The Easiest Beeswax Candle Recipe | Homemade Gift Ideas (2024)

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There is nothing like a burning candle in the winter months to cozy up a home. Learn how to make the easiest DIY beeswax candles with this video tutorial, as well as simple written instructions.

The Easiest Beeswax Candle Recipe | Homemade Gift Ideas (1)

I used to burn candles all the time. Then I came across an article about the toxins found in the wax and wicks. Well, there went that and all the candles!

My husband always gets nervous when I’m up googling because usually, it results in something else in our home being unhealthy. No, we can’t be perfect, and we don’t have a perfectly toxic-free home. But I am going to try my best!

Most of the time, I just run the diffusers to get the scent I want, but having a candle burning adds an extra cozy touch. Don’t let candle making overwhelm you, as it did me for a long time, because it is actually a very simple process.


THE EASIEST BEESWAX CANDLE RECIPEThe Easiest Beeswax Candle Recipe | Homemade Gift Ideas (2)

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  1. Add the beeswax to a metal pitcher or metal can. I suggest using a metal container that you can throw away when you are done because it is next to impossible to clean beeswax out of dishes. I am using an old popcorn tin.
  2. Place the metal container into a large pot of water and bring to a boil. This is your double boiler! Turn heat down to medium and occasionally stir until all the beeswax is melted. Be sure the water doesn’t splash into the beeswax container.
  3. Once the beeswax is completely melted, remove from heat and stir in the coconut oil. (This helps the beeswax burn slower.)
  4. Add in 30-50 drops of essential oils of choice. (optional)
  5. Secure a wick at the bottom of the mason jar with a little glue and then fill the jar with the melted wax and coconut oil. Leave about an inch of room at the top of the jar.
  6. Using a pencil or bamboo skewer, wrap the other end of the wick around it and lay it horizontally across the top center of the jar. This will keep the wick centered while the wax hardens.
  7. Once the wax is completely hardened, you can trim the wick, and it is ready to light. It should be about 1/2 inch long.

ESSENTIAL OILSThe Easiest Beeswax Candle Recipe | Homemade Gift Ideas (3)

  • If you are making candles to scent your house, it is going to take a lot of essential oils. It would be more cost-effective to use a diffuser if you are trying to get a specific aroma to fill the home.
  • You can use essential oils in your candles, and they do let off a scent, but you will have to add about 30-50 drops of essential oils per candle. I personally rather not use that much essential oil in a candle and instead add 4-6 drops to a diffuser.
  • The trick is to add the essential oils when the wax is still hot and not hardened, but not so hot that the essential oils evaporate. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly before adding the essential oils and then stir them in.
  • I prefer to light an unscented candle for the cozy feel and run my diffuser to get the scent. This allows you to get more of the aromatic benefits and still gives you a nice smelling, cozy home.

If you decide to add essential oils to your candles (which I have and really enjoyed), here are some combinations that smell really nice together:

Bergamont + Wild Orange + Lime

Geranium + Lemongrass

Peppermint + Lemon + Wild Orange

Cassia + Cinnamon + Siberian Fir (This is a great one for Christmas!)

Lavender + Sandalwood + Vetiver + Patchouli

Rosemary + Juniper Berry + Tangerine


Not all store-bought candles are bad. However, most are filled with toxins. Candles can contain toxic chemicals in the wax and wicks. When they are being burned, these toxins are being released into your home and polluting the air.

Most candles are made with paraffin wax, which creates highly toxic chemicals that are known carcinogens when burned.

To maintain better air quality within the home, consider making homemade candles using beeswax, which is full of benefits, or using an essential oil diffuser.

You can also read more about beeswax and soy wax here.

SOME NOTES AND TIPS ABOUT THE CANDLESThe Easiest Beeswax Candle Recipe | Homemade Gift Ideas (4)

  • If you have ever made anything with beeswax before, you know how hard it can be to clean off dishes. I use beeswax in my homemade lip balm,sunscreen, and Christmas candles.
  • Try to use the least amount of dishes as possible, and if you can, it is best to use things that can be thrown away—or saved for all your beeswax DIYs.
  • You can make these candles in a crockpot by putting the wax straight in the jars and letting them warm up in the crockpot to melt the wax. This is an excellent option if you don’t have a throwaway metal container to use.
  • When you go to light your candle for the first time, if the wick is sparking or smoking, just blow it out and recut your wick. If it is much shorter than 1/2 inch, it will cause the candle to burn down in a tunnel shape.
  • Get creative and use old coffee mugs or little cute vintage containers as your base. Anything that is heat resistant can make a cute candle holder.

Have you ever made your own homemade candles? Did you scent them? Which essential oils did you use and like most? Share with us in the comments below!

Looking for the scent of a candle without worrying about an open flame? Try these Homemade Candle Wax Melts


The Easiest Beeswax Candle Recipe | Homemade Gift Ideas (5)

What to read next:

  • Candle dipping for beginners
  • How to make mason jar candles with dried flowers
  • Homemade coffee candles

Beeswax Candle Recipe

The Easiest Beeswax Candle Recipe | Homemade Gift Ideas (6)

Prep Time5 minutes

Cook Time10 minutes

Additional Time10 minutes

Total Time25 minutes


  • 1 pound beeswax
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 4-ounce mason jars (this recipe will fill 6)
  • Candle Wicks
  • Metal container
  • Bamboo Skewers or pencils
  • Essential oils (optional)


  1. Pour the beeswax into a metal container or pitcher.
  2. Place the metal container into a large pot of water and bring to a boil.Turn heat down to medium and stir occasionally until the wax is melted. Make sure no water splashes into the wax container.
  3. Once the beeswax is completely melted, remove from heat and stir in the coconut oil.
  4. Add in 30-50 drops of essential oils of choice if you want to make a scented candle. This is optional.
  5. Secure a wick at the bottom of the mason jar with a little glue and then fill the jar with the melted wax and coconut oil. Leave about an inch of room at the top of the jar.
  6. Using a pencil or bamboo skewer, wrap the end of the wick around it and lay it horizontal over the jar. This will keep the wick in the center while the wax hardens. (See video tutorial)
  7. Once the wax is completely hardened, trim the wick to about 1/2 in and it is ready to light.
The Easiest Beeswax Candle Recipe | Homemade Gift Ideas (2024)


The Easiest Beeswax Candle Recipe | Homemade Gift Ideas? ›

Although beeswax already has a subtle, natural scent to it, you can mix in additional scents to the wax to create a more fragrant candle. Some scent options include fragrance oils, essential oils or even cocoa butter for a light chocolate scent.

What are 3 4 mistakes to watch for when making beeswax candles? ›

Top 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Making Beeswax Candles
  • Using Unfiltered Beeswax. ...
  • Using Fake Beeswax. ...
  • Not Using the Correct Wick. ...
  • Not Using a Double Boiler. ...
  • Pouring the Wax Too Hot or Too Cold. ...
  • Not Using Silicone Spray on Acrylic Molds. ...
  • Not Protecting the Workspace Against Wax Spills or Accidents.
May 11, 2023

What can you mix with beeswax to make candles? ›

Although beeswax already has a subtle, natural scent to it, you can mix in additional scents to the wax to create a more fragrant candle. Some scent options include fragrance oils, essential oils or even cocoa butter for a light chocolate scent.

What is the easiest candle wax to make? ›

Granulated wax is often used for crafting, because of its ease of use. There's no need to melt the wax! It's made from 140⁰ melt-point paraffin that has been formed into little beads, so you can just pour granulated wax into a container and insert a wick!

Why add coconut oil to beeswax candles? ›

Mixing coconut oil into beeswax will lower its melting point, making the wax easier to melt, easier to pour, and the finished candle will have an even better burn quality. Mixing coconut oil into the beeswax base of your candle can make the burn more even and stop the so-called tunnelling phenomenon.

What not to put in candles? ›

In summary, it is not safe to add dried flowers or herbs to your candles. Safety is of utmost importance in candle making, which involves using the correct wick, trimming wicks, and refraining from adding foreign materials to your candles.

What type of wick is best for beeswax candles? ›

Different waxes have different densities and melting points and will in turn require a different level of heat from your wick to allow your candle to burn well. For instance, due to the hard and sticky consistency of beeswax, Cotton Braid wicking is ideal for candles made from this wax.

Can you add fragrance oil to beeswax candles? ›

Adding fragrance to beeswax candles

You can use any fragrance or essential oil you like for candles. Test them to make sure you like the smell! In general, I use about 1-2 ounces of scent for every pound of beeswax. You may need to make a few test candles to find out what strength you prefer.

What wax to avoid in candles? ›

Avoid aromatherapy candles made of paraffin or gel, both petroleum byproducts. In all things, avoiding the fossil fuel industry when you can makes sense for living a green life. Just like if you don't have to drive a car to get to your destination, don't; if you don't have to burn a petroleum-based candle, don't.

What wax holds the most fragrance? ›

Which Candle Wax Gives The Best Scent Throw? Currently Paraffin waxes are considered the best for achieving a strong fragrance – this is why many high street brands still use paraffin wax in their candles.

What type of wax is used in yankee candles? ›

What are Yankee Candles made of? Yankee candles are made from paraffin wax, as well as essential oils for fragrance and cotton for the wicks.

How to prevent sinkholes in beeswax candles? ›

One effective method to combat sinkholes is the use of relief holes. After the initial pour and cooling, candle makers can poke small holes around the wick. These holes allow the trapped air to escape and provide space for additional candle wax to fill any gaps during a second pour.

What do you mix with beeswax to make candles? ›

You'll Need

Transfer the beeswax to the jar/tin and melt over medium heat. Once the beeswax is completely melted, add the coconut oil and your favorite essential oil blend. For this candle, I used 30 drops of jasmine, 15 drops cedarwood, and 10 drops ylang-ylang.

What are 3-4 mistakes to watch for when making soy candles? ›

What Not to Do When Making Soy Candles at Home!!
  • Step 1: Don't Pour Your Wax Into the Candle Container While It Is Hot. ...
  • Step 2: Don't Use Food Coloring or Crayons for Dyeing Your Wax. ...
  • Step 3: Don't Try Making a Big Candle When You First Trying Your Hands on Candle Making.

What causes tunneling in beeswax candles? ›

This is called a candle's “memory.” It happens because previously melted wax is softer and takes less heat to re-melt again compared to wax that hasn't been melted yet, so when you re-light your candle the wax is melting at different rates which results in a tunneling effect.

What causes sinkholes in beeswax candles? ›

During the pouring process, air can become trapped in the wax. As the wax cools and these air bubbles rise to the surface, they can leave small cavities or sinkholes behind.


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