The Canton Independent-Sentinel from Canton, Pennsylvania (2024)

Thurcday.ldtu 4, 1 973 -The Canton Independent-Sentinel iat Jenkins Takes Flood Loan Can Affect Taxes on EJetut3(is Remember? Tourney Honors For CHS Warriors Pat Jenkins, senior, led the Can- The Canton Independent Sentinel Founded in 1871 as The Canton Sentinel by Charles H. Butt and successively owned by Charles E. Bullock, A. B. Bowman, Charles D.

Derrah, Fred Newell, Fred Newell, afflT Hattie Newell. Merged in 1941 with The Canton Independent, which was ounded the same year by E. E. Wootton of The Canton Publishing Com- Grand Jury Returns 15 Cages; Dismisses Tw The Bradford County Grand Jury convened in TcAvanda on Dec. 19, and returned 15 true bills, ci: -missing two.

Gui'ltv pleas were entered in three other cases, including one which originally had The Pennsylvania Story By Mason Denison 25 Years Ago Many farmers have received loans from 'Farmer's Home Administration and the Small Business Administration during the past several months. The first $5000 of 13 Snllfvan Co. Municipalities to Receive $52,673 torn Warrior High School basketball pany. January 8, 1948 -i 1-1 i fnyutvvn Pn Kl toll ITliOr POrtYl- team to take the 'North Penn these loans Idoes not (have to be Christmas Basketball Tournament pajd back. Farmers are asking if (Thursday over 'Liberty with 812-65 tMs money is taxable.

There are -win. In the consolation game, hostt three situations relative to the tax North Penn defeated Galeton, 49- Status that need to be considered, 38- says Associate County Agent Al- Pat, a third-year varsity player, ton Homan. pany Building at 18 Troy Street, Canton, in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, where the Towanda Valley begins and where Bradford joins the counties of Tioga, Lycoming and Sullivan. Its purpose will be to serve the best interests of The Canton Trading Area Some 13 Sullivan County muni-c-'palfitiies will receive a total of $5'2V73 in revenue sharing funds Pennsylvania Democrats, as they istant their thiridl year in office this while the county itself will get week under the banner of the went into the tournament with 988 the money was cused to replace 296, according' to ifiigures released Shapp Administration unquestion- total ipomts. Jm the hrst round, lost crops, feed or supplies, it must toy Rrdhard' Schiweiker.

OWNER AND PUBLISHER Canton Publishing Company, Inc. Phone 717 673-5151 (Listed in flhe order of amounts ably can mark up 1972 as their Jen-tans netted 27 points in defeat- be reported as income and thus will MEMBER MEMBER PENNSTLVAfHA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS' ASSOCIATION critical year. Hfflg (North- IPenm 4 to iOHIb'9 66 be taxed. 'However, itihe expenses Most certainly it has been a year score. This put Pat over the 1,000 incurred in purtdhas-ing feed or sup- of decision, if there ever was one m'ark for 'his varsity at CHS.

plies will be dsdeiotble expenses so insofar as donkey riders of the Jenkins was selected Most Valu- that the net on taxes will he zero. Keystone State were concerned. able Player of the tournament with If a person does not spend the But in actuality it has been far 20 points in the finals. Pat's young- $5000 before the first of the year, more than just that. er brother Erin poured in 19; Steve there will be taxes due on 'the mon- Mr.

Shapp for example has two illTj Scott Williams 10, in ey. more years of Wis tenure to serve bringing Coach Malloy a 82-65 vac- The second situation involves re- Ordinarily, and tMs has been tMy er Mberty. placement of personal items lost in the case quite religiously in the 'An All-Star squad was picked the flood These included such after the tournament. Picked to be things as furniture, clothing, or to be received, they are: Cherry Golley Township, iDushore Boro, Eagles Mere Borough, lEl'kland Township, (Shrewsbury Township, DaVldson Township, Laporte Borough, Forks Township, $8115; iFox Township, $700; Hillsgrove, $019 Laponte Township, $526; Forksville Borough, $246. Association Founded 885 Entered1 at the post office ait Canton, 17724, September 18, 1941 as Second Class Matter under Act of March 3, 1897.

been approved' by the grand jury for One additional case was continued at the request of the The igraridl jury dismissed' charges of assault (with intent to maim and aggravated assault and battery, resulting from a stalbbing ait the Troy Hotel. The Troy incident had resulted in the assault charges against Larry VonArx, 26, Emporium. According- to defense witnesses at VonArx's preliminary hearing, he had stabbed Richard Chamberlain, 24, Genesee, Pa. The defense witnesses said Chamberlain had been giving a vicious beating to James DayWa'lt, about the same age, of Renova, Pa. Witnesses for the defense stated that they feared for life.

According to them, VonArx stopped the beating by stabbing Chamberlain with a pocket knife. Police reported Chamberlain was hospitalized for treatment of the wound1. A clear cut reason for the beating had never been reported. The men were living at the Troy Hotel while conducting oil or gas drilling operations in that area. The annual election of officers of the In-nes Hose Company was held in the borough building, Jan.

6. The president appointed tellers, Flloyd S'chaffenaker, Charles See-' lye and William Mason who made the following report: T. S. Jones, president; H. L.

Jay-son, vice president; James H. Taylor, secretary; Harry Williams, treasurer. Trustees: H. G. Wood, Francis Schmelz'le and George Schoonover.

Janitor: William Terry Miss Lillian Blarney, daughter of Perry Blaney of Canton and Kenneth E. Yaggie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam C. Yaggie of Roaring Branch were 'married on Dec.

19. The Rev. Goudd of Ralston performed the double ring ceremony. The marriage of Miss Bernice Johnson of New York to A. S.

Wa-termond of New Haven. took place on Doc. 24 in Branford Congregational Church in New Haven. William M. Rosenfield Becomes Judge in a colorful ceremony in the main court room at Towanda.

Commonwealth Telephone Cotn-ipany serving subscribers in an Managing Editor Associate Editor DONALD THOMAS MBS. DONALD THOMAS n. i n. i. on it were- Pifer of Galeton Rise's other household iterms.

The money gubernatorial reign1 have been clas- WCIC- rM" ul item's is not taxable. However, cas $6.00 a Year, $3.25 for 6 Months for Zones 1 and 2 $7.00 a Year for all other Zones Single Copy 15 Cents Grinnel of 'Liberty; and' Kaczynski of North Penn. Parents Announce ualty loss for tax purposes on per- 111 21 18 615 sonai items will be reduced by the Approaching Marriage Canton serves an area of 12,000 people. Advertisers who desire to reach this profitable field can do so through this Newspaper. amount of money spent for replace 21 22 13 26- Mr.

and Mrs. Francis Terry ana uvirs. rands lerry ot ffg 'And Spread the Truth From Pole to Pole' Thursday, January 4, 1973 sified as "the declining years." Historically a chief executive in the iast half of his tenure has been referred to as a "lame diuiok" (in every sense of the Inasmuch as he could not succeed himself (under terms of Pennsylvania's "modernizeld1" Constitution, Governor Shapp may) administrative programs as such have largely fallen by the wayside in the past. Upon reaching the half-way point a chief executive almost automatically was classified as a "has one whose potential "power'' diminished with each passing month to the point of virtually no return by the time he was through with his gubernatorial office. Up to the advent of the Democratic Leader Administration in 1954, Pennsylvania Republicans who rather and without 4 1 8 2 0 24 8 0 Iiiberty Canton Canton P.

Jenkins Riggs Williams Herman E. Jenkins Grantier Malloy Totals Liberty Grinnel Johnson Bulbb Bliss Castle Gregory Hamilton Firy, 29 Manstfielldl announce the engagement of 'their daughter. Joan May, to Gary Dickerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dickerson of Ellen-ton.

Miss Terry is a graduate of Mansfield High School and is now employed at Canford Manufacturing Co. Mr. Dickerson is a graduate of 'Canton High School and Wifliam'Siport Area Community College and is now employed at Bel-laws Valvair. He is also a self-etmployed carpenter. A July wedding is 'planned.

VFW AUXILIARY tnent. For example, if you lost $7000 worth of personal items and received $5000 to replace them, there will be only a $2000 casualty writeoff for tax purposes less the SI 00 standard deduction against all casualty losses. The third situation involves expenditures of loan money to replace depreciable capital items. The (depreciable base of new property will be reduced iby the loan money that does not have to be paid back. For example, you lost a tractor with a $2000 undepreciated vallue and purchased a new one for $8000.

The cost basis of the tractor for depreciation will)! be pro- ej.h area has announced Troy Police Chief Ted YorV secuted. Chamberlain had been cnarged with assault and battery for the alleged beating of DayWalt, and' the jury approved prosecution on that charge. The. prosecutor here was DayWalt. In other action, the jury ap The Ladies Auxiliary to VFW, $10,000 less the $5,000 loan to be proved prosecution of James Hoov- 2 ,28 "forgiven" or a total of $5000.

It Post 714, Canton will meet at the er 0(f Jan amj Bill's Hotel, Towan debate controlled the legislative Miller branch, elected fiscal offices and Totals the executive branch, passed off would also be possible (to write the home of Mrs. Douglas Barnes, 37 (Montague Street, Monday evening, $2000 off as a casualty loss and de a broad p'lan of improvements for its entire territory which call for installation of the dial system. Sheriff-elect Fowler Tuton and his family moved into the living' quarters of the Bradford County jail, Towanda on Saturday. The retiring R. G.

C. Jones and' his wife have moved to their former home in Wyalusing. Mr. and Mrs. 'Floyd Chaffee have moved to their newly-purchased home in North Towanda.

Mr. Chaffee was chief jail deputy under Sheriff Jones. Mr. Mrs. Charles Wright and family, Say'les, were honored at a farewell 'party at their home.

Mr. amd Mrs. Wright are leaving for Clhico, to enter a missionary training school. Marvin W. Stalker has purchased the Revnard home on East Union January 8, 1973 at eight clock one Governor after another either to pasture or the U.S.

Senate routinely turned their thoughts in one of those directions immediately after passing the mid-point in an administration. Such a routine pattern however no lonsrer exists for Keystone Ogdensburg mks. clyde Rurry Social Correspondent Happy New Year to all! A Christmas dinner was held at MEMORIAL GIFT The Canton Cofmimunity Nursing Service has roceiveidi a gift of money in memory of Mrs. Grace Tom-'lins'on from Mrs. Marion B.

preciate $3000 on the new tractor. In the event used the $5000 loan money for something other than capital expenditures, you can add the undepreciated value of lost items to the cash paid for new items to determine the cost basis. Another alternative in this case would be to take a casualty loss on lost items and depreciate the cash explains Ho- paid for new items, man. da, and Fred Pearson, 105 York Avenue, Towanda, charged with vi. olation of the drug law.

In a 'preliminary hearing, prosecutor Lyle Dunn of the Towanda Borough nollice alleged that the pair were smoking marijuana one night several months ago while sitting along Towanda's Main Street. The jury additionally approved prosecution of Dale R. O'Connor, 106 Eiimira Sayre, charged in four separate cases with twice driving under the influence of alcohol and twice driving after his license had been suspended. Charges off burglary, and receiving rSltolen goods aganst William Hushelpeck, Towanda RD were approved. After the jury approved the case, Hushelpeck reportedly pleaded guilty.

The prosecutor in this case is Towanda Police Chief Fred Scott. A case 'involving a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor placed against Terry Mack of Towanda was continued at the State Republicans, Democrats have the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl been matching them at nearly ev- Moretz and Susan. Those present ery turn in recent years.

were Mr. and Mrs. John Dorn and But insofar as Democratic Gov- Amanda of Cogan Station, Mr. and ernor Shapp is concerned in these Mrs. Arnold Way, Robin and Arnie, 7 last two years at the gubernatorial Mr.

and Mrs. Preston Kline helm (he hasn't said definitely yet and girls of Liberty and Mr. and whether he wiM or will not trot Mrs. Melvin Route and boys 'of Og- for another term), of importance densburg. now is the absolute "veto power" Mr.

and Mrs. Melvin Route and Republicans will enjoy during the boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Har- 1973 session' thanks "to their sin- old and family on Tuesday evening. Editorials January? 1973 January, one of the two months added tothe calendar (then ten months) long before the birth of Christ, is the first month of the year of the Gregorian Calendar (dating from Pope Gregory XIII in 1582).

Caesar had set the length of the year at 365 days centuries earlier; German Protestant states made the change in 1700 and England and the American Colonies in 1752 by act of Parliament. January is the first full month of winter, sometimes the coldest month of the year (if February isn't) and, in America, the month of football bowl games. The first is New Year's Day and also Emancipation Day dating from 1863. (Lincoln didn't actually set free slaves in Union states on that day but the slaves in Confederate states, where his proclamations often had little effect.) Washington won an important victory at Princeton, N.J., on the third in 1777. The first boat traversed the Panama Canal on the seventh in 1914.

The seventh is also the birthday anniversary of the nation's 13th President, Millard Fillmore, born at Locke, New York, in 1800. President Richard Nixon will celebrate his 60th birthday January ninth. Other well-known Americans born in January are Alexander Hamilton on the 11th, in 1757, in the West Indies and Benjamin Franklin on the 17th in 1706 in Boston. Daniel Webster was born on the 18th in 1782 at Franklin (formerly Salisbury), New Hampshire. Robert E.

Lee was born on the 19th at Stratford in Virginia in 1807 and his great lieutenant, Stonewall Jackson, was born on the 21st at Clarksburg, West Virginia, in 1824. Douglas MacArthur was born on the 26th in 1880. The 29th is Kansas Day, commemorating Kansas's admission to the Union in 1861. William McKinley 25th President, was born at Niles, Ohio, on the 29th in 1843. Franklin Roosevelt was born on the 30th in 1882; he was the 32nd President and the only one elected to the office four times.

gle stroke of winning control of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Route and the House of Reoresentatives. boys visited his father, James All of this noses a commlex Route and Mr Mrs. Howard gf Watch for Our BIG JANUARY Drastic Price Reductions on Thousands of Items WESTERN AUTO RUDY and DIANNE PASSERI Phone 673-3335 35 Troy Street Canton, Pa.

problem for Mr. iShapip, who now Route and Teresia. Sunday- eve-is faced with two choices: (1) niiig. Mr. and Mrs.

Dean Route and simply lie down and coast through Danny of Liberty were also there, the remaining two years of his gu- Mrs- Joan Rute and boys visit-bernatorial sojourn (as many of e(1 Mrs- Glenda Thompson and Ben-his 'predecessors before him have y. m- Tuesday afternoon, done), or (2)-slug it out wiith his Mrs- Dale Robbins and son, political adversaries and icom rap Mrs- Jackie Weeks- Mrs- Homer with the best record possible. Parker and Miss Valerie Blasko (In the opinion of this column, were luncheon guests of Mrs. Clyde Mr. Shapp will choose the later on request of the prosecutrix.

The jury approved a charge off I "fradulent'ly uttering a written instrument" against Frank and Linda Manke, RD 1, Mainesburfg, Pa. Trooper Harold Renninger was the 1 prosecutor. 1 Allie Heeman, Laceyville RD, course. The next two years may indeed collar him historically and1 routinely as a lame duck chief executive but unless we have misjudged hian, he'll eppxgre at least as a "fighting lame is not to say he will indulge an daily rant and rave sessions with the apposition legislative blocs, particularly in the House, but rather will use every formidable strategy at his command ty work through the administration "point of view. Year's Day with Mr.

and Mrs. Al-vln Shanley and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde- Rutty spent the evening with them. Mrs.

Doris Mase has returned to her home after a few days in Troy Hospital with the flu and then a few days with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mase in Blossburg. Mrs. Mase is some better but unable to resume her teaching yet this week.

Mrs. Shirley Schaad of LeRoy spent the afternoon of New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rut- THIS NEWSPAPER facing a charge of assault and battery, had his case dismissed by the jury. Prosecutor in this case was Robert Stevens.

The jury approved a charge of failure to stop at the scene of an accident against Roland Miller, 204 Mill Sayre. A larceny charge against Joey Vincent, Monroeton RD 1, was also approved, as was a similar charge against Freeman Smith, Athens, RD IT. Douglas Moore, 188 Elnnira Sayre, charged with driving under suspension, entered a guilty plea. Charges of driving under the influence of alcohol against Theodore Johnson, Tunkhannock RD 1 John D. Powell, Sharon Hill, Francis Robinson, Towanda RD Donald Stroud1, 7016 S.

Main Street, Towanda; and Donald D. Thompson, 101 Chestnut Sayre, were approved for prosecution. Sam iChaimberlain off RD 1 Milan and iRobert D. Flymn, 812 Bridge TowamkJa, pleaded guilty to charges of driving' under the lit may not be successful but it juk-m14. 4...

i i. Deitrick of Meriden, ia uauHRBBB li uiiiuiiic it uiuuk Duane PICTURES iMiiton j. laterally tnrowmg spent the New Year's weeK in the towel in the face off the end w'Un hIg parents, Mr. and Mrs Street. A group of Canton's young people were entertained at a New Year's party at the home of Phil Preston.

Doris Ann Wynne, Gleaon, spent New Year's Day with Lois Campbell. Jerry Brann spent a few ttays last week with his unole, John Brann in Williamsport. Rev. and Mrs. A.

R. Fesmire and daughter of Wheaton, 111., were Canton visitors last week. Theye were entertained by Dr. and Mrs. J.

Gordon Zinik. T. H. Beam is back in his place of business after being ill for several days. Mr.

and Mrs. Bruce Adams have returned from a vacation at Lock Haven, over the holidays. Miss Anna Dee Watts visited friends in Elmira and Addison, N. over the holidays. George Haflett is driving a new Chevrolet truck.

Wilbur Colton and Dick Chaane! buzzed wood for Lester Allen, Saturday afternoon. Lynn Porter plowed roads Friday afternoon. Electricity was off here from Thursday night until Friday afternoon due to a bad ice storm. P. F.

Fleming- is driving a new Studobaiker truck. Mrs. iNorman Warren and daughter, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Perry Watts and family, Bennett Hill. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert S. Castle, Canton, announce the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth to Robert F. Krise, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Krise, Canton. Miss iMany Jane SheffeJl, cadet nurse of Williamsport, spent the week end with her parents. Miss Betty Sheffel returned to her studies at MSTC on iSunday. Mr. Mrs.

B. H. Castle off Canton, announce the engagement off their daughter, Dorothy, to Gordon iSchanbacher, son off Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schanbaoher of Liberty.

About 'fifty frieridls of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Preston gathered at their home Friday, Dec. 26 to celebrate their 36th wedding anniversary. The party was a complete surprise.

The foMocwing people will represent Canton ISahool at Northeast District Band at Hazelton: Paul Gardner, French horn; Bill iKinch, Clarinet; Linda Lloyd, bass clarinet; Claudia Ottoson, flute; Phyl-iKs Porter, tenor saxophone and Ellen Spencer, oboe. The music department of the Canton High School has chosen the operetta, Meet Arizona. Miss Laura Bohlayer is teaching in Miss Barnes' room. Mary Jeanne Stone returned to her school in New York after spending the holidays at her home. Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Holcombe were New Years' dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H.

Holcombe, celebrating Mrs. Holcombe 's birthday on Jan. 1. lEloise Shadduck returned to MSTC after spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Zura Floyd Deitrick WILL bt TAKEH COLOR Troy Hospital Admissions Discharges Mr.

and Mrs. Gene Deitrick and family and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Deitrick were visitors in the afternoon Monday of Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Deitrick, Susie and Kay. 2k challenge confronting him in the next ho years. lit is true he may be clabbered' soundly in his effort but then again, this is nothing new to His Excellency. The past two years have been somewhat despairing years iti many respects for Mr. Shapp, whether he admits St or not, and these were years when both legislative houses were dominated by his own party.

7TAKEN East Point MRS. OSCAR SBCmtlST Social Correspondent I NATURAL I COLOR Mr. and Mrs. WSllard Beck were shoppers in Williamsport, Thursday. The Lester Morgan Family Has Gathering Mr.

and Mrs. Wllliad Beck andX, Mrs. Oscar Sechrist attended The family of Mr. and IMrs. Les- grange at Sebring, Thursday Morgan gathered at the home of njne.

Grever MRS WALTER SPENCER Social Correspondent Mrs. Julia Sburgis returned home Jast Thursday after spending a week over 'Christmas at the home of her granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Heffner and son at N. Y.

Joseph Sturgis of spent the holidays with his parents at Hotmestealdi, Fflsa. Mrs Lilly Sipertcer, daughter Georgia and her three daughters trere Friday dinner guests off Mr. and iMrs. Frank Miller in honor of Mrs. Spencer's birthday.

Mrs. Frances Bryan and daughter. Pine Valley, N. called on Mrs. Ida iSnell, last Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Heffner and Johnny of Addison, N. and (Mrs. Julia Sburgis called on Mr.

and Mrs. John Preston, Thursday afternoon. Stephen Spencer and son Chris of Canton were Sunday dinner igttests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer.

Mr. and 'Mrs. Ward Norton, Sayre, were Sunday' dinner guests off his isister, IMrs. Ida Snell. Mrs.

Margaret Smiley off Elimira was a Sunday afternoon caller. Mrs. Lilly 'Spencer, Georgia and daughters 'Lisa, ISuai and Cindy spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wood at Troy.

Mrs. Wood is still a bed patient at her home and goes to the hospital Iby ambulance in two weeks for x-rays. FAMILY GROUPS OUR SPECIALTY NO OBUGATION1 LfftGG Mrs. Helen Forer spent several Area admissions at Troy Community 'Hospital, Dec. 26-31: Troy: Louise Scott, HarrLette 'Hennings, Harvey Davidson Canton: Harriett! A.

Broobs, Toni Lamb, Gertrud Swingle, Myrtle Woodard, David Heffner, Marion Root, Susan Allen, Nona M. Streck, Gertrude Turner Columbia Cross Roads: David H. VanDewark, Carol 'Dickerson Roaring Branch: Jill E. Graham Granville Summit: Anna M. Haff-lett Area discharged: Troy: Daisy Wood, Charles Thomas, Harvey Rodney DaVisdon, Donald Piatt Canton: Sonya K.

Schrader, Bessie Miller, Toni Lamb, Harriett Brooks, Gertrud Swingle, David Heffner Columbia Cross Roads: Carol Dickerson, David H. VanDewark, Wayne Soymonr Roaring Branch: Doris Mase, Jill E. Graham Sebring Mrs. William Hassen and Larry Pontefract called on Mrs. Edward Gleckner at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Alton Parker, this past week. Pfc. Barbara Parker has returned to Fort Bragg. N.

after spending Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Parker. Mrs. Edward Shurer and Patricia of Williamsport were Wednesday visitors of Mrs.

Edward Gleckner, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Parker, Barbara. Mr. and Mrs.

Romain Gleckner, Elmira, N. were New Year's Day callers on Mr. and Mrs. Alton Parker. Mrs.

Edward Gleckner returned home with them to spend some time. PICTURES TAKEN IN FULL. COLOR -e'y Help us make this a good Feature take your children to the place and at the time given below. days the past with her sister, Mrs. Louise Wood in Philadelphia.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Harer were dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. Ruth Harer, Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Groover and son Brian, Williamsport were week end guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Messner.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Harer left Tuesday for a vacation in Florida. A Professional Child's photographer from ncnmiAl PUBLICATIONS will take several poses in COLOR, ffiSft 10 FULL ADVANTAGE A-Yorj will be shown all proofs fn NATURAL COLOR for your selection of the pose you wish to appear in this newspaper at a later date. NOTE: The picture of your children will RUN IN BLACK and WHITE in this Newspaper.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Doud and family, on New Year's Day. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morgan, Mrs. Richard Packard, Richie and Robin, Mr. and Mrs.

Harman Morgan, Scott, Randy and Max Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Milo Morgan, Cassy and Doug, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kennedy and Gregg, Mr.

and Mrs. George Robinson, Barb and Paulette Hilnger, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Morgan, Julie, Mick and David, Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Morgan, Marie, Pat, Bob and Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sel-leck, Gail, Debbie and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cappello, Mr.

and Mrs. Ronald Morgan, Cindy and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Bill George, and Michelle, Mr. and Mrs.

Philip Doud, Dennis, Jim, Janet, Alicia Steve Doud and Miss Linda Maynard. A bountiful dinner was served and an enjoyable time was had by all. TtAKEN (living) eOLOR may, If you wish however, ORDER COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS for your own use from the representative but this is entirely up to you. Canton Debbie, Diane, Ronald and Raymond Saxe of Harrisburg spent last Thursday with their grandmother, Mrs. Walter Saxe.

iLee Purvis was admitted to the Troy Hospital on Tuesday evening following an illness at his home. ATTEND SEMINAR iL. R. MicConnell and Richard Se-gur attended an iR Block senw in'ar in Wi'l'liamsport Tuesday. The program dealt with personal and business losses caused! by the flood on income tax reports.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Belawske of Schenectady, N. on Dec. 31, 1972 in the St.

'Clair Hospital. The baby weighed six pounds, illl ounces. The mother is the former Gloria DeCar-lo. Mr. Belawske is the son off Mr.

and Mrs. John Belawske of Canton. 5 A. son was born to Mr. and Mrs.

'Max Lathrop, Canton RD 1 on Dec. SO, 1972 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Kltnira. The mother is the former Linda Hungerford. CLASSIFIED BIRTHDAY SURPRISE IMrs.

Willis Gray was pleasantly surprised following Sunday School hour on Sunday, Dec. 3d when she was presentetd! a birthday cake in honor of her birthday, January 4. Cake, coffee and tea were served to fellow members of the Bethany Class. MONDAY, JAN. 8, 1973 1 1 :00 a.m.

7:00 p.m. First National Bank of Canton Community Room CANTON, PA. FLORIST COMMENTATOR Mrs. Allen Scull was commentator at the Pensacola State Florist Association in Pensacola, last week and will ibe commentating at the Ohio State Florist Association in Columbus, Ohio, this week end. BOWLING NEWS The bowling news was not published this week due to a lack off space but will foe carried in next week's issue of The Canton STORY HOUR The pre-school story hour will be held every Thursday morn, ing at 10:45 o'clock.

WANTED Person for bookkeeping, typing1 and general office work. Write to Canton Publishing Co. P.O. Box 138, Canton, Pa. ltff.

The Canton Independent-Sentinel from Canton, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.