here just to get that for them?

-I always prepare drinks for everyone after lunch. It's kind of like mine- -She shrugged-

Elder Kettle:Your parents are lucky to have such a good daughter. Anyway, what's your name?

-She smiled, extending a hand that the old man gladly took--Eferu, Eferu Hirose but everyone knows me as FL chan-

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-Fazbear Residence-

-Funkincity, Japan-

-Freddy, wake up-

Freddy:Hey? -stunned by sleep-

-Wake up now, you're going to be late for your first day-

Freddy:*Oh, I sh*t on his...* -the brown-haired boy thinks in his head- Now Golden, I'm up.

Golden:Okay, I left the milk on the table for you.

Freddy:"Thank you," he responded accompanied by a yawn as he sat up in bed, disobeying all his natural instincts after only 5 hours of sleep.

-Finally he leaves behind his laziness and draws strength from the depths of his soul to clean up and put on his uniform, all with the chocolate milk in the room as his only motivation (he didn't like coffee very much)-

-Seeing that he still has 30 minutes left and knowing that the subway trip, at best, lasts less than 20 minutes, he decides to take advantage of the fact that they never start at the exact time to tempt fate and enjoy the milk. sitting at the table a few minutes before leaving.-

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[Two days had already passed since he had moved to Funkincity and the brunette named Freddy Fazbear couldn't get used to his new lifestyle]

[Funkincity was a very large city with more than 13.96 million inhabitants and a high employment rate. It was mainly characterized by the large forest that ran through the entire city and divided it in two. This quiet place would be the chestnut tree's new home from now on, but he was not very happy about this]

[Freddy Fazbear, 15 years old, of American and Ecuadorian origin, is a boy of medium height, neither too tall nor too short. His skin was light-complexioned and his perfect-looking face was decorated with a few freckles. His straight brown hair is messy with a pair of bear ears on the sides of his head]

[the reason why the chestnut has those bear ears is for a simple explanation. Theriomorphism (from the ancient Greek therion, θηρίον, which means wild animal and morph, μορφ , form) is a strange genetic condition that has been present since the 1940s, which consists of some people being born with animal traits. No one knows how this strange condition originated or how it develops. (technically they are fauns, although the word "faun" in this universe does not exist)]

[At fifteen years old, he was about to start his last years at high school, but thanks to the move he will now have to finish his studies at the city school, and just when he had finally managed to make some friends! He now has to start over as a complete stranger, and knowing himself, he probably won't meet someone he can bond with in just three years.]

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-POV Freddy-

-The brunette, already groomed and dressed in his Academy uniform, was in the dining room of his house receiving the typical verbiage that his almost overprotective brother gave him at the beginning of each school year-

Golden:and be very careful, the police have found another victim of the mysterious killer, And try to make friends faster, I don't want you to spend most of your school life alone.

Freddy:Don't worry Golden, I promise you that I will make friends at that Academy - he said calmly while taking a sip of his chocolate milk - besides, I did have friends at my other school. "I know how this works, don't worry," -he replied, trying to persuade her older brother.

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[Golden Fazbear, 25 years old, is a blonde boy with a burly body and tall stature. He shared many characteristics of his younger brother, such as his face, messy straight hair, plus he also has theriomorphism. but, what differentiates Golden and Freddy, is that instead of having normal eyes....his eyes were completely black, he didn't get tattoos or anything like that, his eyes turned black at the age of 13, for no apparent reason. However, Golden cared little about his sudden physical change and continued with his life normally.]

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-Stop bothering me Umbrella, I haven't done anything to you!-

-The 2 brothers turned to look and saw 2 children having a heated argument, those children were Helpy, Golden's adopted son and the other was a pink-haired girl, Umbrella Renoir, the blonde's little sister-in-law-

Umbrella:You didn't do anything!? You ate all the ice cream I had left, now you're going to pay for it, helpy!

Golden:Hey! Hey! Now why are they fighting now? -the blonde asked sternly-

Umbrella:It was helpy, I found out he ate my ice cream!

Helpy:It isn't true! What she says is not true!

Umbrella:Now truthfully, you will be hungern's lunch! -he threatened and then opened his living weapon in front of the child-

-But before anything else could happen, Golden takes away Umbrella's living weapon-

Umbrella:Hey! Why was that!? Give it back to me! -the pink-haired girl was jumping trying to reach hunger but Golden was taller-

Golden:It doesn't matter who it was, but they won't fight so early, they have to get along until Parasoul solves the problems that are happening in the kingdom. -I speak seriously- Can you at least try?

Helpy:Why did mom leave Umbrella here!? She knows I don't get along with her! -asked the albino, angry with his father-

Golden:I promised Parasoul that I would protect them both, Umbrella and you. Plus she told me that Umbrella would stay with us until she fixes things in the Canopy kingdom and the skullheart.

Umbrella:That's right, because my sister, in addition to being the princess, she also fights against the bad guys, but the fact that she is your mother doesn't stop her from being able to avenge my ice cream!

Helpy:Let's see if you dare!

Golden:CALM DOWN! -the blonde shouted, making the children stop shouting, he sighs with annoyance- you better get ready to go to school, it's going to be late.

Umbrella/Helpy:"...okay..." -they spoke reluctantly-

-Both children go up the stairs again while Golden sits down at the table again while giving a sigh of annoyance-

Golden:God...give me patience for those two...-he spoke in a low voice while rubbing the back of his nose with his fingers-

Freddy:Don't get upset Golden, they're just kids, we also had our fights when we were kids.

Golden:Yes, yes, yes... I know -he sighs- I just want them both to get along, even Umbrella doesn't accept Helpy because he thinks he's Parasoul's favorite, but that's not true -he grabs the coffee cup from his table and she took a sip - if she knew how much Helpy suffered in the past... when I found him in a trash can when he was just a baby... - the blonde begins to squeeze the cup harder -

Freddy:G-Golden? -The brunette noticed how his brother squeezed the cup, causing it to crack little by little-

Golden:What kind of person would abandon a helpless baby? -Golden's anger increased while the cup cracked more- tch...if I ever find the person who abandoned Helpy that night in my life, I will swear I was never born! -the cup finally breaks causing the hot liquid to fall into the blonde's hand-

Freddy:Golden! -he got up from the chair, bewildered by what just happened-

-but...the blonde didn't even flinch when the hot coffee made contact with his right hand, in fact, it seemed like he didn't feel pain-

Golden:oops... - that was the only thing the blonde said and then got up from the table and went to the sink to clean his burned hand - you better finish breakfast soon and go to the Academy - he spoke without looking back and followed that by opening the sink faucet and put your hand into cold water-

Freddy:B-Well...see you on Friday - the brunette still found it strange that his brother didn't feel pain-

Golden"Wait..." the blonde ordered, stopping the brunette, he turned off the sink and approached the brunette and gave him a hug. "Promise me you won't get in trouble, okay?"

Freddy: oh....-this took Freddy by surprise since most of the time his brother was a serious person- I promise -he gives a small smile-

-Giving himself one last hug, Freddy left his house and went to the nearest train station and boarded the train that was arriving towards the Academy where he would study. The train was packed with students, talking and joking with each other. For the young man, these were unknown faces, nameless people, and to avoid the inconvenience he sat in the back seat, next to the window, admiring the landscape.

-It was really a very nice city, except for the mysterious murders, nothing really interesting usually happened, you could say that the place was quite boring, but since his brother had gotten a new job there...-

-Freddy's thoughts were interrupted when his cell phone (with a blue cover and a star hanging on it) began to vibrate. He had received a message-

Freddy, friend! How's it going? Here in the old town I'm missing you a lot, the place feels lonely without you here. But wherever you are, don't give up! You better come visit me soon!

Kisses, Chihiro


[Chihiro Shimamiya (Funtime Chica), a girl the same age as Freddy, was the only friend he had managed to make in his hometown. And despite only knowing her for a year, he knew he could trust her (plus she always found a way out of any kind of problem!)]

[That message gave him a little encouragement and he thought that, although he couldn't go see her in person, just being able to communicate with messages could make that year not so lonely.]


-The great academy rose, standing out greatly compared to the rest of the city. In front of the entrance of that prestigious institution he was; Freddy Fazbear -

-Any normal student would be nervous, with his legs shaking, or on the contrary, excited to be in a position like his. But not Freddy, he simply looked confidently at that prestigious academy, thinking what kind of adventures he could have this year. His smile expanded, his thought was quite simple, "Elite school meant elite friends." A rather... positive thought, to say the least. With almost exaggerated confidence, he took a step onto the academy grounds, prepared for a year full of challenges. He looked at his cell phone, a map of the grounds had been sent to him a few days ago, along with his schedule. The first thing he had to do was go to the main building, there was supposed to be a welcoming ceremony for the new students in the gym-

-Alec Peterson Academy, many would be more than grateful to be part of the main course, a course of which Freddy was part. The Alec Peterson Institute was the largest educational center in Funkincity, its prestige was so great that everyone wanted to go to study there. The institute housed about 6,000 students, distributed in pavilions, where in addition to receiving typical classes such as language and mathematics, they had various workshops with the most curious subjects such as boxing and extracurricular clubs that students could form to meet after class and perform certain activities-


-That made him look up from his cell phone, to see the person who had whispered his name. A few meters away, a boy with purple hair was watching him. It seems that when he realized it was him, he smiled and began to approach.

-The brunette recognized him instantly, those clothes that looked like a formal suit, that light skin, that serious but at the same time serene voice, those rabbit ears, that purple hair and crimson eyes, Bonnie f*ckugami. A boy who had shared high school with him and the boy most coveted by girls-

Bonnie:It's you? You're Freddy Fazbear, right?


Bonnie:Yes, what a joy to find a familiar face.

Freddy:Do you remember me? -he asked with amazement in her voice-

Bonnie:Of course! I mean, we went to the same high school for three years in a row.

Freddy:I know, but I didn't think someone as popular as you would notice someone as common as me.

Bonnie:Did you think it was that bad? "Ouch," -he said as she hid behind her hands and faked small sobs.

Freddy:Of course not! I don't think you can be like that!

Bonnie:Just kidding -he let out a small laugh and uncovered his face-

Freddy:Ugh...You scared me -he laughed with relief-

Bonnie:I'm sorry. Changing the subject, I didn't think I saw you here.

Freddy:I didn't expect to see you either.

-Curiously, he was being honest, he knew of the existence of a forum about the school's students, but he had not even bothered to check it, so he did not know who his new classmates would be-

Bonnie:And you are?

Freddy:"Human, I think," he replied amused, to which the purple-haired man laughed.

Bonnie:I'm referring to your talent, you know that this academy also helps its students develop their talents, right?

Freddy:Well....-he put his hand on his chin thinking about a specific answer- I'm good at math, it's not a big deal, what about you?

Bonnie:I'm good at the electric guitar.

Freddy:Wow, that certainly suits you.

Bonnie:Thanks, and do you know what class you belong to? Maybe we'll get together.

Freddy:Let me check - from his pocket he takes out a piece of paper where he had written down the name of his class - Class 1-B.

Bonnie:Oh really?! I'm in that class too!

Freddy:Excellent! "I hope we can get along," the brunette snapped.

Bonnie:It's a relief to have a familiar face, I admit I was a little scared not knowing anyone.

Freddy:Don't worry, knowing you, probably all the girls will want to talk to you.

Bonnie: -the rabbit laughed-Oh come on, you're not bad either, surely the two of us will be the most handsome boys who ever set foot in this academy, come on, let's go in!

-It didn't take them long to make a connection, he talked about how much fun he had being a guitarist and how much fun he had at Funkincity. He simply nodded with a smile, while singing a song in his mind, "Accidentally in love" by Counting Crows.

-When crossing the main door of the main building, the first thing they did was walk inside, contemplating the place, to end by going through a door that seemed to be the one that led to the gym; Inside, a gym was waiting for them with twenty-five seats and eighteen people inside, not counting themselves of course.


- Have you seen last night's game?


- They say they haven't caught the murderer yet, I'm afraid of walking alone on the street and out of nowhere a crazy person attacks me!


- Do you guys remember when last year the place was filling with cracks? There was no type of earthquake at that time and I have heard that the infrastructure was in good condition, I wonder what caused them?


- Again I have seen the group of bullies demanding money from the lower grades. I would have intervened, but...


-The gym was already almost full of students. Friends who would meet again and chat about how their vacation had gone, the typical kids who assured that that year they would try hard and pass all their courses (although they really knew it wasn't going to be like that) and the shy and introverted kids who would try demonstrate a new facet of your personality to gain acceptance. It was a new beginning for everyone and they wanted to enjoy it to the fullest, oh no...?

-Get your feet off the seat!-

"What?" said a redhead with fox ears on his head.

-You disrespect Alec Peterson's veterans. and who made the seat-

-No way. What school did you go to, weasel?

-I went to the Eiwa Private Academy. I'm Popgoes Kakushi-

-Eiwa? Are you from the elite? I'll have fun destroying you-

Popgoes:destroy me? Than cruel. I don't know why they let you enter this Academy, huh? -he notices the presence of Freddy and Bonnie just like the other students-

Freddy:o-oh -when he saw that everyone was looking at him he got nervous- this-

Popgoes:Good morning! I am from the private Eiwa Academy, Popgoes Kakushi -the aforementioned introduced himself in a very formal and expressive manner as if he were a soldier-

Bonnie:I'm Bonnie f*ckugami, nice to meet you, Popgoes - he responded to the brunette's greeting -

Freddy:Amm...And I'm Freddy Fazbear, nice to meet you, Popgoes - the brunette responded, a little surprised by the brown-haired man's formal behavior.

"Hey, a dwarf," the redhead with fox ears on his head pointed out.

Bonnie:Hey, a moron - the purple-haired man pointed out -

-Some laughed at that, but the redhead simply frowned slightly, but ended up sighing and acting as if that had not happened-

"Foxy Xiao Long, a pleasure," he simply introduced himself.

Bonnie:"Bonnie f*ckugami, my pleasure," he responded, raising his hand.

Foxy:"I was telling him," the fox clarified, pointing to the chestnut tree with bear ears.

-The purple-haired man forced his smile, he found that insolence amusing and unpleasant. He didn't even bother to say more, without lowering his hand he walked forward and shook the hand of a girl with rabbit ears who was just a few steps in front of him-

Bonnie:"As I said, a pleasure, I hope we can get along," he declared, trying to correct his mistake.

"Likewise," she laughed. Rachel Kirigiri.

Bonnie:Oh what a great name, do you know Freddy Fazbear? -At the signal, the brunette approached, to greet the albino-

Freddy:Nice to meet you, I'm Freddy Fazbear - he shakes Rachel's hand, making the albino reciprocate - I hope we will be good companions

Rachel: -at that statement the rabbit laughed-I have a feeling it will be like that.


[That's how it was, one by one, he greeted everyone present, omitting the redhead and a hooded man, but it's because the boy denied the greeting instantly]

[Before we could even start to really chat, more people began to enter the gym, some teachers and some upperclassmen. It would be a lie to say that the brunette did not look away to look at the girls older than him, he even looked at a few teachers, yes, the boy aspired high]

[The newcomers went to sit on the bleachers of the gym, looking down on the new students, that is, Freddy and his classmates. Not much happened after that, simply a man with a black shirt and black hair stood on the small stage of the place and began to give them a speech, about the many hopes they had in them and that they were lucky to have them in school]

[A heavy speech that went on for a damn hour, but as he always did when something stopped catching his attention, The Brown Bear with Bear Ears tuned out and played a melody in his head again, singing internally. He only reacted when everyone started applauding, so he imitated them with a smile and the man finally got off the stage]


"Okay, guys, follow me," shouted a bald man in a green shirt.

Freddy:*And who is this?* -the brunette asked himself confused, yes, sometimes not paying attention was against him. Since the rest of his class followed him without reproach, he decided not to ignore the complaint and assume that he was his teacher-

-Well, to be honest, who listened to everything he said? -the teacher asked-

-Silence, at that the man turned his head to look at them as he walked, but his gaze was focused on that student with the bear ears, he knew that he had not paid attention because of the lost expression he now had-

-Freddy noticed that the teacher was looking at him, he knew that he knew, so he smiled and scratched his head-

Freddy:Sorry -he laughed naively- I just got bored.

-To the half?

Freddy:At two minutes.

Rachel:"Wow, we have a peculiar character in our class," she commented with a hand on her mouth, as if amazed.

Freddy:Um...thank you? -He responded as if he were a compliment-

-Don't worry, Fazbear, I got bored too - a squirrel girl spoke -

-Did you hear at least something of what he said? -the teacher asked amused-

Bonnie:Yes, I heard, "Welcome, take a seat" -answered the rabbit boy-

-That was literally the first thing he said...

Freddy:Then I got bored before two minutes.

-The teacher covered his mouth and started laughing. They had to go up the stairs to walk through the hallways and finally they came to a door, which had the class number above it. The teacher entered first, to be followed by the students.

-The desks were placed in four rows to the side and four to the back. Without even thinking that the place he would choose would probably be the place he would use all year, she sat at one of the four desks next to the window.

Bonnie:"Hey Freddy, it looks like we'll be neighbors," declared the purple-haired man, sitting at the desk next to his.

Freddy:It seems so, Bonnie.

"Well, I'll be quick so they don't get involved," the professor shouted out loud. As the director already explained. I will give you your ElectroID, this is used to open your bedrooms and lockers, don't lose them.

-Next, the teacher approached the seat of each of the students, to hand them that electronic device. Freddy stared at the device for a few minutes, but what caught his attention the most was the silver key taped to the back.

Freddy:What is the...?

-It is the key to your bedroom, in case you lose the ElectroID, better safe than sorry -explained the pedagogue-

-The one with brown hair didn't say anything, he simply took off the key from his electronic identification and put it in his pocket, to start checking that device. He didn't seem to be able to play music, nor did he have a headphone jack, just some applications, like a map, a notepad, and a file that showed him as a student.

-At least he was minimally happy, he already wanted to know what his bedroom would be like-

-And remember to enjoy these, your last years, and to strengthen our ties more I would like each one to say their name and a short description of themselves.

-One by one, the students got up to do what their teacher had asked of them. Some were simple and direct, others exaggerated their features to attract attention (or be funny) -

Freddy:My name is Freddy Fazbear and I am 15 years old. -Simple and direct, the brunette didn't say another word. After the presentations were over, the teacher addressed the students and told them-

-Well, that would be all. I hope you all become good friends and try hard this year. Good luck!

-He could not complete the sentence since at that exact moment a girl arrived in the room with signs that she had run since she was panting-

- *Panting* sorry for being late, there was a lot of traffic - she gave a nervous laugh while scratching her head out of embarrassment -

-oh just in time, everyone has already given their presentations and you are the last one, go ahead and introduce yourself- -the teacher spoke-

-the girl stands in front of the class--My name is Eferu Hirose! But you can call me FL chan. Some of you will already know me and others don't, but I want you to be clear that as long as I'm here, this place will be safe, so don't hesitate to ask me for help if you need help. ever need it! -the green-haired woman introduced herself while she smiled warmly-

Freddy:...What a lively girl -he said to himself in a whisper-

-Okay FL chan, you can sit behind Mr. Fazbear- -the teacher answered-

fl chan:“Okay,” I reply in an optimistic tone.

-Said and done, the green-haired girl sits behind the brunette with bear ears-

fl chan: Nice to meet you -he gave Freddy his fist so he could hit them-

Freddy:... -finally he bumped his fists with the green-haired girl, making her smile- Likewise... -he said neutrally-

-Since it's the first day, you can talk as much as you want or go explore the school, you choose- -After saying that, the teacher yawned-by the way, my name is Baldi-he covered his eyes with a book he had. at his table and leaned his legs on the wooden desk, ready to take a nap.

Bonnie:Did he fall asleep...? -asked the purple-haired man-

-The boy with rabbit ears next to him stared at the brunette, perhaps expecting a bit of confusion from the boy, but he had simply slung his backpack on his shoulder and stood up, ready to leave-

Bonnie:Are you seriously going to leave? -the rabbit boy questioned-

Freddy:He said we could, don't you want to see the school?

Bonnie:Yes, but...

Freddy:So? We can see the place together, well, if you want obviously -she declared with a bit of embarrassment, something that made the purple-haired man smile-

Bonnie:Yes, come on, it will be fun! -After smiling kindly, he decided to leave the classroom with his classmate.-

-The rabbit and the bear walked around the school grounds, seeing everything they could, both outside and inside the buildings. It took them a while, but they finally managed to see most of the places, now they were walking to return to the classroom again-

Freddy:*Looking at it carefully, this place isn't that bad, I think I could get used to this* -the brunette thought-

Bonnie:Are you excited, Freddy? -the purple-haired man questioned-

Freddy:Sure, we're at Alec Peterson, what about you, Bonnie?

Bonnie:Sure, it's nice to have a change of scenery, don't get me wrong, I'll miss my hometown a little.

Freddy:Hmm? And your family?

Bonnie:I... I don't talk to my mother much and my father died when I was little.

Freddy:Oh, I'm sorry, Bonnie, I shouldn't have...

Bonnie:Don't worry, you didn't do anything. And what about you? Will you miss your family?

Freddy:I live with my brother in this city, along with his adopted son.

Bonnie:And your parents?

Freddy:Oh, we didn't have a very... "family" relationship, we just ate together from time to time, other than that there's practically not much contact.

Bonnie:That's... a little sad.

Freddy:Hm -he raised his shoulders- Some families are like that.

-The 2 boys turned a corner but when doing so they collided with some students-

Freddy:Oh! "I'm sorry," she said as she composed herself. "I didn't realize where I was."

-Freddy didn't finish his sentence, he had just noticed the boys he had bumped into. They were huge, all three dressed in black leather jackets and worn jeans, they gave off a dangerous aura and had unfriendly faces.

-The boy in the middle, who seemed to be the leader, gave the brunette a push, making him fall.

Bonnie:Hey! What is your damn problem!? -the purple-haired man asked the bully-

-But you can watch where you're going!- -He was about to leave when one of his companions stopped him, and pointing to Freddy and Bonnie he said-

-Hey boss, aren't those the people we were looking for?

-Upon hearing this, the head of the thugs left his furious look to change it to a mischievous smile-

-You are the new students, right? They have to know that things work a certain way at this school, and there are people here who could hurt you. And since my friends and I are very generous, we are requesting a modest fee of $25 to administer protection for you.

-Freddy had already realized what was happening here. In front of them were the school bullies, who through intimidation sought to obtain money. In the past he would have chickened out and given in to his requests, but he was willing to start over and showing that he wouldn't let himself be trampled would be a good start.

Freddy:You are no one to ask me for money! Besides, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself and I don't need bullies to bully me.

-And that was a mistake. Before even realizing it, the leader of the group hit Freddy's face hard. His face hurt, and when she touched his cheek she realized that the blow had opened a wound, that he was bleeding.


-How dare you talk to me like that, you son of a bitch! -She yelled at him furiously--You have no idea who you're dealing with!

-Freddy had not noticed, but they were surrounded by students, who were curiously looking at the scene but did not have the courage to intervene-

- What are they doing looking, this is none of their business! Long! - -The curious, terrified, obeyed the order and left the place, then the leader crouches down to whisper in Freddy's ear- - As you will see, I am the one who has the power here. So if you don't want me to make your life miserable, you better give us the money.

-Freddy was still on the floor, in total silence. How could he be so stupid to take on three bullies at once by himself? Now, as he was, he didn't know what to do-

- Although if you don't have money - the leader of the bullies approached Freddy and crouched in front of him to be face to face - Looking good, you are kind of cute, so you could pay us in another way -

Bonnie:-the purple-haired man pushes the leader making him fall- I said stay away from him!

-You've tired me out, hit that bastard! -the bully ordered-

- Yeah!

- That's how you talk boss!

-the other 2 thugs began to approach the purple-haired man ready to beat him to death-

Bonnie:I'm warning you - the rabbit boy spoke seriously - Leave us alone, or else you'll have to deal with me.

-And what are you going to do? You can't beat us! -the leader spoke-

Bonnie:...I warned you.

-The leader of the thugs was knocked to the ground, as if he had received a quick and powerful punch in the face. His nose was broken and crooked and crushed, and his face was covered in blood. The unfortunate man brought his hands to his face, completely in pain.

-W-what have you done to me!?

-Freddy was stupefied, what had just happened? It looked like that guy had been punched in the face, but Bonnie hadn't moved at all!

-The subordinates were in the same way, and then became furious and headed towards the rabbit boy-

-How dare you!

-f*cking idiot!

-But before I could even touch the purple-haired man, another bizarre event took place. As if they had been pushed by someone, both thugs collided with each other and their faces hit each other violently.

-h-how did you do that!? -the leader questioned with fear-

Bonnie:It's better that they get out or else... -a purple aura began to manifest from Bonnie's back and then a humanoid silhouette formed- Shadow Bonnie would beat them to death.

-The three bullies were scared when they saw that creature-

-A-A demon! Get out of me! - -the leader shouted and the three fled in terror-

Bonnie: -sighs heavily-I didn't want to use Shadow Bonnie, but people like that get on my nerves - he said to himself - Anyway, Freddy, are you okay?

-The young man squatted down to be able to see the brunette better, and when he noticed that he was injured, he put on a serious expression.

Bonnie:It seems those bastards hurt you, don't worry, just go to the infirmary and you'll be better!

Freddy:*But who the hell is Bonnie? Also, what the hell was that thing? * -he said to himself without even believing what he had seen, the brunette asked the purple-haired man- W-what are you?

Bonnie:"I'm Bonnie f*ckugami," she exclaimed with a smile, "And I'm a Shadow user!"


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-The atmosphere could not be more different. While the boy known as Bonnie f*ckugami was completely relaxed as he took a bandage out of her pockets and put it on the wound on her cheek, Freddy was still stunned by what had just happened. He had not uttered another word after asking him what had happened, since his brain had not finished processing what had happened.

Bonnie:Are you going to sit on the floor all day? -The purple-haired man asked him while he formed a slight smile on his face-By the way, your cell phone fell. Here, here.

Freddy:*It's true!*-the brunette thought when he heard that. He looked around the ground for his cell phone until he saw it, the same creature from before was holding his cell phone in front of him as a sign for him to grab it.

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[Freddy's reasoning went to hell immediately upon witnessing this vision. Gaping and with his mind blank, the brunette remained rigid and staring at the bizarre being]

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Bonnie:Why are you looking at me like that? Something happens? -asked the purple-haired man, but when he did not receive an answer, the young man's face changed, as if he had realized something. He looked at Freddy, then at the cell phone that was being grabbed by Shadow, then back at Freddy. and then see the cell phone again. He repeated this action a few more times until his face changed once again, to an expression that perfectly expressed - I screwed up... - Shadow immediately threw the cell phone back to the ground - Damn it! -He shouted, putting his hands to his head- I've let myself go again! -He nervously directed his gaze towards the brunette- This... I can explain-

Freddy:WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! -bear boy finally exploded-

Bonnie:Would you believe me if I told you that what you saw was the product of an optical illusion? -she answered with a nervous smile-


Bonnie:Okay, I'll explain it to you - he spoke with a tone of resignation - But not here - he looked around to make sure that no one was watching them - come, follow me - he took the brunette's right arm and began to drag him towards a place -


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-Bonnie had dragged Freddy to an empty classroom, and after checking that there were no moors on the coast, she closed the door and took a breath of air before starting to speak.

Bonnie:What do you want I explain to you?

Freddy:Is seriously? -the brunette questioned- Okay, Bonnie, you know perfectly well why we're here, so stop beating around the bush and get straight to the point. What happened out there!? What was that thing that came out on your back!?

Bonnie:Well, as I tell you - he was silent for a few seconds and continued - Let's say that I have a kind of "power", one that people normally do not possess. This "power" allows me to do those things you saw out there. like the super speed of the blows and that...

Freddy:This is impossible. -bear boy spoke in an almost inaudible murmur-

Bonnie:Do you want me to show it to you again? My skill"?

-Although Freddy was already convinced that what he had seen was real, a part of him still refused to accept this reality. One last sign, he needed to see that one last time, to be able to confirm completely and without a doubt that what he saw was not an illusion-

Freddy:Yes, show me.

Bonnie:Very good... -the purple-haired man turned around and fixed his gaze on one of the folders that were in front of him, he manifested his shadow again which raised the folder in the air and placed it on top of the brunette, as if he was holding over his own head-

-Freddy looked at him with a serious expression, and after a few seconds, Bonnie left the folder in its place-

Bonnie: I hope that with this you have cleared all your doubts. This won't cause you problems, right? -I ask him curiously-

Freddy:N-No, no, no. "I'm fine," the brunette answered, pretending to be "calm." "It's just that it's my first day here and I just met a boy with powers, it's not something that affects me." In fact - he proceeded to look at his wrist, imagining that she had a watch - oh no! I'm already late, we have to go back to the dorms

Bonnie:Hey? do you want me to accompany you? We could talk on the road.

Freddy:N-No need! -she interrupted him with a forced smile- I know the way. Leave. See you. Bye!

-And before Bonnie could say anything else, the brunette left the room and walked away from the place at a fast pace.

Bonnie:See you later then...

-------------------------------------------------- ------

Freddy:*How is it possible!?* -the brunette said to himself in his thoughts- *How is it possible that someone with such abilities exists in the world!? Walking away seems like the best option to me, he seems like the type of person who only brings problems*

-He entered the male residence and went up the stairs, until he found a door that had a kind of doll stuck to the door, a doll that looked curiously like him. He took the key out of his pocket and opened the door, taking a few steps inside and closing it behind him.

-The place was somewhat large, it consisted of a kitchen-dining room with a wooden table, four chairs, a sofa that could fit three people, and a television. The first thing he did was open the refrigerator, just as he assumed it was empty.

-There were two wooden doors on two opposite sides, he opened one, this led to the bathroom, nothing out of the ordinary. The other led to the bedroom, it had pastel colored walls and a double bed with two nightstands on each side, on one of the walls of the room there was a wooden wardrobe, which as he assumed had his clothes inside. Now it made sense why the school made him send clothes a day early-

-Without saying anything, he took off his jacket, shirt and bow, leaving himself exposed from the waist up-

-He placed both hands on the soft sheets, although his gaze was fixed on nothing. He couldn't help but think about everything that had happened when he arrived at this Academy, today he was bullied, the boy he met in high school has a strange power that makes him hit people, Freddy was wandering in his thoughts trying to find an explanation for this but he formulated a question in his thoughts that disturbed him.

Freddy:What if there are more people with powers equal to Bonnie's?

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Freddy:*It has to be a f*cking joke...*

-Freddy was in his classroom, receiving his first arithmetic class, but he was unable to pay attention, since to his right sat a certain person who could not wait until the end of the class to talk to him-

Freddy:*Of all classes, why did he have to be in mine* -he lamented in his thoughts- something wrong?-


-You're the new one, right? freddy fazbear?

Freddy:oh yes, and you are....

-she gives a small smile-My name is Eferu Hirose, I introduced myself to class yesterday.

Freddy:Oh right, I had forgotten.

-Before I had not recognized her, but now I remembered that Eferu was that energetic girl whose presentation I had highlighted the day before when they had made said presentations-

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(-the girl stands in front of the class- -My name is Eferu Hirose! But you can call me FL chan. Some will already know me and others won't, but I want you to be clear that as long as I'm here, this place will be safe , so don't hesitate to ask me for help if you ever need it! -the green-haired woman introduced herself while flashing a warm smile-)

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Freddy:an apology for not paying attention to you yesterday -he scratched the back of his head out of embarrassment-

fl chan:Don't worry, is there anything wrong with you today?

Freddy:If I told you what I saw yesterday you wouldn't believe me - I explain in a neutral tone -

fl chan:-This one makes a little laugh- Don't worry, I've experienced everything, so I think what you saw doesn't surprise me.

Freddy:-sighs resigned- well, if you say old high school classmate, you have an evil spirit

fl chan:what?....spirit?

Freddy:Yes, it was a purple humanoid being with rabbit ears and a robotic appearance.

fl chan:u-a shadow?

Freddy: -realizes what fl chan said-Yes....that's what Bonnie told me her name is.... How do you know that?

fl chan:A-Am p-well you see

Baldi:Nice conversation, right? they want to share it with the class

-some of the students laughed at this situation, to which Freddy and Fl chan returned to their previous position with a little sadness-

fl chan:*so there's another shadow user at this school...Great!*

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-It was already recess, Freddy spent the rest of class trying to pay attention to it and ignoring Bonnie's attempts to get his attention. And when he finally rang the bell for recess, the brunette quickly left the room in an attempt to avoid running into the rabbit boy.

Freddy:uh... -he looks at both sides- well, apparently he already gave up -he gives a sigh of relief- that was easy- -he didn't finish the sentence since a hand grabbed him by the shirt

Bonnie:Freddy, I finally found you - he begins to drag him towards the patio - we have many things to talk about

Freddy:What, Bonnie!? No! Let go! aid! -The boy with bear ears tried to get away but the purple-haired boy had more strength-

Bonnie:Don't be afraid, I don't bite, we'll just have a great talk - this one gives an "innocent" smile -

Freddy:No! I don't want to!

-------------------------------------------------- -------

[and like that, the purple-haired man took the brunette to the patio...]

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Freddy:How the hell did you come out before me!? -the brunette questioned him, already tired of this matter-

Bonnie:Didn't you notice that I had asked the teacher for permission to go to the bathroom minutes before the bell rang? I just waited for you to come out, I wanted to talk to you since I didn't think I made a good impression on you yesterday.

Freddy:It's not like you're making a good impression on me now either...

Bonnie:One way or the other! -she interrupted him-I was saying that it seems to me that we didn't get off on the right foot because of all the things about my powers and that. so we should start again! I'm Bonnie f*ckugami. Nice to meet you.

-Bonnie extended her hand waiting for Freddy to squeeze, who hesitated for a few seconds before doing so-

Freddy:F-Freddy Fazbear

Bonnie:Do you see how this is much easier than just screaming, getting nervous and running? Now that that is fixed, it seems to me that we will be able to interact in a better way.


-the bell that indicated the end of recess resounded throughout the school-

Bonnie:"And that's our signal to leave," said the purple-haired man.

-He was heading back to the classroom until he realized that Freddy was not following him. He was still standing in place, completely motionless.

Bonnie:Are you coming or what? -she told him with a smile- You don't want to be punished on your second day, do you?

-And without any choice, Freddy Fazbear followed him back to the classroom-

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-The rest of the day, Bonnie and Freddy, unfortunately for him, stayed together. The purple-haired man seemed to be quite happy to have someone to talk to. Every time the brunette tried to sneak away, he was discovered by his companion in the act.

Bonnie: Where are you going? She hasn't rung the bell yet to leave.

-So Freddy had no choice but to stay. He tried to stay calm, although he had to stop himself from screaming every time Bonnie used her powers.

-And so things continued, until the exit bell rang, it was at that moment that Freddy saw an opportunity to escape-

Freddy:B-Well, the exit bell has already rung, I better go back to my house. See you later! -He picked up his suitcase and tried to leave as soon as possible but a hand placed on his shoulder stopping him, it was Bonnie-

Bonnie:Freddy... -said the purple-haired man- Didn't you sleep in the bedrooms?

Freddy:Aaaa...Oh yes! I was forgetting something at home! Yes that was it!

Bonnie:Oh... -sighs of relief- that's just it. What a relief, I was already getting ideas that you wanted to escape from me.


Bonnie:Wait a minute... -he seemed to finally make sure of something- you're trying to escape from me! That's why you've been acting so strange all day!

-The rabbit boy began to approach the chestnut tree slowly, while he retreated, and, taking advantage of the fact that it was dismissal time, the students were everywhere, he grabbed the first boy who passed by him and threw him towards Bonnie, making him fall, and then run straight to the exit-

-hey! What's wrong with you!? - the student demanded -

-The purple-haired man throws the student aside and then gets up and starts chasing the bear boy-

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(with Freddy)

-He was already outside the Academy, having traveled a few blocks and believing that he had already lost him, The brunette gave a sigh and prepared to return to his house, when someone or something lifted him by the waist, elevating him in the air. air, it was Shadow Bonnie-

Freddy:Ungh! What the...BONNIE!

-In front of him was Bonnie, who looked really angry. He put his fingers to his forehead and remained silent for a few seconds while the brunette tried to get out of his grip.

Bonnie:Okay... Okay... -takes a breath of air- could you explain to me what happened in the classroom?

Freddy:Put me down! Do it right now! -the chestnut man shouted-

Bonnie:You're in no position to complain, Fazbear! -She reproached him with a frown- It was you who threw a boy at me! Because of my reflexes I ended up throwing him on the floor, okay in case you were wondering. But that is not the point! What made you act like an idiot?

-Freddy, who was still struggling to get away from Shadow, finally blurted out everything he was thinking, in a brutal and direct way-

Freddy:What's wrong with me? Oh, nothing special... just that you've been following me all damn day! Someone who is undoubtedly a danger to me! -her face was red as she yelled at him- So I demand that you put me down immediately and stay away from my life!

Bonnie:Is that?! Are you afraid of my powers?! -I demanded, quite angrily- I was the one who saved your ass from those guys yesterday! you should be grateful! I haven't tried anything other than to try to form a friendship with you and you call me a threat!? I would never do anything to hurt you!

Freddy: -with the bangs of his hair covering his eyes- At this moment... you are keeping me in the air against my will... -he answered dryly--

-Bonnie stared at him with a cold, fixed gaze, and did not say a word. After a few seconds she let go, Freddy falling abruptly to the ground.

Bonnie:... -he turns his back to the chestnut- Well, whatever you want. Get out - the purple-haired man still had a cold look - I won't get into your f*cking life again. Goodbye -she turns to look at him again but notices that Freddy was not there- Tsk... -clicks her tongue- idiot

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[As Freddy ran, he did so with the intention of getting away from Bonnie, but his thoughts were still on him]

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Freddy:*I had never lost control before or yelled at someone like that, had it been fair to treat him like that?* -the brunette wondered in his thoughts- *The more I think about it I realize that Bonnie in He doesn't really want to hurt me and his intentions seemed sincerely good, after all, he was the one who saved me from those bullies the day before. But... there was also the question of his powers. The fact that there is someone like that in the world still makes my hair stand on end. Bonnie seemed to have it all under control, but how would she know if she ever lost control of it or her power went to her head and she decided to attack? But looking at it closely, he doesn't seem capable of doing something like that, should I apologize? We are in the same class so I will surely see him again, but, with what face will I be able to address him after everything I said?* -He wandered in his thoughts, being so absorbed in them caused him to deviate quite a bit from his way- WHAT? -He had noticed something, he had strayed from the path- oh no... this is very bad since I had recently moved, I still didn't fully know the city. The area I'm in now doesn't seem to be densely populated. What a great sh*tty day I'm having today! -he shouted the last thing in frustration and then sighed- well... stay calm Fazbear -he looks around and sees that there was an alley- if I cross this way, maybe it will take me to another part of the city and I can see if anyone Can you give me directions - the chestnut man with courage on his back goes into the alley - I-I don't think anything bad will happen to me being here, it's daytime, and 90% of the crimes committed in alleys occur at night... "I think," he spoke with a little insecurity, the more he advanced, the brunette began to hear voices.

-The brown man noticed the sound of the voices. It was a bit strange, so he decided to bow his head and look for the source. Two men were huddled in the same alley, speaking quietly to each other. One of the men seemed a little more urgent than the other-

-Three million!?- -He hissed, clearly annoyed- -We agreed on the phone that I would pay one point five!-

-The situation has changed. It's three million now. Or would you rather be weak in the new world? -The taller man murmured in an apathetic tone-

-The first man stopped, looking down defeated--Okay, okay. Three million. And you promise that this will make me stronger? -

-The taller man shrugged and handed him a small envelope--It will bring out the strength within you. Now pay-

-Freddy was listening to the conversation attentively. At first he thought it was a drug deal, but the way they were talking seemed strange-

Freddy:*The new World? Inner force? What the hell are they talking about? *-She wondered in his thoughts, she could only watch as the shy man handed her a check and handed it to the dealer-

-I would recommend pricking your finger with it, but drawing any type of blood works- -The tall man explained-

-Of course... I just...- -the rich man muttered, taking something out of the envelope, it was a rusty dagger- -I'll prick my finger... Just... Like this...- -His breathing stopped. , and tried to force himself to do it-

"I don't have all damn day, are you going to do it now?" The other man growled.

-This is a little embarrassing... but do I really have to do it? I'm just not good with pain- -The rich man explained-

-Without a word, the man took the small dagger and stabbed it into the palm of the rich man's hand. The coward screamed, bleeding profusely from the force. Freddy couldn't look away because of shock. What the hell was happening? He stood up, being as quiet as possible as he approached. The injured man fell to his knees, clutching his bleeding hand and moaning in pain.

-I-It feels horrible... It's not supposed to feel like this! Right!?--She sobbed as tears ran down her cheeks-

-The tall man looked down without a hint of emotion- -It's because you lack a fighting spirit. You're weak... You couldn't even prick your finger because of this power. You don't deserve it- -She explained darkly-

-N-No! No! I paid you! I deserve it!- -The bleeding man grunted between groans- -You're going to give me my money back, now! And I want to talk to your boss!-

-For the first time, a smile appeared on the criminal's face--You deserve it? You don't deserve anything--he stepped on his injured hand with his foot and nailed it to the pavement- -You inherited your wealth from your hard-working and tenacious father. You never attended college, you got bad grades in grade school, and you haven't worked a day in your life. When you found out about an easy ticket by force, you had your own assistant, call me and arrange everything. You are pathetic, and now you are finally faced with something that cannot be given to you. Find that tenacity within yourself, or die—he swung his foot, breaking the sobbing man's hand in the process—

-Die!?- -The man shouted- -Did you never say I would die!? What type of business are you running?

-The criminal spat in the inferior man's face--We are not a business. We are an idea. A concept. A dream of a world without people like you. So accept the challenge or cleanse the planet of yourself-

-Freddy wanted to help. He had to help. But the man in front of him was huge, which made him pale. Despite that, if he didn't do anything, the rich guy would die. So he tried to draw out his courage from the depths of his being, ready to help, even though he was aware that this would not end well at all-

Freddy:H-Hey! -She shouted, becoming visible before her eyes-

-The coward screeched in surprise, while the tall man almost narrowed his eyes-

Freddy:L-Leave him alone, n-now -He growled, taking a step forward- -L-Whatever you think is happening here is over. Get lost, or else--he stood up, or as tall as he could, looking at the man-

-The tall man just smiled--Child, you appeared out of nowhere. That's a pretty cool trick. I must have been distracted... That, or you're one of our clients- -He raised a hand, his open palm directed at the brunette- -Killing a young boy would really bother me. So I give you a chance to leave-

Freddy:Tsk!...-he stood firm although a little fearful, looking at the creeping man- Will he die if I leave? -He questioned-

-He will die if he is weak. It's completely up to him now. You will die if you stay. Everyone's fate is in his own hands tonight- -He explained in a neutral tone-

Freddy:Who are you!? And what did you poke him with!? -The brunette demanded with severity in his voice-

-The man sighed--So you are choosing to die... I can respect that. My name is Jollibee or you can just call me Jolly -he introduced himself and then pointed at the cowardly man- This man is Neil Archer, an English millionaire who wanted the power of my organization. However, there is a catch to such power. The weak spirit cannot bear it. He will devour him, and eventually kill him, cleansing the Earth of a weak soul-

Freddy:So the weak don't deserve to live? -she gritted her teeth-

Jolly:Look around. We have created a world where Darwinism is irrelevant. The weak are carried on the backs of the workers. In our purest form, the strong prospered and their lineage prospered. We are contaminating the human race. with scum like Neil—he began to have passion in his tone for the first time, truly believing in these ideals—

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Narrator: [Freddy was a little young to fully understand these concepts. All he knew was that Jolly planned to kill a lot of good people. He couldn't allow that. Going home he could wait. He needed to stop it]

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Freddy: I won't let you, I won't let you murder him! -That's all the brunette said-

Jolly: -this forms a sly smile on his face-I like you, boy. How old are you? -He asked-

Freddy:15. But I can kick your ass - He growled, taking another step forward as his legs shook - So run or test your theory. Let's see if he wins the fort-

-Jolly chuckled, raising his arms slowly. A blurry, transparent figure emerges from his body, floating behind him. The image is a giant wasp with a robotic appearance. Freddy, upon seeing the strange being, was disturbed.

Jolly:Can you see it, child? My Ark Patrol? -Jollibee asked with a big smile appearing on her face-

Freddy:*T-It has the same power as Bonnie's* -Freddy said in his thoughts, he wanted to get away, but he couldn't. He had to stay strong- *T-This man also has a Shadow!* -For a moment he questioned the odds, but quickly composed himself. Was it his destiny to stop Jolly at that moment? He didn't know it, but he wouldn't let an innocent person die, he clenched his fist and got into a combat pose.

Jolly:So you will face me... A boy without Shadow? Incredible -He marveled-

Freddy:I don't care, with or without a Shadow I won't let you kill innocent people! -He growled, pointing at him-

Jolly:-he almost refused to believe such a thing. He was truly in awe of this young man. "Well then, let's see what he can do." Ark Patrol stretched out its wasp legs, emitting a purple light. "Do you know how many dead things there are around us?" Too many to count... Death has a firm grip on us all. It is the most powerful force in the world...

-Freddy watched in horror as a small army of dead creatures entered the alley behind Jolly. Dead insects, gray herons, a dog and snake obediently stopped in front of him, waiting for orders-

Jolly:Controlling the dead... Isn't that the most terrifying power? I should add you to my arsenal...- she chuckled-

Freddy:g-gh... -he trembled as he saw the rotten creatures gathered in front of their monstrous leader. He had never been in a real fight before. “You really are sick,” he muttered, taking a step back and thinking of a plan.

Jolly:Exanimates, kill him -He pointed towards the chestnut tree-

-The creatures ran towards him. Freddy didn't have time, he didn't know what to do, he didn't have time to escape. He couldn't fight-

-That's when something happened, the ground disappeared, revealing the sewage system beneath. All the animals stopped, almost falling into the "hole" that appeared out of nowhere-

Jolly:what the hell? Did you do this kid? -he said bewildered-

freddy: -he was just as disconcerted as Jolly-P-Not at all -He murmured-

-Although there was no time. The undead creatures thought that the invisible ground was a hole. The brunette had to take advantage of that. He focused on Neil.

Freddy:*I don't know what just happened, but this is my chance!* -he spoke in his thoughts- I'm sorry, Jolly. But I found out how I'm going to win -He gave a nervous smile mixed with fear-

Jolly:-He raised an eyebrow- Oh? In that way? -He questioned-

Freddy:I'm going to escape! -Then, she ran forward. She jumped over the creatures, using her legs to forcefully kick the ground. He rolled in front of Neil, lifting him up with a combination of his own strength - calm down, I'm here - Then, he tried to run as far as he could to be able to pass Jolly, Freddy saw Neil's state - *! Damn! He is losing a lot of blood, I have to take him to a hospital as soon as possible and then notify the police about this! * -The brunette began to run a little faster to get out of the alley at once-

Jolly: -the man realized what the chestnut tree was trying to do-So you're trying to escape your destiny, huh? -Some ropes begin to come out of the thorax of "Ark Patrol"- I regret to inform you that that will not happen, Ark Patrol! -the robotic wasp with its ropes traps Freddy with Neil-

Freddy:*what the hell!? Those are... Ropes?*

Jolly:This is the second ability of Ark Patrol, they are indestructible ropes, no matter how hard you try to free yourself, it won't work! So your fate is sealed! -euphoric shout-

-The brunette tried to get away from the grip of the ropes wrapped around his body, but his effort was useless-

Jolly:It's a shame that he has to kill you, such a young boy, but his stupidity made him go where he shouldn't have, Goodbye, child! -Ark Patrol began to tighten its ropes around Freddy's body to suffocate him-

Freddy:*I must get out... * -he was trying to escape from the ropes of Ark Patrol, but he was unable to move, he struggled as much as he could, it was useless. At that moment Freddy remembered something *there was a murderer loose in the town. Is Jolly the famous murderer? Would I be his next victim? Will my broken body appear on the news the next day?*

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Narrator: [Freddy Fazbear thought of his mother, father, brother and nephew, they were gentle people and could not possibly bear his loss. He thought about the friends he left behind in his native country, he would never see them again. He thought about the fact that he was very young, and that he could no longer enjoy his youth. He also thought about Bonnie, maybe if he had tried to be nicer this wouldn't be happening to him. Tears continued to fall from his eyes until they closed and everything was filled with darkness...]

[Apparently all was lost, Freddy Fazbear was going to die... oh no?]

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-Washing Machine Heart...-

Jolly:huh? - -before he said anything else, he is severely hit in the face by something invisible, thanks to the blow he accidentally deactivates his Shadow, making Freddy free himself from the ropes-

-The mysterious girl was none other than Fl chan, she took Freddy and Neil and made them invisible next to her. She ran as fast as she could past Jolly who was stunned by the blow, creating another "hole" in her side to trap him in the alley.

-After a block or two, she became visible next to those already mentioned, growling as she dragged both boys. They had passed out during all the commotion. She reached into her coat pocket and found her cell phone. She dialed 911.

fl chan:I have a wounded man with me... I found him knocked out in an alley... -He gasped, looking at the street sign. It was read as Zwanenburgwal. She had no idea how to pronounce such a thing. “I'm in… Zane…. Zanewanburg…. Uh…” She panicked, knowing the man had to be approaching. “Zwanenburgwal?” Is that? Just please bring an ambulance...

-He hung up, looking towards the path he came from. Nothing to see yet... The man in his arms was turning very pale. The wound on his palm was bleeding profusely. In fact, he seemed to be bleeding too much.

fl chan:What kind of wound was that? She-she touched her forehead and found that she was burning. She just had to wait for the ambulance, then she went to check on the brunette, making sure he was okay.

Freddy:{Just stay kicking for a few more minutes} -The brunette muttered-

-The green-haired girl was scared at that moment, Freddy was waking up and couldn't discover that she was a Shadow user, so she became invisible-

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Freddy:uh... -he gets up from the pavement, stunned- .... -he looks around and notices that he was no longer in the alley, plus the millionaire Neil was next to him- What? How is this possible? -He began to wander in his thoughts, until he heard a noise that caught his attention- Uh?... -It was a branch, it had signs of having been stepped on- How one has just passed by here. Why did that branch break? -Strangely, he approached the object but as he did so he felt that he touched something, but he couldn't see it- What the hell!? -he tried to knock again, but this time there was nothing, the brunette grabbed his forehead-I must be hallucinating... -followed by that, the brunette crouches down-

-The green-haired girl sighs with relief, the bear boy didn't see her, he was about to leave but what he didn't realize was that Freddy grabbed a small jar of paint-

Freddy:*No, I'm not hallucinating, a few seconds ago, I started hearing footsteps, there is something invisible that is following me! If it's another Shadow... -he throws the paint jar, causing its contents to spill into the air- I'll find out!

-The painting fell on top of the invisible being, Freddy, upon looking carefully, discovered that the silhouette belonged to someone he already knew-

Freddy:E-Eferu Hirose?

Fl chan: -removes the paint from his face-H-Hello Freddy -she said nervously-

Freddy:Y-You... Y-You also have an S-Shadow? -he declared in a state of shock-

fl chan:L-Listen to me, I can explain-- -she was interrupted as Neil's cell phone began to ring--Who could it be? -The naive side of her thought that maybe it could be the ambulance number. She picked up, waiting for a voice. Unfortunately, it was one that she recognized-

^That man, dead or alive, is the property of my organization. I might be inclined to let you escape, but not him^ -Jolly growled over the line-

-Fl chan froze at such a statement. What would that man want with Neil's corpse? She racked her brain. What is of value in it? but she did not have time to continue wandering in her thoughts, since a scream made her return to reality-

-The scream came from the brunette, who had a dagger stuck in his back, and then collapsed to the ground-

FL chan:Freddy! -the green-haired girl approached the bear boy- this is very bad! - the green-haired girl immediately removes the dagger from the brunette's back, but doing so caused abundant blood to flow from the wound, splashing it - u-ugh - the green-haired girl looks around to discover who was responsible, until she sees him, a few meters away from her was Jolly, standing there- grrr... damn! Don't you give up!?

Jolly: -with a smile on his face he answers-Your friend had the opportunity to give me Neil, but since I tried to be the hero, look how it ended - he exclaimed while his index finger pointed at the brunette who was unconscious - so I'll give you a chance... Give me that one! useless from there! -He exclaimed while now pointing to the billionaire named Neil-

Fl chan: -the green-haired girl thought for a moment, but said...-No... I won't give it to you

Jolly: Hmph... you wasted your chance to get rid of your destiny, it's a shame, but... -manifests "Ark Patrol" again- you and your friend must die -behind Jolly the zombified animals appear again, ready to eat fresh meat

FL chan:Washing Machine Heart! -she also manifests her shadow, ready to fight-

fl chan:I have a Shadow too! so I'm not afraid of you!

Jolly:We'll see about that... attack!

-The zombified animals rushed towards the green-haired girl, she with her Shadow dodged the attacks of the creatures, but since there were too many of them it was difficult for her-

Fl chan: *damn, more and more are coming* -she was surprised when a dead dog jumps on her-! -she gets rid of the canine by hitting it with her Shadow-I'm sorry, puppy

-2 other animals jump on her, but this time they managed to hurt her, biting her on part of her neck-

FL chan:Ahh! -the green-haired girl screamed in pain, but immediately WMH hit the 2 animals-

WMH: ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA! -The Shadow gave a flurry of blows to the animals while she gave a war cry, Fl chan, being very injured, tries to get up to face Jolly-

-Jolly, seeing how the green-haired girl was hurt, decided to speak-

Jolly:are you trying to get up? but how sad... if I had to compare you to something, it would be with a sandbag against a boxer. you just got up to take a beating, Ark Patrol! -The wasp again takes out the ropes from her and wraps them around Fl chan's body- and now... the final blow -he began to tighten the ropes on the green-haired girl's body-

-Fl chan tried to free himself, but knew it was useless, the ropes were indestructible-


-The man turned to look, and he could see a purple-haired boy with rabbit ears watching him, it was Bonnie f*ckugami, who had a very serious face- something offered to you?

Bonnie:-The purple-haired man observed the scene carefully, he saw a boy lying in the street, his partner being hanged by the man, but... he also observed Freddy with a wound on his back- Is it possible to know, what the hell was wrong with him? are you making my friends?

Jolly:Ha, your friends? -he lets go of Fl chan abruptly to head towards the purple-haired man- well, you see, your friends got into big trouble, now I'm going to eliminate them so that there are no witnesses, that includes you, it's not my fault, it's their fault - The man raises his index finger and puts it on the rabbit boy's forehead. "They dug their own grave by making me angry, so boy... let me finish my job." He turns around ready to finish killing the green-haired girl.

Bonnie:-he sighs heavily- I, Bonnie f*ckugami... -Jolly stops dead, and looks at the purple-haired man again- I have been labeled as a problem boy, I usually destroy my opponents when I fight, there was a filthy carrion who called himself professor who harassed my classmates at my previous high school. So I beat him up because he never dared to step foot in the school again, in the restaurants that serve me disgusting food. I make sure not to pay the bill and laugh in her f*cking face, however... even I... -she clenches her fists while looking at Jollye who had a bored face- I know a despicable evil when I see it! evil is using the weak for your own good and then trampling on them... especially if they are my friends! -the purple-haired man points at the man with a look that showed anger- that's exactly what you did, bastard! Neither your victims nor the law can see your Shadow, that's why... I will judge you!

Jolly:the evil? -the man gives a small laugh at such nonsense- you are wrong, evil refers to losers. and justice is the word of the victor, the last one standing! -Ark patrol takes out his chest ropes again- the method is irrelevant!

-The ropes go against Bonnie, but the purple-haired boy is smarter and manages to dodge by stepping aside, then running along the wall for a few seconds, the rabbit boy landed back on the ground and kicked a bucket of paint towards Jolly. -

Jolly:The loser will always be the evil one. He takes my knockout blow! -Jolly's shadow took out other ropes from his chest, the man's idea was to pierce Bonnie with them-

Bonnie:what are you saying? Is the loser the evil one? -she said while she had the front part of the purple-haired man's hair covering his eyes-

Jolly:Take this! Ark Patrol! -the ropes were heading at maximum speed towards the rabbit boy-

Bonnie:Well, in that case... -the purple-haired man fully manifests his Shadow, which manages to avoid the ropes that were heading towards him with his arms-

Jolly:As!? impossible! Have you canceled my ark patrol's attack!? -he questioned himself, bewildered-

Bonnie:the loser is you! -Shadow Bonnie heads towards Ark Patrol and with her left hand grabs the robotic wasp from her head and starts shaking it-

Shadow Bonnie: ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA! -gave his war cry as he shook Ark Patrol violently-

-while Jolly writhed in pain, and tried to free himself from the purple-haired Shadow's grip-

Shadow Bonnie: -with her right hand she forms a fist- ORA! -The fist went directly to Ark Patrol's head, the blow was very severe as one of its wasp antennas shot into the air- ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA! -the Shadow shouted as he hit Jolly's Shadow severely-

-Shadow Bonnie pulls Ark Patrol up-

Bonnie:Who will judge you... -The purple-haired Shadow hits the wasp in the air for the last time, sending it crashing into a nearby wall, breaking it in the process- IT WILL BE MY SHADOW! -The blow was so strong that it not only ended up destroying the wall, but the entire building-

Jolly:AGH! -The man complained about the pain, and then wounds opened up all over his body and a lot of blood flowed out-

Jolly:W-What a powerful Shadow... -falls to the ground unconscious-

-The purple-haired man completely ignores Jolly and heads towards the boys, he checks the pulses of Fl chan, Neil and Freddy, and seeing that they were still alive he calmed down a little, now, he needed to take them to a hospital-

-For his good luck, some ambulances were beginning to arrive at the place where he was, they were the same ones that Fl chan had called a few moments ago-

-Bonnie crawled towards Freddy, rubbing her forehead and sighing-

Bonnie:You will be fine. -He murmured, collapsing on top of him, he admitted it, using his Shadow was very tiring. The siren of an ambulance could be heard in the distance. Soon he arrived, picked up the boys. He allowed himself to sleep, feeling a little safe for the moment-

-not far from there, a man could be seen observing the scene-

-Damn, Jolly just failed with the mission, I need to find the dagger and that f*cking millionaire -his gaze now goes to the boys- but... thinking about it, those boys could serve us better than that fa*ggot Neil, they have some skills quite interesting -a smile forms on his face- I have the feeling that the boss would love to talk to them.

-the mysterious man turns around and stretches in the shadows-

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.